
[Gold] VIDEOS DE SHARLEEN SPITERI EN TEXAS / Sharleen Spiteri's videos from Texas

Sharleen en/from video "Getaway"

Sharleen Spiteri, voz cantante y líder del grupo escocés Texas, parece que siempre cantó sola, porque sus videos dentro del grupo, la tienen a ella como única protagonista en muchos casos. Y en otros, rodeándose con grandes actores como Alan Rickman ("Harry Potter", "Love Actually"...), Jean Reno ("French Kiss", "La Pantera Rosa"...) & James Purefoy (serie-TV "Roma").
English version
Sharleen Spiteri, lead-vocalist from Scottish group Texas, seems she's always sung solo, as her videos from the group, have her almost as the only protagonist in many cases. And in others, she has been accompanied by great actors such as Alan Rickman ("Harry Potter", "Love Actually"...), Jean Reno ("French Kiss", "The Pink Panther"...) & James Purefoy ("Rome" TV-series).
Video "Say what you want" ("Di lo que quieras"):
Video "In demand" ("Suplicando") + Alan Rickman:

Video "I'll see it through" ("Me las arreglaré") + Jean Reno:

Video: "Getaway" ("Escapar") + James Purefoy:

Video "Inner smile" ("Sonrisa interior") imitando/impersonating Elvis:



Vamos con el tercer lugar relacionado con Abba. Dejamos Estocolmo, y nos vamos a un típico pueblo sueco al borde del mar. La pista es que en este lugar filmaron uno de sus videos más famosos y de los pocos que no hicieron en la capital. ¿De qué video se trata? Y el más difícil todavía, ¿cómo se llama el pueblo?...
English version
Let's go with the third Abba related place. We leave Stockholm, and we go to a typical Swedish village by the sea. The clue: in this place they shot one of their most famous videos and one of the few they didn't do in the capital. Which video is it? And what's even more difficult, what's the name of the village?
Solución/Solution: 6/7/09

SOLE GIMÉNEZ EN LA INAUGURACIÓN DEL CERVANTES DE SYDNEY / Sole Gimenez at the opening of the Cervantes in Sydney

Sole en/in Sydney

Sole ha llevado su voz y canciones hasta las antípodas. Hasta la Casa de la Ópera de Sydney en Australia para la inauguración del primer Instituto Cervantes en Oceanía. Allí estrenó algunos temas latinos de su nuevo disco "Dos gardenias": "Rabo de nube" de Silvio Rodríguez, "Vivir sin aire" de Maná, "A Dios le pido" de Juanes y "Todo se transforma" de Jorge Dréxler. También incluyó canciones de su ex-grupo los Presuntos Implicados. Y ensalzó al idioma español por rico, muy hablado y da preciosas composiciones. Incluimos enlaces a más canciones de su nuevo CD.

English version
Sole has taken her voice and songs down under. Right down to the Sydney Opera House in Australia to the opening of the first Cervantes Institute in Oceania. There she sang some of her new versions from her latest record "Dos gardenias" ("Two gardenias"): Silvio Rodríguez's "Rabo de nube" ("Cloud's tail"), Maná's "Vivir sin aire" ("Living without air"), Juanes' "A Dios le pido" ("I ask God") and Jorge Dréxler's "Todo se transforma" ("Everything changes"). She also included songs from her ex-band Presuntos Implicados. She praised the Spanish language for being rich, spoken by many people and able to give beautiful compositions. We include links to more songs from her new CD.
Enlaces a/Links to:
Audio "A Dios le pido" ("I ask God"):
Audio "Todo se transforma" ("Everything changes"):
Audio "Eu sei que vou te amar" ("Sé que te voy a amar"/"I know I'm going to love you"):
Audio "Aguas de Marzo" ("March waters"):
Audio "Gracias a la vida" ("Thanks to life"):



"The Annie Lennox Collection"

El 9 de septiembre de 2007 fue la última entrada de Annie Lennox en este blog, repasamos su discografía con motivo de la edición de su cuarto álbum en solitario. Esta primavera fue ella misma quien repasó su discografía, recopilando sus mejores canciones en "The Annie Lennox Collection" ("Colección de Annie Lennox"). Incluyendo dos temas nuevos: "Pattern of my life" ("Estructura de mi vida"), compuesta por Tom Chaplin, líder de Keane, y "Shining light" ("Luz brillante"), versión de una canción de la banda irlandesa Ash.
English version
On the 9th September 2007 was Annie Lennox's last post in this blog, we checked her discography because her fourth solo-album was about to be released. This spring, it was her who checked her discography, collecting her best songs in "The Annie Lennox Collection". Including two new songs: "Pattern of my life", written by Tom Chaplin, leader of Keane, & "Shining light", version of a song from Irish band Ash.

Enlace a/Link to:
Video "Shining light" ("Luz brillante"):
Audio "Pattern of my life" ("Estructura de mi vida")

RAPHAEL Y AMIGOS EN LAS VENTAS, MADRID / Raphael & friends at Las Ventas, Madrid

Raphael y amigos.../& friends...

Raphael está de celebración, 50 años en la música, y como antes hizo Miguel Bosé, lanzó disco y ahora está de gira con amigos. Raphael no es uno de nuestros favoritos, pero está celebrándolo con muchos que lo son. El pasado jueves estuvo actuando en Las Ventas, Madrid y allí subieron al escenario con el: Bosé, Ana Belén, Víctor Manuel, entre otros muchos. Y también Ana Torroja, en su primera actuación tras el grave accidente y sus problemas legales. A la espera de fotos o videos del momento, incluimos videos de la grabación del disco con nuestros favoritos.

English version

Raphael is celebrating his 50 years in the music biz, and as Miguel Bosé did before, he has released a record and now he's touring with his friends. Raphael isn't one of our favourites, but he's celebrating it with many others who are. Last Thursday he held a concert at Las Ventas, Madrid and with him on stage were: Bosé, Ana Belén, Víctor Manuel, among many others. Ana Torroja was also there in her first performance since her serious accident and her legal problems. Waiting for photos or videos of that moment, we include videos of the recording of the album.

Video grabación/recording "Hijo de la luna" ("Moon's son") Ana Torroja & Raphael:

Video grabación/recording "Morir de amor" Bosé & Raphael:

Video grabación/recording "Quiero abrazarte tanto" ("I want to hug you so much") Ana Belén, Victor Manuel & Raphael:



HNMPL en/in A Coruña en Julio/in July

Celebrando que nuestro faro romano, la Torre de Hércules haya sido nombrado hoy mismo Patrimonio de la Humanidad, anunciamos que la gira del musical basado en canciones del grupo Mecano llega a nuestra ciudad en Julio y en cuatro únicas funciones el 23, 24, 25 y 26. El musical que ya ha recorrido varias ciudades de España cosechando gran éxito de público.

English version
Celebrating that our Roman lighthouse. the Hercules Tower, has been declared today World Heritage, we announce that the tour of the musical based on Mecano's songs will arrive to our city in July for a four-night perfomance on the 23rd, 24th, 25th & 26th. The musical has already toured several Spanish cities with great audience success.
Enlaces a/Links to:
Página web del musical/Musical webpage:
Audio popurri del musical/musical medley:

Video de Mecano's video "Hoy no me puedo levantar" ("I can't get up today"):

ABBA, LUGARES RELACIONADOS / Related places [Q2-Julius Krongsberg Atelje]

Portada "The Visitors", 1981 sleeve

Mapa Skansen map
Julius Krongsberg Atelje, Skansen, Estocolmo/Stockholm
Desvelamos el segundo lugar relacionado con Abba, se trata del Julius Kronbergs Atelje situado en Skansen, en los jardines más grandes de Estocolmo. Aquí en la sala que vemos, se tomó la sesión de fotos que sirvieron luego de portada del último álbum de estudio del grupo "The Visitors" ("Los visitantes"), 1981. Incluimos fotos del exterior del edificio, un mapa del parque y las fotos de la sesión con los miembros de Abba.
English version
We reveal the second Abba related place, it's Julius Kronbergs Atelje in Skansen, the biggest gardens in Stockholm. Here in the room we can see, the photos that later appeared on Abba's last studio album, "The Visitors", 1981, were taken. We include outdoor photos of the same building, a map of the park, and photos of the session with the Abba members.

Video primer single del álbum, "One of us" ("Uno de nosotros")
Video of first single from the album, "One of us":

Audio canción que da nombre al álbum/Audio of song that gives name to the album:



Diego, David & Bimba.

Pasan de candidatos a realidad, acabamos de comprar "Demo" el primer disco de The Cabriolets, el trío compuesto por Bimba Bosé, Diego Postigo y David Unison. Nos gustaba lo que habíamos oído-visto de ellos, y ahora ya tenemos su disco. Os presentamos lista de canciones y algún video.
English version
From candidates right to reality, we've just bought "Demo" the first record by The Cabriolets, the group formed by Bimba Bosé, Diego Postigo & David Unison. We liked what we had heard-seen of them, and now we've got their album. We present the tracklist and some videos.
Lista de canciones/Tracklist:
"Ríndete" ("Give up"),"Hysterical" ("Histérico"),"Quiero satisfacción" ("I want satisfaction"),
"About love" ("Sobre amor"), "Poco a poco" ("Little by little"), "Cadáver exquisito" ("Exquisite corpse"), "Holding" ("Esperando"), "Taxi", "The law of withdrawal" ("La ley de retiradas").
Video "Poco a poco" ("Little by little"):
Video "Cadáver exquisito" ("Exquisite corpse")


Murió JACKO died.

Enlace a/Link to:

Video de la noticia/News video:

Video últimos ensayos/last rehearsals:


Video "Thriller" ("Terror")


Video "Billie Jean"


Video "Beat it" ("Lárgate")

Video "We are the world" ("Somos el mundo"):


[Gold] NUEVO SINGLE DE NELLY FURTADO: "MANOS AL AIRE" / Nelly Furtado's new single

Nelly está a punto de estrenar su cuarto álbum "Mi plan", 3 años después de "Loose" ("Suelta"), y primero completamente en español. El primer single "Manos al aire" estará a la venta en digital a partir del día 30 de junio. Enlaces más abajo.

English version Nelly is about to release her fourth album "Mi plan" ("My plan"), 3 years after "Loose", and first entirely in Spanish. The first single "Manos al aire" ("Hands up in the air") will be available for digital purchase from June 30th. Links below. Enlaces a/Links to: Extracto audio/Audio fragment "Manos al aire" ("Hands up in the air") http://www.universalmusica.com/ecards/nellyfurtado2/index.html Video "All good things (come to an end)" ("Todas las cosas buenas (tienen un final)"):

Video "Fotografía" ("Photograph")+Juanes:

Video en vivo/live "Te busqué" ("I looked for you")+Juanes:


UN TERCER SINGLE DE SHARLEEN: "IT WAS YOU" / Sharleen's third single

3 single de/from "Melody"

Sharleen extrajo un tercer single del album "Melody" ("Melodía") con su video: "It was you" ("Eras tú"). Un video muy sesentero como el sonido del album. Míralo...
English version
Sharleen took a third single out from her album "Melody" together with a video: "It was you".
A video with a very 60s style like the sound in the album. Have a look...
Video "It was you" ("Eras tú")


"Hung up" "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!"

Otra nueva sección que inauguramos "Versiones". En ella recogeremos canciones que han tenido una o más versiones, intentando ofrecer enlaces a sus videos o audios. Para empezar no exactamente una canción versioneada completa, sino una canción creada a partir del uso de un fragmento. Benny y Björn no muy dados a permitir que utilicen la música de Abba, permitió que Madonna utilizase la conocida intro de "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!" ("¡Dame!, ¡Dame!, ¡Dame!") para empezar su "Hung up" ("Colgada"). Disfrutad...

English version
Another new section that we open "Versions". We are going to collect songs that have had one o more covers, trying to offer links to their videos or audios. To start with, not exactly a cover version of a complete song, but a song created from the use of a sample. Benny & Björn not very keen on giving others permission to use Abba music, let Madonna use the famous intro of "Gimme!, Gimme!, Gimme!" to start "Hung up". Enjoy...

Video Abba: "Gimme!, Gimme!, Gimme!" ("¡Dame!, ¡Dame!, ¡Dame!)":

Video Madonna: "Hung up" ("Colgada"):


Efecto Mariposa

Estrenamos la sección "Candidato". En él incluiremos aquellos artistas que nos empiezan a gustar, aunque aún no tengamos nada suyo. Lo estrenamos con el grupo malagueño Efecto Mariposa, que no son unos novatos en la música, ya llevan 7 discos. Lo que hemos escuchado de ellos, siempre nos ha gustado. En sus comienzos habían sido producidos por José Luís Giménez, de los Presuntos. Ahora vuelven con un nuevo disco "40:04". Del que extraen como primer single "Por quererte". Incluimos enlace para este video y para su gran éxito, el dueto con Javier Ojeda, líder de Danza Invisible, "No me crees". Les seguiremos...

English version
We open up a new section "Candidate", where we'll include those artists that we begin to like, though we don't have any of their records yet. We start off with the group from Malaga Efecto Mariposa, who aren't new in the music business, they've alreday got 7 albums. We've always liked what we've listened from them. When they began they were produced by Juan Luís Giménez, from Presuntos Implicados. Now they're back with a new record "40.04". And as first single they've presented "Por quererte" ("For loving you"). We include links to this video and to their greatest hit, "No me crees" ("You don't believe me"), duet with Javier Ojeda, leader of Danza Invisible. We'll follow them...
Video "Por quererte" ("For loving you")

Video "No me crees" ("You don't believe me") + Javier Ojeda:

Video en vivo/live "Si tú quisieras" ("If you wanted"):


ALEKS SYNTEC COMPOSITOR DE ANA TORROJA, ENTRE OTROS / Aleks Syntec composes for Ana Torroja, among others

Aleks Syntec

Se confirma la faceta del mejicano Aleks Syntec como compositor para muchos artistas, entre los que se citan a David Bisbal... Pero una vez más, se dice que está trabajando en el nuevo proyecto de Ana Torroja. Ya produjo su último disco "Me cuesta tanto olvidarte", con nuevas versiones de los éxitos de Mecano, y como buen fan del grupo insiste en acercarla de nuevo al sonido de su antiguo grupo: "Estamos haciendo un disco muy Mecano. Yo creo que va a ser la primera vez que saque un disco tan parecido a lo que hacía con el grupo. Es algo que yo creo que todos los fans le hemos pedido, y yo como uno suyo le he tratado de empujar a que grabe esos temas tan divertidos como los que hacía Nacho y toda ésa onda, y bueno va a ser un disco diferente, creo yo". Actualmente colabora en el material del nuevo disco de estudio de la cantante que no sabemos como se habrá visto afectado su procesos por los temas judiciales en que está implicada ahora mismo. Contaremos...
English version
Mexican Aleks Syntec's composing abilities for several artists have been confirmed, among the named, David Bisbal... But once again, it's said that he's working on Ana Torroja's new project. He had already produced her latest record "Me cuesta tanto olvidarte" ("It's hard to forget you"), with new versions of Mecano's hits, and as a good fan of the group he insists on taking her near to her old groups sound: "We're making a very Mecano record. I think it's going to be the first time that she releases a record so similar to what she did with the group. It's something I think all the fans have asked her to do, and I, as one of hers, have tried to push her to record such fun tracks as the ones Nacho composed and all that kind of stuff, and well, it's going to be a different kind of record, I think". At the moment he's working on material for her new studio album, but we don't know if it has been afected by the legal processes she's been involved in. We'll tell...
Enlace a/Link to:
Video "Duele el amor" ("Love hurts"):

¡FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS, DUFFY! / Happy birthday!

Duffy, 25, hoy/today.

Nos hemos enterado que hoy 23 de junio, la galesa Duffy cumple 25 años y que está trabajando en su segundo disco. Para celebrarlo incluimos enlaces a dos de su videos. ¡Felicidades, Duffy!

English version
We've learnt that today June, 23rd, Welsh-girl Duffy is 25 and that she's currently working on her second album. To celebrate we include links to two of her videos. Congratulations, Duffy!
Video "Mercy" ("Piedad"):

Video "Warwick Avenue" ("Avenida Warwick"):
Video "Rockferry":



The Sunday Times

Con motivo del nuevo disco de Benny, aparece entrevista con él en el suplemento de "The Sunday Times". Enlace más abajo:

English version
Because of the release of Benny's new album, Benny has given an interview to "The Sunday Times". Link below:
Entrevista en inglés/Interview in English:
In a long, single-storey building on the waterfront in Stockholm, the man responsible for co-writing songs that, collectively, have sold more than 370m copies around the world is sitting at his grand piano, tickling the ivories. He is trying to explain the difference between a bad song and a great one.
A familiar theme starts up and the words that have formed instinctively on my lips spill from my mouth. “If you’re all alone/When the pretty birds have flown/Honey, I’m still free/Take a chance on me.” “That,” says Benny Andersson, “is the good one.” Without looking down at the keys, the 62-year-old alters the melody after the chorus’s first two phrases, in the process discarding the second section’s repetition — a crucial component in the appeal of so much of Abba’s music — and heading off into something altogether more mundane. “And that,” he concludes, “is the dead one. It means nothing to me. Now, if I play the first one, it speaks to me. We hear something that we feel familiar with, yet it’s not quite what we expected it to be.”
That sense of familiarity, of melodies that seem somehow preordained (and pre-existent) yet novel, is at the core of the songs Andersson wrote with Björn Ulvaeus, which propelled Abba to superstardom in the 1970s. Now, 27 years after the group last recorded together, Andersson is set to return to the singles charts with a new song co-written with Ulvaeus and performed — with Anni-Frid/Agnetha-like precision — by the Swedish singer Helen Sjöholm.
To hear Benny Andersson Band’s Story of a Heart on the radio is to be spun back in time to the days when Abba ruled the No 1 spot. The single has the same communicative clarity, and the same conversational quality, that made songs such as Dancing Queen, SOS and The Winner Takes It All so immediately resonant.
The album of the same name that marks Andersson’s first major-label release in this country for almost three decades contains tracks inspired by musical theatre and the Swedish folk-music tradition (in which Andersson first learnt the ropes), a mix that makes you return to the Abba canon with renewed curiosity.
In doing so, you become aware just how multi­faceted the old songs are, how much they strain at the leash the pop charts placed on their writers. Super Trouper may, in its sonic architecture, be identifiably a song from 1980; but on a deeper level, its structure is hymnal, its female harmonies are redolent more of church choirs than disco glitter balls.
“We were a pop band,” Andersson says, “and we made pop music — well, as good as we could. But a song such as Thank You for the Music does not belong to a pop group, or Money, Money, Money, for that matter.” Following a musical idea, of whichever genre, was never, he says, done with an end result in mind. It was, rather, all about graft and instinct. Surely the two things are incompatible? “But inspiration is overrated,” Andersson responds with a chuckle.
“This is more like a real job. The inspirational part is when something pops up that I really like. And that keeps on rolling, for a day or two. But then it’s another three months on the treadmill. I have done a lot of things, sure, but not actually that many hours of music — maybe a total of 13, 14 hours, in 40 years. There are 700,000 zillion possibilities from just 12 notes.
“Writing a song that means nothing is easy. I mean, technically speaking, I could probably write five songs a day. But I have to hear myself playing something that I haven’t heard before, and that I can spot, with my body almost, rather than with my brain. There’s a communication there, between me and myself, if that makes sense. That’s when inspiration enters the picture. Because it can take for ever to come up with those four bars, eight bars — music that consists of more than just notes, if you see what I mean; that speaks to me. And from that, I can work. I know that I have maybe two days, if I’m lucky maybe three, of flow, where anything can happen. But it can take me months to find those eight bars.”
One such instance of this process — the slow gestation, the lightning striking — was The Winner Takes It All, a song seen by many as the definitive Abba single: heartbreak, isolation, anguished lyrics, swelling crescendos, sudden lulls, a catch in the throat, doomed romance. Not to mention the greatest snare-drum entry in the history of pop. “It’s the simplest song,” Andersson says. “It has two phrases — that’s it. And they just go round and round.
Now it also has, around those two phrases, this counterpoint thing going on” — he plays the descending theme that opens the song, runs beneath the chorus and, modulated, responds to the verse’s vocal melody — “and without a doubt, without that, it would not have been a song. Music is not only melody; music is everything you hear, everything you put together. But without the core of a strong and preferably original melody, it doesn’t matter what you dress it with, it has nothing to lean on.” For ages, there were only the two phrases, the latter (the chorus) with each line following immediately after the one before.
“And then one day,” Andersson continues, playing the song again, “we were out in the country, and I suddenly played the chorus like this, pausing each time for the phrase to gather itself, and all of a sudden it was a song. Björn and I played around with it for hours, just feeling that there was something in it that was talking to us. Then we recorded it, but still without the counterpoint, and it still was no good. It was only when, finally, I played this other part that it really made sense.”
Leaning on a piano and involuntarily singing along while one of the most talented songwriters of all time guides you through his songs is an experience — humbling and bordering on the surreal — that is a real struggle to get your head around. These are songs, after all, that people the world over are word-perfect in, identify with and cherish. Their beloved status helps explain the colossal success of the stage and film versions of Mamma Mia!. Yet the man who co-wrote them has no hint of grandness about him, no trace of hauteur.
The building we meet in — homely rather than lavish, filled with knick-knacks, paintings and flowers but, tellingly, no Abba memorabilia — houses Andersson’s studio and the offices in which he oversees the still pressing affairs of the band he and Ulvaeus formed in 1972. He comes here most days, he says. “And every day is joyful, spending a couple of hours at the piano, following what’s going on around the world with Mamma Mia!, and I have a hotel, and race horses. So I have things to take care of, a lot of administration, a lot of questions coming in.
“I thought, we all thought, in 1982, we all said to each other, ‘Let’s call this...’, well, not call it a day, but Björn and I said, ‘We want to write this musical with Tim [Rice], it’s going to take us maybe two years, so we’ll just take a break while we do that.’ And we were all fine with that. And it took about three or four years, from starting writing Chess until it opened in 1986. Then we all said, ‘Well, why continue with Abba?’ I thought, ‘That’s it for me; Abba is over.’ And it was. And I’ve been able to stay away from it” — he laughs drily— “for a long time, up until Mamma Mia! started. I don’t mind it, though.”
I ask him if, when he attends performances of the Mamma Mia! musical, he can still be ambushed by the songs, still be swept back to the time they were written. “The thing is,” he replies, “I don’t connect to the music as such. When I go to see a performance, there is no bit of me that’s saying, ‘Wow, that’s a part of me in there.’ Never. It could be anyone’s music.” Surely it gets to him in some way? “Sometimes I’ll get moved by, say, The Winner Takes It All. Sometimes. There’s a resonance to it, about what it was originally; maybe also some sort of, not sadness, but a nostalgic feeling, of, you know, ‘All right, we weren’t that bad; we were quite good, we did good stuff.’ ”
Is he really as sanguine about it all, the success, the fame, the hits, as he seems? “I feel,” he answers, “that everything that has happened to me, Abba, my band now, Mamma Mia!, all that, it’s a lot of work, but plenty of people do a lot of work. And this isn’t like working in a coal mine or driving a bus. But it is work. And the reason it works well for me is because I’m lucky enough to have this talent to tell the bad stuff from the good. Now, that’s not my doing, is it? But I know that I have that. And that’s luck.” He pauses. “Is that something to boast about — that you’re lucky?” Benny Andersson: quite good, he says; he did good stuff. Someone tell the man.

CARLOS NÚÑEZ DE GALICIA A BRASIL PARA SU NUEVO DISCO / From Galicia to Brazil for his new record

"Alborada de Brasil"

El pasado 16 de junio también se editó el último disco de Carlos Núñez, octavo en su brillante carrera, que comenzó en 1996 con su disco debut "Irmandade das estrelas". Este nuevo álbum es un viaje extraordinario en busca de las conexiones musicales entre Galicia y Brasil. Su bisabuelo músico había emigrado a Brasil y allí desapareció, y siempre había querido descubrir ese misterio. "Alborada do Brasil" es el resultado de esas investigaciones, de un viaje iniciático de más de un año. Para esto se ha rodeado de lo mejor de la música brasileña y grandes colaboraciones.

English version
Last Tuesday 16th June, Carlos Núñez's latest album was also released. It's number eight of his brilliant career, which he started with his first album "Irmandade das estrelas" ("Star brotherhood"). This new album is an extraordinary trip searching musical connections between Galicia and Brazil. His greatgrandfather had emmigrated to Brazil and disappeared there, and he had always wanted to discover that mystery. "Alborada do Brasil" ("Brazilian alborada") is the result of those investigations, a starting trip of more than a year. For it he has gathered the best of Brazilian music and great collaborations.

Mas info en/More info at:
Escucha del disco/Listen to from the record: "Feira do Mengaio" ("Mengaio Fair"):

21-J, DÍA EUROPEO DE LA MÚSICA / 21st June, European Music Day

¡21 Junio, empieza el verano con música! Hay diversidad de conciertos según el tipo de música que te guste... y descuentos en compras de discos.
English version
21st June, summer starts with music! There are loads of concerts being held according to the music you enjoy... & discounts on record purchases.
Busca en/Search at: http://www.diadelamusica.com/



Ya está preparado el segundo disco en solitario de Dolores O'Riordan (ex-vocalista de los Cranberries). Se titula "No baggage" ("Sin equipaje") y su primer sencillo "The journey" ("El viaje").

English version
The Cranberries ex-lead vocalist, Dolores O'Riordan's second solo-album is ready. It's called "No baggage" and the first single is "The journey".

Video "The journey" ("El viaje"):



¿Qué lugar es?/Which place is it?
¿Qué foto/video de Abba?/Which Abba photo/video?

Uno muy fácil. ¿Por qué este lugar está relacionado con Abba?
English version
A very easy one. Why is this place related to Abba?

Solución/Solution: 27/06/09


ABBA, LUGARES RELACIONADOS / Related places [Q1-Drottingholm]

Abba en/at Drottingholm, 1977

Portada "The Name of the Game" ("El nombre del juego") sleeve

Jardines de Drottingholm Gardens Mapa / Map

Desvelamos el primer lugar relacionado con Abba. Se trata de los jardines del Palacio de Drottingholm, en las afueras de Estocolmo, donde en 1977 se tomó esta sesión de fotos que luego ilustraría la portada del single "The Name of the Game" ("El nombre del juego"). Agnetha estaba entonces embarazada de su segundo hijo, Christian. Pronto otra foto...

English version
We reveal the first Abba related place. It's the Drottingholm Palace Gardens in the outskirts of Stockholm, where this photo session was taken in 1977. One of the photos became the picture sleeve for "The Name of the Game" single. Agnetha was then expecting her second baby, Christian. Soon another photo...
Video "The Name of the Game" ("El nombre del juego")



Ana y su abogado, hoy/Ana & her lawyer, today.

Ana compareció hoy en el Juzgado de Palma por su presunto delito de fraude fiscal. La declaración estaba prevista para las 10:30h. Ella llegó sobre las 9:45 en medio de un gran revuelo periodístico. Apenas estuvo diez minutos ante el juez tras decidir acogerse al derecho constitucional de los imputados de no prestar declaración. La cantante tampoco realizó declaraciones a pesar del requerimiento del gran número de periodistas que allí se encontraban, ni a la entrada ni a la salida de los juzgados. Ana, con gafas de sol en todo momento, se marchó en un taxi con su abogado, Ildefonso González-Grano de Oro. Le han impuesto una fianza de 1,8 millones de euros.

English version
Ana attended today at the Palma Courts for her assumed tax fraud. She had to declare at 10:30h. She arrived at about 9:45 in middle of a crowd of journalists. She hardly stayed ten minutes in front of the judge, as she took advantage of her constitutional right of not declaring. The singer didn't speak to the press either, although they insisted both when she entered and when she walked out. Ana, wearing sunglasses all the time, left in a taxi together with her lawyer, Ildefonso González-Grano de Oro. She has been set a bail of 1,8 million euros

Enlace a lo último grabado por ella, "¿Por qué te vas?"/Link to her last recording, "¿Por qué te vas? ("Why are you leaving?"):


[Gold] LUZ, PREMIO EN FRANCIA Y NUEVO DISCO EN SEPTIEMBRE / Awarded in France & new album in September

Luz 2009

La cantante gallega Luz Casal recibirá la medalla de la Orden de las Artes y las Letras de Francia, la mayor distinción honorífica que el país galo otorga en el campo artístico y literario. La medalla le será entregada por la ministra francesa de Cultura, Christine Albanel, a finales del próximo mes de septiembre, coincidiendo con el lanzamiento de su nuevo disco. El premio se lo conceden por ser la cantante española de mayor éxito de ventas en el mercado francés. Luz ha colaborado con muchos músicos franceses importantes y adaptado canciones francesas.
El nuevo disco, que aún no tiene título, es una aproximación a canciones clásicas pero desconocidas del folclore latinoamericano bajo la producción de Renaud Letang (trabajó con Manu Chao) y con los arreglos de Eumir Deodato (trabajó con Björk, Sinatra). Jean Baptiste Mondino será el fotográfo encargado de la portada y se editará internacionalmente en el sello Blue Note, especializado en discos de blues y jazz, también para septiembre.

English version
The Galician singer Luz Casal will receive the French Arts & Literature Order, the highest award in France in the artistic and literary field. the medal will be given by the French Culture Minister, Christine Albanel, next September. The awarded is given to her for being the bestselling Spanish singer in the French music-business. Luz has worked with many important French musicians and has adapted French songs.
Her new record, which hasn't been named yet, is a trip to classic Latin American unknown folk songs produced by Renaud Letang (who has worked with Manu Chao) and arrangements by Eumir Deodato (who worked with Björk, Sinatra). Jean Baptiste Mondino will be the photographer in charge of the sleeve artwork and it will be published by the Blue Note label, specialized in blues & jazz records, also due in September.

"Piensa en mi" ("Think about me"):
"Sé feliz" ("Be happy")
"Ecos" ("Echoes")
Video "Sencilla alegría" ("Simple joy"):

Video "DAME UN BESO" ("Give me a kiss"), Luz Casal:

Video "Un nuevo día brillará" ("A new day will shine")

Etiquetas / Tags

6p non the richer A-Ha A-Teens A.Algueró A.Stivel Abba AboveBeyond Ace of Base Adele Agnes Agnetha Fältskog Agoney AirSupply AiramEtxániz Aitana AlainChamfort AlanParsonsProject AlanRickman AlanisMorisette Alaska AlbaEngel Albert Hammond Alejandro Sanz Aleks Syntek AlexUbago AlexandeRybak AliciaKeys Alison Moyet Alphabeat Alphaville Amaia Amaia Montero AmancioPrada Amaral Amy McDonald AmyWinehouse Ana Belén Ana Torroja AnaKiro Andrea Corr Andrew Lincoln AndyWilliams Aniversario AnnaBergendahl AnnaNalick AnnaTatangelo AnnaVissi AnneSofieVonOtter AnniBSweet Annie Lennox Antonio Vega-Nacha Pop AntonioJosé Applejack Aretha Franklin ArielRot ArmandoManzanero ArvoPärt AskilHolm Assembly Atlas Aute Avicii BAO BBKing BGs (Gibb) Baccara Bananarama Bangles BarbraStreisand BarryWhite Bastille Batemento Beach Boys Beatles BeatrizLuengo Bebe BeboValdés BellBookCandle BenE.King Benny Andersson Berlin Bernardo Bonezzi-Zombis BillWithers BillyJoel BingCrosby Bisbal Björn Ulvaeus Black BlackEyedPeas BlasCantó Blondie Blue BlueNile Bob Geldof-BoomtownRats BobDylan BoneyM Bonnie Tyler Bowie BrandiCarlile BrandonHeath BrianEno Bridget Jones BrotherhoodMan Bruce Springsteen Bryan Adams Bucks Fizz Buggles Bunbury Burt Bacharach Bustamante Caballé Cabriolets CalleParís CalumScott CalvinHarris CameraObscura CamiloSesto Capercaillie-Karen Mathieson CaptainTenille CardiganBridge Carlos Núñez CarlosBaute CarlosChaouen CarlosGoñi CarlosRivera Carminho Carola Carrá CatehrineFerry Cecilia CharlesAznavour ChavelaVargas Chenoa Cher Chess Chetes ChicoBuarque Chieftains ChinaCrisis ChrisDBurgh ChrisTeixeira ChristinaRosenvinge ChuckBerry CillaBlack Clannad CliffRichards CockRobin Coldplay Cole Colin Firth CommonFates Coppini CorneliaJakobs Coruña Coti CraigDavid Cranberries-Dolores O'Riordan Cristina Lliso-Esclarecidos CristinaPato CrowdedHouse CrystalShawanda CultureClub Cyndi Lauper Czars Céline Dion Cómplices DDinámico DMK Dani Martín (C.Loco) Daniel Diges Danza Invisible-J.Ojeda DarrenHayes DavidDMaría DavidGray DavidGrohl Delaporte DemisRoussos Depeche Mode Depedro Des'ree Desireless DianaKrall DianaNavarro Dido Diodato DionneWarwick Dire Straits Donna Summer Dorian Double Dover DropOutOrch DuckSauce Duetos Duffy DulcePontes DuncanDhu DuoDinámico DuranDuran DustySpringfield EBS EBTG-Tracey Thorn ESDM Eagles EdSheeran EddyGrant Edurne Efecto Mariposa EleanorMcEvoy Elefantes EllieGoulding Elton John Elvis Presley ElvisCostello EmilySandé EngelbertHumperdinck EnnioMorricone Enya Erasure ErrolBrown EspenLind EstherArroyo Estocolmo Estopa EstrellaMorente EttaJames Eurovisión Eurythmics EvaCassidy EverlyBros FG2H FairgroundAttraction Fey FilippaGiordano FitoFitipaldis Fleetwood Mac Fonseca FranceGall FrancisCabrel FrancoBattiato FrankSinatra Frans Frida Friends Fugees FórmulaV G.Aplin Gali Atari+MilkHoney Galicia Gary Barlow Gemini Gentri George Michael Georgina Ghost GiannaNannini GigiD'Alessio GilbertO'Sullivan GiorgioMoroder Glee GloriaEstefan Gotye GraceJones Grey'sAnatomy GuSánchez HCaire Ha*ash HarryStyles Helen Sjöholm HenryMancini HenrySemler HermanDüne HombresG HoneyRyder Hoovertronic Housemartins-BS Hozier Hugh Grant Hull Human League Hurts IndiaMtnez IreneCara IsmaelSerrano J. Akerlund J.C.Caledrón J.Lo. Jakaranda Jamelia James Blunt JamesArthur JamesHorner JamesLast Jamie Cullum JanetLeon JannArden JarabePalo JasmineThompson Jason Mraz JasonHart JavierAlvarez Jeanette JimmyFontana JimmySommerville JoeCocker John Lennon JohnBarry JohnGrant JohnLegend JohnLundvik JohnWaite JohnnyCash JonLord JoniMitchell Jorge Dréxler Jorn JosefinNilsson José Mota José Mª Cano JourneySouth Jovanotti Juan Luís Guerra JuanPardo JuanZelada Juanes JuiceNewton JuliaLindolm Jörgen Elofsson KareenAntonn KateBush KateRyan KateWinslet Katie Melua Keane KeiraKnightley Kelly Clarkson KennyRogers Ketama Korgis Kristina Kylie Minogue LOVG La Unión Labuat LadyAntibellum LadyGaga Laleh Laura Pausini LeireMtnez Lemonheads Lene Marlin LennyKravitz Leona Lewis Leonard Cohen Leonel García LewisCapaldi LilyAllen Lina_RaülRefree LinkinPark Lionel Richie Lisa Stanfield LizaÖhman Lockdown Loreen Loreena McKennitt LoriMeyers Los Amaya Los Secretos LouReed Louis Armstrong LoveOfLesbian LuarNaLubre Lucio Dalla Lucía Pérez Luis Tosar-DiElas Luz Casal LyonHart M-Clan MClan Macaco Madness Madonna Maggie Reilly MagoDOz Malú MamasPapas Mamma Mia ManoloTena MansZelmerlow Manu Clavijo Manzanita Maná-Sergio Vallín Marc Anthony Marco Mengoni MariahCarey Marie Fredriksson MariliAndrés Mario Gioia MarkMasri Marlango-Leonor Watling Maroon5 Marta Sánchez Marwan Mary Black MatiaBazar MattAlber MattPop Mecano Mediterráneamente Mei Ming MelC Melendi Mercedes Peón Mercedes Sosa Merche Meryl Streep Michael Bublé Michael Jackson Miguel Ríos MiguelPoveda Mijares Mika Mike Oldfield MileyCyrus Miliki Milow MiquelFdez MissCaffeina Moby Mocedades Moustaki MungoJerry MªDPradera Mónica Molina Mónica Naranjo Nana Moskouri Natalia Jiménez (5ªEst.) Natalia Lafourcade Natalie Imbruglia Neil Diamond Nek Nelly Furtado Nena Nena Daconte NeonTrees Nia NicKamen Nik Kershaw Nina Niña Pastori No Doubt-Gwen Stefani Noa NuriaFergó Nº1 O.Nassim OMD Obits Oceana Ok go Ola Brunkert Oliver Olivia Newton-John PSanBasilio Pablo Alborán PabloDíaz+OlgaKirk PabloMilanés PacoDLucía PainsBeingPureHeart Pasión Vega Passenger PassionPit Pastora Pastora Soler Pat Benatar Patrick Bruel Patrick Swayze Paul Buchanan Paul McCartney Paul Young Pe Pedro Guerra Pentatonix Per Gessle Peret Pet Shop Boys PeterCetera PeterJorback Petula Clark PharrellWilliams Phil Collins PhilSpector PinkFloyd Pitingo Plácido Domingo Prefab Sprout Presuntos Implicados Pretenders-Chrissie-Hynde Prince Proclaimers Pussycat Queen-Freddie Mercury R.Gunnarsson R.Keating-Boyzone REM RadioFutura Raphael Rasmus Rembrandts Rick Astley Righteous Brothers RobFalsini RobZuzin Robbie Williams Robert Downey Jr. Roberta Flack RobinBengtsson Rod Stewart Roko RollingStones Ronnie Spector Rosa Cedrón Rosa León Rosana Rosario Roxette Roxy Music-Bryan Ferry RoyOrbison Rozalén Rumer Rune Söderqvist RussianRed Ryan Adams Sabina Sade Sally Oldfield SalvadorSobral Sam Brown SamFender SamSmith Sandoval SannaNielsen Sara Ramírez Sarah Brightman SarahDownFiner Sau SayMyName Schiller ScissorSisters Scorpions Seal Serena Ryder Sergio Dalma SergioEstibaliz Serrat Shakira Sharleen Spiteri Sharon Corr Sheena Easton Shirley Bassey SimonGarfunkel Simple Minds SimplyRed-MickHucknall SinBandera Sinnead O'Connor Sissel Snow Patrol Soledad Giménez SonrisaDJulia SoundOfArrows SoundOfStrings Spandau Ballet SpencerDay Standfast StarsOn45 StatusQuo StephenBishop Steps Stevie Wonder Sting Summercat SundayDrivers Supertramp Susan Boyle Suzanne Vega SvenOlofWalldoff SvenneLotta Swing Out Sister TCMS TYP TakeThat TalkTalk TamTamGo Tamara Tanita Tikaram Tanxugueiras TeoCardalda Tequila Texas The Beloved The Carpenters The Corrs The Cure The Fray The Knack The Police TheBlackMamba TheLumineers TheShires TheWebb Therion Thicke Tight Fit Timbiriche Tina Charles Tina Turner Tino Casal Tom Chaplin Tomas Ledin Tony Ronald TorbjörnCalvero ToriAmos ToveLo Tracey Chapman Train Tusse Txetxo Bengoetxea U2-Bono UB40 Ulibarri Umberto Tozzi Vaccines Vanesa Martín Vangelis VazquezSounds Vega Versiones Vicky Larraz Vicky Leandros Vince Clarke Visage Víctor Manuel Waterboys WetWetWet Whitney Houston Wilson Phillips XabierDiaz XimenaSariñana XoeLopez Yazoo YolySaa Yvonne Elliman ZaraLarsson


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