Hoy vamos con un mismo título "HUMAN" ("Humano") para dos canciones que no tienen nada que ver entre sí. No son versiones, son canciones completamente diferentes. La más antigua del '86 pertenece a The Human League, grupo de música tecno, cuyas caras visibles eran Phil Oakley, Joanne Catherall y Susan Ann Sulley. La más reciente del '99 por The Pretenders, grupo rock liderado por Chrissie Hynde. Volveremos a hablar de ambos grupos. Aquí sus videos:
Today we go with one same title "HUMAN" for two songs that don't have anything to do with one another. They aren't cover versions, they are completely different songs. The oldest from '86 belongs to The Human League, a techno music group, whose visible faces were Phil Oakley, Joanne Catherall & Susan Ann Sulley. The most recent is from '99 by The Pretenders, rock band with Chrissie Hynde as leader. We'll talk again about them. Here their videos:
Video "HUMAN" - The Human League:
Video "HUMAN" - The Pretenders:
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