

Keane está editando videos constantemente. Mientras su nuevo álbum copa los charts británicos, ya nos presentan su tercer video y suponemos que próximo single "SOVEREIGN LIGHT CAFÉ". Aquí la estrenamos hoy.

Keane is constantly releasing videos. While their album tops the British charts, they present their third video of the next single "SOVEREIGN LIGHT CAFÉ". We present it here today.




Comentamos aquí el estreno del programa "Buenas noches, Buenafuente", porque contaron con Amaral. Hoy volvemos para comentar su último programa que fue este pasado domingo, en el que contaron con la actuación en directo de Keane. Aquí el video...

We talked here about the premiere of the programme "Buenas noches, Buenafuente", because the had Amaral with them. Today we talk about them again because last Sunday was their last programme, where they had the live performance of Keane. Here's the video...

Video "SILENCED BY THE NIGHT", Keane en vivo/live @ "Buenas noches, Buenafuente":



Aunque en toda Europa, excepto Alemania (donde ya salió), y el resto del mundo haya que esperar hasta septiembre, aquí podéis echarle un vistazo hoy al "ABBA: ESSENTIAL COLLECTION" por dentro con esta colección de fotos de Abba-official.com news blog.

Though throughout Europe, except Germany (where it has already been released), and the rest of the world, where we'll have to wait until September, you can have a look here today at the inside of "ABBA: THE ESSENTIAL COLLECTION" with this collection of photos from Abba-official.com news blog.



La espectacular actuación de Pastora anoche en Bakú merecía una nueva entrada. Aquí incluímos diferentes fotos de la misma y el video de nuevo.

Pastora's spectacular performance in Baku deserved a new post. Here we're including differnt photos of it and the video again.

Video ´"QUÉDATE CONMIGO", Pastora Soler @ Eurovision 2012:

LOREEN "EUPHORIA": SUECIA GANA POR 5ª VEZ EUROVISION / Sweden wins Eurovision for the 5th time

No era una de nuestras favoritas pero sí del festival y así Loreen llevó la euforia por quinta vez a Suecia. España quedó de 10º, a pesar de una buena actuación de Pastora Soler. Por cierto, ambas canciones tenían el mismo compositor de la música, un sueco.

It wasn't one of our favourites but it was one of the contest's and so Loreen took the euphoria to Sweden for the fifth time. Spain ended 10th, despite Pastora Soler's great performance. By the way, both songs had the some music composer, a Swede.

Video "EUPHORIA", Loreen Eurovision winner 2012:

[EL País]

Era una de las favoritas, y los pronósticos esta vez no han errado. Suecia será la sede de la 58ª edición de Eurovisión en 2013 tras alzarse como la ganadora en la final del festival de este año, que ha tenido lugar en Bakú, capital de Azerbaiyán. La cantante sueca Loreen y su tema Euphoria han conseguido la mayoría de los puntos, seguida de Rusia y sus abuelas Buranovskiye Babushki, y Serbia y su representante, Željko Joksimović. No ha habido sorpresas en los primeros puestos de la tabla, pero sí alguna en los últimos lugares, con Reino Unido y el veterano Engelbert Humperdinck en la penúltima posición, al que su amplia carrera musical no le ha servido para conseguir un buen lugar en Eurovisión. Muy pronto quedó clara la victoria de Suecia, que se situó como líder en la clasificación desde el comienzo. Con una puesta en escena llamativa y una excelente voz, la sueca Loreen ha conseguido alcanzar los 372 puntos al final de la noche.

La sevillana Pastora Soler no ha podido pasar de la décima posición con la balada Quédate conmigo. El tema, compuesto por Tomas G:son, Erik Bernholm y Tony Sánchez-Ohlsson, ha permitido a la española lucir sus habilidades vocales en una excelente interpretación. De hecho, la española figuraba entre los favoritos para ganar el festival en todas las quinielas de las semanas previas a la final. Sin embargo, la voz de Pastora Soler y su poderosa interpretación no han sido suficientes para pasar de los 97 puntos que la situaron en el 10º puesto al final de la noche. Acompañada de una escenografía sobria y con el pelo recogido, la intérprete española ha lucido un vestido de gasa azulado de corte helénico que lleva la firma de Cañavete, el diseñador de confianza de la sevillana. Por cierto, el veterano eurovisivo Tomas G:son, productor de Quédate conmigo, también lo era de Euphoria.
Otros países han puesto en escena espectáculos más llamativos, como el Irlanda y los gemelos Jedward, que en su segundo año consecutivo en el festival han terminado su actuación pasados por agua. El grupo turco también ha llamado la atención por su peculiar puesta en escena, con cuyos trajes simulaban un barco en ciertos momentos de la actuación. En otros casos, los estilismos han sido los que han llamado la atención, como el caso de la albana Rona Nishliu o el vestuario al estilo casa de muñecas de los representantes de Moldavia. Y es que hay que recordar que en Eurovisión, como espectáculo que es, también entra en juego la puesta en escena, que en muchos casos ha sido decisiva para lograr la victoria.
Un espectacular escenario con grandes pantallas y 2.500 focos ha servido de marco a la final del certamen, celebrado en el Baku Crystal Hall, que ha dado cabida a 17.000 espectadores y que fue construido en tan solo siete meses para la cita eurovisiva. El arranque del festival marcó el camino de lo que se vio después en escena, con acróbatas y bailarines mostrando danzas típicas de la región. El espectáculo que ha acogido la capital de Azerbaiyán ha conseguido mantener el alto nivel que alcanzó la puesta en escena de la edición de 2011 del certamen, que se celebró en la ciudad alemana de Düsseldorf. Un millar de personas entre bambalinas se ha asegurado de que todo saliera perfecto en un show que es seguido por televisión, según las previsiones, por más de 100 millones de espectadores en todo el mundo.
La celebración del festival en Azerbaiyán, país con un régimen dictatorial, no ha estado libre de polémica. Armenia decidió no presentarse este año al festival por “circunstancias ajenas a la Unión Europea de Radiodifusión”, según la versión oficial, aunque son conocidas las complicadas relaciones que mantienen los dos países. Además, en los últimos meses en Bakú, decenas de activistas por los derechos humanos han sido detenidos tras protestar por el desalojo de los vecinos —sin compensaciones económicas justas— del barrio donde ahora se asienta el Baku Crystal Hall. Curiosamente Loreen fue la única de los participantes en reunirse con los activistas.



Tras la espectacular actuación de Pastora Soler en Eurovisión y esperando los resultados, mostramos la versión de su tema cantado por varios intérpretes de todo el mundo.

After her spectacular performance of Pastora Soler in Eurovision and waiting for the results, we show the cover of her song performed by several singers from all around the world.

Video "QUÉDATE CONMIGO", Around the world cover:

Video "QUÉDATE CONMIGO", Pastora Soler @ Eurovision 2012:


"P.F. SLOAN", RUMER: ESTRENAMOS VIDEO / Premiering video

Ya hemos hablado de lo nuevo de Rumer aquí. Hoy estrenamos el video de su primer single "P.F. SLOAN", esperando al día 28 para tener el álbum de versiones "BOYS DON'T CRY"  ("Los chicos no lloran"), que promete...

We've already spoken here about the latest from Rumer.Today we premiere the video of her first single "P.F. SLOAN", waiting for the 28th to have her album of cover versions "BOYS DON'T CRY", which is a great promise...

Video "P.F. SLOAN", Rumer:



Recuperamos una entrevista de hace unas semanas de Ana Torroja en el chat de Antena 3, en donde contesta preguntas que le hacen vía internet sobre su participación en el talent show de televisión.

We collect the interview that  Ana Torroja gave a few weeks ago at the Antena 3 chat, where she answers questions via the web on her apperance on the TV talent show.

Videoconferencia Ana Torroja @ Antena3:

Más vídeos en Antena3

Más vídeos en Antena3

Más vídeos en Antena3



El pasado 15 de abril escribíamos: Robin Gibb, ex componente del grupo británico Bee Gees, se encuentra hospitalizado en Londres en estado de coma a causa de una neumonía. La leyenda del pop permanece en una clínica privada arropado por su esposa Dwina, su hermano Barry y sus tres hijos. Gibb, de 62 años, consiguió recuperarse de un cáncer de colón e hígado diagnosticado en 2010. Hace dos semanas fue sometido a una operación intestinal, por lo que se vió obligado a cancelar su asistencia el pasado martes en Londres al estreno de «Titanic Requiem», un álbum compuesto junto con su hijo RJ Gibb sobre el hundimiento del famoso transatlántico. Hoy lamentablemente confirmamos su muerte.

The past 15th April we wrote: Former member of the group Bee Gees, Robin Gibb is seriously ill in hospital in London due to a pneumonia.Pop legend is in a private hospital accompanied by his wife Dwina, his brother Barry and his three children. Gibb, 62, had recovered from a colon and liver cancer diagnosed in 2010. Two weeks ago he underwent intestinal surgery, so he had to cancel his attendance to the "Titanic Requiem" premiere last Tuesday in London. This project is an album composed together with his son RJ Gibb about the sinking of the famous cruise-liner. Unfortunately today we confirm his death.

Video "Juliet", Robin Gibb en vivo/live:

Video "I STARTED A JOKE", Bee Gees en vivo/live:



Como ya informamos Keane tocó en Madrid un concierto acústico en el 40Café el pasado jueves. Incluímos reseña de El País y videos.

As we already reported Keane performed an accoustic concert at the 40Café in Madrid last Thursday. We're including the report from El País in Spanish and videos.

Keane se hace básico en 40 Principales

El grupo británico graba un concierto acústico con los grandes éxitos del principio y fin de su carrera

[Manuel Cuéllar. El País 18/5/2012]

Ellos mismos lo admiten, Perfect Symmetry, su anterior entrega antes del recién estrenado LP Strangeland, fue el disco más autocomplaciente, sobreproducido, ruidoso y pedante de toda su carrera. Así que desde 2008 -con un EP en 2010 de por medio- Tim Rice-Oxley, compositor del grupo, ha estado recopilando, creando y probando canciones que fueran capaces tener el alma y la calidad suficientes como para regresar al estilo que les hizo grandes, el de su primer LP Hopes and Fears de 2004. Anoche durante el concierto acústico organizado por la cadena 40 Principales quedó claro que la búsqueda de Keane ha terminado y que este Strangeland es el cierre de un círculo que los ha devuelto al frente de la batalla del pop con una colección de bonitas canciones que, al menos en el Reino Unido ha logrado convencer a sus fans que lo han aupado al número uno en su primera semana de existencia.
El concierto fue registrado por la emisora musical para su ya famosa serie de conciertos básicos que ahora posee una sede casi permanente en el amplio local del número 55 de la Gran Vía madrileña: el café-tienda-restaurante-sala de conciertos-local de copas bautizado con el mismo nombre del canal perteneciente a la división de PRISA rádio y que sería bueno que restringiera el acceso a las zonas de hostelería durante los conciertos en beneficio del sonido y el respeto a las bandas que se suben a su escenario. La actuación de anoche se emitirá el próximo 15 de junio en 40TV para todos aquellos que no pudieron conseguir una de las invitaciones que daba acceso al evento.
Durante los casi 60 minutos que los músicos estuvieron en el escenario se confirmó una estrategia que la banda no esconde. El grueso de los 12 temas que interpretaron estuvieron divididos de una manera estudiada y salomónica entre los éxitos de su primer y último disco. Cinco de cada. Tan solo se salieron del redil en dos ocasiones y para tocar Is it any wonder y Cristal Ball dos de los temas más brillantes de su segundo LP Under the Iron Sea. De Perfect Symmetry, ni rastro. ¿Qué mejor manera de dejar claro y meridiano que quieren volver al principio, que intercalar lo último con lo primero casi hasta intentar que parecieran un todo de un nuevo disco inventado?
Para este formato acústico no puede haberles venido mejor la incorporación del multi instrumentista Jesse Quin al grupo. Strangelandno solo vuelve al espíritu de las canciones de su primer disco, también a la ausencia de guitarras en el estudio de grabación que lograron convertirse en marca diferenciadora del grupo. En los directos acústicos Quin toca la guitarra acústica, la percusión, los teclados y hace coros convirtiéndose en pieza fundamental junto a la prodigiosa voz de Tom Chaplin y el omnipresente piano eléctrico de Rice-Oxley.
Abrieron con This is the last time de su primer LP y continuaron conDisconnected, el segundo single extraído de Strangeland y para el que los directores de cine Juan Antonio Bayona y Sergio G. Sánchezgrabaron un vídeo de terror humorístico en Barcelona. Ambos estaban presentes en la sala como buenos grupies que son de Keane y corearon, bailaron y admiraron con la misma ilusión que los cerca de 250 asistentes que consiguieron su invitación. Casi finalizando el concierto, Chaplin anunció que la banda tocará en Bilbao dentro del Festival BBKLive y que regresarán a Madrid con todos los instrumentos enchufados, las programaciones listas y en formato grande el próximo mes de octubre.

Video "SOMEWHERE ONLY WE KNOW", Keane @ 40Café (Madrid) (17/5/2012):

Video "BEND & BREAK", Keane @ 40Café (Madrid) (17/5/2012):

Video "BEDSHAPED", Keane @ 40Café (Madrid) (17/5/2012):


ABBA: SE UNE AL CLUB DE LOS 5 MILLONES / Joins 5 million club

Abba se une a los Beatles y a Queen en ser los tres únicos grupos que han vendido 5 millones de copias de un sólo disco y sólo en el Reino Unido. Abba lo hace con "GOLD", que ha consguido este récord esta semana. Incluimos la información en inglés de officialcharts.com.

Abba joins the Beatles and Queen to be the only three groups which have sold 5 million copies of one album and only in the UK. Abba did it with "GOLD", which has broken the record this past week. We include the information from officialcharts.com

Swedish superstars ABBA have further underlined their position as musical legends, with their Gold album becoming only the third 5-million-seller in UK chart history. According to latest Official Charts Company sales data, the quartet’s Gold - Greatest Hits has passed the 5 million mark in the past week.
The achievement puts the album alongside Queen’s Greatest Hits and The BeatlesSgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band as one of only three albums to reach such an elevated sales level.
ABBA founder / songwriter /musician / legend Bjorn Ulvaeus told OfficialCharts.com: "I can’t think of a club I’d rather join!”
Gold - Greatest Hits marks 20 years since its initial release this October, having racked up eight weeks at Number 1 since it was first released in 1992. ABBA are one of the all-time great singles artists, having racked up nine Number 1s and another 10 Top 10s in the UK’s Official Singles Chart, since their debut hit Waterloo in 1974.
Official Charts Company managing director Martin Talbot added, “This is another incredible record in a career of extraordinary achievements for ABBA, who are unquestionably one of British music fans’ all-time favourite acts. Over the past 20 years, one in every five households has bought a copy of Gold, which is a truly remarkable statistic.
ABBA are true chart superstars here in the UK – and this latest record adds to their legendary status.”
ABBA’s landmark has been reached after Adele’s 21 broke into the all-time UK Official Albums Chart Top 5 for the first time last month, behind Oasis’s What’s The Story Morning Glory. The two albums are among a list of five other albums to have sold more than 4m copies in the UK, the others being Pink Floyd's The Dark Side Of The Moon, Dire StraitsBrothers In Arms and Michael Jackson’s Thriller.
ABBA Gold is just 46,000 copies behind The BeatlesSgt. Pepper's.

The UK’s Official Biggest Selling Albums of all-time Top 10
05 21 (2011) – ADELE


ABBA’s Gold: Greatest Hits has become the third album to sell upwards of five million copies. Climbing 112-110, the album sold 1,009 copies last week, raising its career tally to a staggering 5,002,685.
UK ‘GOLD – Greatest Hits UK Chart Facts
  • This 1992 Album has now become only the 3rd Album to reach 5 Million Sales, in the UK.
  • Only ‘Greatest Hits’, by Queen, (1981), & ‘Sgt Pepper….’, by The Beatles, have sold more UK copies.
  • Top 75: ’Gold’ has also spent more time in the Top 75 than any other album – 449 Weeks.
  • Top 100: And more weeks in the Top 100 than any other album – 648 Weeks.
  • Top 10 – It has spent more weeks in the Top 10 than any other ABBA album – 58 Weeks.
  • No.1 years: - ’Gold’ has had 5 runs at No.1, for a total of 8 Weeks. Whilst that is not a UK chart record, the fact that it had 3 of those runs, several years apart and in separate runs, is. It first went to No.1 in October 1992, then again in April 1999 – 6 years & 6 months later. (As well as returning to No.1 – twice – in May 1999), then in August 2008 – 9 Years & 3 Months later.
  • 13 years in the annual UK Top 100 best selling albums in 1992 – 12th, 1993 – 36th, 1994 – 63rd, 1995 – 80th, 1996 – 87th, 1997 – 100th, 1998 – 55th, 1999 – 4th, 2000 – 41st, 2004 – 47th, 2008 – 19th, 2009 – 54th, 2010 – 90th
September 2012 – 20th Anniversary of ‘Gold’
September of this Year is the 20th Anniversary of ‘Gold’ being released in the UK. (It was released on Monday 21 September 1992. Entered, (at No.1), in the Chart of 3 October 1992).
ABBA Trivia
  • 2012 is the 40th Anniversary of ABBA forming – 1972
  • And the 30th Anniversary of them splitting up – 1982
    (Although they did not tell the Fans until about 1985! Until then, they were on a ‘Break‘)
  • ABBA are the biggest Non-UK/Non-USA Act, in UK Chart History.
  • They have spent more Weeks at No.1, in the UK Singles & Albums Chart combined – 88 Weeks – than all but 2 Acts – The Beatles – 243 Weeks, & Elvis Presley – 143 Weeks.
  • Their 114 Top 10 UK Singles Chart Weeks and 224 Top 10 UK Albums Chart Weeks, are the most by any group, since The Beatles split up, in 1970.
  • ABBA & Led Zeppelin hold the UK Chart Record, for the ‘Most Consecutive No.1 Albums. Both Acts had 8 No.1 Albums in a row. Led Zeppelin from 1970 to 1979, & ABBA from 1976 to 1982. Ironically, the 8th No.1 album by Led Zeppelin, (‘In Through The Out Door’), was recorded at ABBA’s Polar Studios, in Sweden – 1978.
This week:
‘Gold’ rose from No.112 to No.110, in the latest UK Album Chart. It is ’18 Hits’ that climbed the most – as regards ABBA. It rose from No.82 to No.53. It is its 30th Week in the Top 75. It has sold well over 300,000 copies in the UK – with no promotion.
Thanks to Colin for the statistics.


Para celebrar nuestra entrada 1300 y los 5 años de MusiKQMGusta, publicamos de nuevo el video de la actuación de Abba en el programa especial de Olivia Newton John en la TV estadounidense en 1978 junto con Andy Gibb en estéreo. Esperamos que os guste.

To celebrate our post nº1300 and the 5th anniversary of MusicILike, we're publishing again the video of Abba's performance on Olivia Newton John's American TV special back in 1978 together with Andy Gibb in stereo. Hope you enjoy it.

ONE OF A KIND - FIRST GENERATION AUDIO. This is the concert segment IN TRUE STEREO from the 1978 special "Olivia!" Just prior to shooting this segment with a live orchestra, the audio guy asked if I would like a stereo feed of the sound. Of course I said yes and fed two three-quarter inch VCRs with the special feed. Stereo TV was not available widely until the mid-1980s. After completion of the special, I manually synced the 2" master of the show to my ¾" master and, viola, a stereo version of the concert with Andy Gibb, ABBA, and Olivia! Shot just days before it aired, the ABC-TV special "Olivia!" was the marathon of all television specials I edited while in Hollywood. For 36 nonstop hours, director Steve Binder (my all time favorite) and the post-production crew dashed toward an unbelievable deadline and beat it. This is the entire concert segment. The air version begins at 3:01 and ends prior to "Thank you for the Music" (which was used for closing credits). Please select 480p and full screen (and don't forget headphones!); the quality is matchless!

Video Abba @ Olivia Newton-John TV special:



Hoy ha muerto Donna Summer la diva de la música disco de los 70. Ha fallecido a los 63 años en Florida a causa de un cáncer de pulmón. Incluimos reseña de elpais.com. Para un repaso más amplio de su carrera musical os recomendamos que visitéis el blog Exquisiteces.

Donna Summer, the 70s disco music diva, died today. She died at 63 in Florida because of a lung cancer. We're including article in Spanish from elpais.com. For a more complete check on her musical career we recommend you to visit the blog Exquisiteces.

La reina coronada de la era disco, pionera entre las divas y transgresora en la pista de baile, ha fallecido este jueves en Florida, a los 63 años de edad, a causa de un cáncer. Donna Summer, nacida en Boston en 1948, revolucionó las discotecas del mundo entero. Junto al productor Giorgio Moroder, grabó en 1977 una canción, I feel love, que prescindió de los arreglos orquestales y que consistía exclusivamente de una voz –casi un gemido– sobre una repetitiva base de sintetizadores. Aquel estilo abrió un camino que seguirían posteriormente hasta productores del house y el tecno.
Mucho de lo que Summer hizo musicalmente fue obra de sus productores, a los que, en los albores de su carrera, supo elegir con acierto. Sobre todo, del propio Moroder y Pete Bellotte, que le produjeron 11 discos. Ella le añadió algo que en los 70 resultó algo más que escandaloso. Antes de que las actuales reinas y matronas del pop se pasearan por los escenarios vestidas con ropa interior, provocando a cada concierto, Summer, cubierta por mínimos vestidos brillantes, simuló éxtasis en directo, y llegó a comercializar un tema del que la leyenda decía que era el resultado de 23 orgasmos.
Se trataba de I love to love you baby, de 1975, comercializada en Europa, y que llegó al número cinco de las listas de éxitos de Reino Unido. Entonces, Summer vivía en Alemania.
Summer no era una cantante que se recluyera en el estudio. Exhibía su potente voz en unos directos ricos, aderezados con unos contoneos para muchos escandalosos, producto de aquella época de revolución sexual previa a la gran epidemia de sida de los 80. 
Su primer éxito masivo fue el discoBad girls, con un primer singlehomónimo dedicado a las prostitutas, en la que cantaba: “Míralas, por la noche, en la calle, paseando, recogiendo a cualquier extraño, si el precio es el adecuado”. El disco es a día de hoy, el más vendido de su carrera, dos veces platino, con dos millones de unidades vendidas en EE UU y cuatro millones en todo el mundo.
Entonces el estilo de Summer se había convertido ya casi en esquemático: las canciones arrancaban como baladas, con un suave acompañamiento orquestal a su voz, para estallar con ampulosos arreglos con sintetizadores, toda una explosión disco. Una de las canciones más representativas de esa técnica es su dueto con Barbra Streisand, No more tears (Enough is enough), de 1979.
primer premio Grammy le llegó con Last dance, un himno de baile de 1978, tomado de la película musical Thank god it’s friday, en la que participó junto a los actores Jeff Goldblum y Debra Winger. En su carrera, conseguiría otros cuatro Grammy: por Hot stuff en 1979, He’s a rebel en 1983, y Forgive me en 1984 y por una remezcla de Carry on en 1997.
Summer vivió un profundo cambio en la década de los 80, y no sólo a nivel musical. Buscaba un nuevo estilo, más pop, y rompió con su discográfica, Casablanca, para firmar con Geffen. En 1982 editó su primer álbum sin Moroder y Bellotte, titulado genéricamente Donna Summer y producido por Quincy Jones. Fue un fracaso, llegando sólo al número 20. En esa década tendría algunos éxitos relativos, como She works hard for the money o This time I know it’d for real, pero ninguno de ellos al nivel de sus triunfos de los 70.
uego, llegó su gran divorcio de la comunidad homosexual. Summer, que había sido toda una diva gay antes de que ese término existiera, se convirtió en una cristiana renacida y una firme devota. Según la revista dedicada al público gay The Advocate, entre bambalinas, en un concierto en 1983, dijo a un reducido grupo de fans gais que dios creó a “Adan y Eva, no a Adán y Steve”. “Rezaré por vosotros”, les dijo, y añadió: “He visto el mal de la homosexualidad salir de vosotros, el sida es vuestro pecado”. Ella siempre negó haber dicho esas palabras y llegó a demandar a la revista New York por volver a poner en circulación esas supuestas declaraciones.
Mito o realidad, lo cierto es que Summer nunca volvió a recuperarse del todo, comercial y musicalmente. En 1999, en una época en que grandes glorias como Cher o Madonna se reciclaban con álbumes con arreglos electrónicos, Summer solo tuvo que volver a su propio pasado. Editó una segunda parte de su Live and more, titulado Live and more encore, grabado en directo en los platós de VH1, que dio el exitoso single I will go with you, una versión disco del tema de Andre Boccelli Con te partirò. En 2008 grabó Crayons, que es, ya, su último disco.
Con Crayons, Summer organizó una gira que la trajo aquí, a Washington. Era una sombra de lo que había sido. Le costaba caminar, debía llegar acompañada al escenario, tuvo que tomar grandes descansos para poder cambiarse de traje, algo que sus herederas en el mundo del pop hacen en cuestión de segundos. Ente el público se notaba el nerviosismo, que quedó disipado cuando abrió la boca y entonó la primera nota. La carrera de Summer podría haber pasado por muchos altibajos. Su imponente y prodigiosa voz siguió intacta hasta el final.
Video "LAST DANCE", Donna Summer:

Audio "NO MORE TEARS (ENOUGH IS ENOUGH", Donna Summer & Barbra Streisand:

KEANE'S "STRANGELAND": Nº1 @ UK (+Live videos & audio preview)

El nuevo disco de Keane ya es nº1 en el Reino Unido y hoy tocan en Madrid en un concierto acústico. Nosotros ya tenemos su nuevo disco. Para celebrarlo incluímos una revisión canción a canción de su disco que se publicó en alguna revista inglesa, anticipos en audio de cada tema del disco y dos versiones en vivo de dos temas nuevos "SILENCED BY THE NIGHT" ("Silenciados por la noche") "SOVEREIGN CAFÉ".

Keane's latest record is already nº1 in the UK and they perform today in Madrid in an accoustic concert. We've already got their new album. To celebrate it, we're enclosing a track by track review of their album which was published in a British magazine, audio previews of the album's songs and two live versions of two new songs "SILENCED BY THE NIGHT" & "SOVEREIGN CAFÉ"

Video "SILENCED BY THE NIGHT", Keane en vivo/live:

Video "SOVEREIGN CAFÉ", Keane en vivo/live:

Audio anticipo del album canción a canción/track by trackpreview of the album:


LOS DUETOS DEL Nº1 / Nº1 duets

El talent show de Antena3 nos está ofreciendo la posibilidad de vivir duetos entre los miembros del jurado y concursantes. Aquí están: Ana Torroja y Amaia con "SONRISA" y Bosé con Laia Vehi con "SI TÚ NO VUELVES", Natalia y Jadel "RECUÉRDAME".  Y habrá más...

Antena3 talent show is offering the possibility of watching duets between the jury members and the contestants. Here are two: Ana Torroja &; Amaia with "SONRISA"· ("Smile") and Bosé &; Laia Vehi with "SI TÚ NO VUELVES" ("If you don't come back"), Natalia & Jadel "RECUERDAME" ("Remember me". And there'll be more...
Video "SONRISA", Ana Torroja+Amaia @ Nº1:

Video "RECUÉRDAME", Natalia Jiménez+Jadel:

Más vídeos en Antena3


Video "SI TÚ NO VUELVES", Bosé+Laia Vehi:

Más vídeos en Antena3


Sade anuncia para el día 22 de este mes la edición de un nuevo DVD con el concierto de su última gira "BRING ME HOME / LIVE 2011" ("De regreso a casa / En vivo 2011") con más de dos horas de actuación espectacular. Aquí el video trailer.

Sade announces for the 22nd May the release of her new DVD with the concert from her latest tour "BRING ME HOME / LIVE 2011" with more than two hours of spectacular performance. Here's the video trailer.

Video trailer "BRING ME HOME LIVE", Sade:



Katie Melua extrae ya su segundo single de "SECRET SYMPHONY" ("Sinfonía secreta"), se trata de "MOONSHINE" ("Luz de luna"), que acompaña de un nuevo video que hoy incluímos aquí. Además de un artículo de dailymail.com en inglés.

Katie Melua takes out her second single from "SECRET SYMPHONY", it's "MOONSHINE", which she accompanies with a new video inclosed here today. Also an article from dailymail.com.

Video "MOONSHINE", Katie Melua:

Katie Melua: Back from the brink

Two years ago, at the height of her global success, the singer songwriter’s fairy-tale life bit back – and she had a nervous breakdown. Here she tells Catherine O’Brien what drove her to the edge 
Katie Melua
‘The breakdown was very frightening. There was a definite sense of, “How could this happen?” because you would look at me and think I had nothing to be depressed about. But I hit a wall and had no option but to stop’
Katie Melua is sitting in the darkened corner of a West London pub, her smile relaxed. A shaft of sunlight shines upon the dazzling diamond ring on the third finger of her left hand. ‘Isn’t it stunning? I am not that into jewellery, but when it’s given with such a huge level of love and commitment and romance – well, it’s pretty cool,’ she says.
Four years ago, Katie told You that she didn’t believe in marriage. It was just invented for money and convenience, she declared, adding for good measure: ‘If I have children, I am never going to read them stories about finding Prince Charming because they will grow up feeling disappointed.’ She laughs as I read this back to her now. ‘Marriage seemed so scary then. But once you have met the right person…’ 
Katie’s ‘right person’ is James Toseland, the 31-year-old Yorkshire-born former World Superbike champion. They met a year ago, and last December, while on holiday in the Maldives, James proposed. 
‘When you sell 11 million albums you start thinking, “Maybe I am different”’
'I just couldn’t believe it. I can’t remember exactly what he said. All I know is that I said yes.’
James is surely Katie’s Prince Charming and it is tempting to think that his marriage proposal is the latest chapter in her fairy-tale life. From the hardship of her early beginnings – her family fled to the UK from the strife-torn former Soviet state of Georgia when she was eight – she has gone on to become one of our most successful recording artists, worth £12 million (second only to Adele’s £20 million fortune on The Sunday Times rich list), with hits such as ‘Nine Million Bicycles’ and ‘The Closest Thing to Crazy’, combined with album sales of 11 million. But, although Katie is deeply in love, she doesn’t believe in perfect endings. ‘Looking from the outside, it appears I am having a happy-ever-after,’ she says. ‘But the reality can be different from the fairy tale.’
Two years ago, just when Katie appeared not to have a worry in the world, she suffered a nervous breakdown. The tour she was about to embark upon had to be cancelled, she was admitted to hospital, and for six months she disappeared from view. ‘It was very frightening. There was a definite sense of, “How could this happen?” because you would look at me and think I had nothing to be depressed about. But I hit a wall and had no option but to stop,’ she explains. A combination of therapy, antidepressants, time with her family and ‘switching off the phone, not having to be on a plane or doing interviews’ secured her recovery, but, even now, she is still working out the complex triggers of her illness. ‘It’s brought me back down to earth. I’ve realised that I am not as invincible as I thought I was,’ she says. 
Katie Melua and fiance James
Katie and her fiancé James Toseland are getting married in September
‘My pianist told me that James was in the audience. I thought, “Oh my God! He’s hot!”’
Katie is hardly the first performer to suffer a personal crisis. Mariah Carey, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera have all come back from the brink; Whitney Houston and Amy Winehouse tragically didn’t. But Katie’s breakdown was as shocking as it was unexpected because she is one of the most understated superstars you could meet. Her producer Mike Batt, who discovered her at the age of 18, jokes that he is still waiting for her to complain that her hotel room isn’t big enough. She drives a Vauxhall Astra, regularly travels by bus and tube, and still hangs out with her old schoolfriends. Her tumble of jet-black ringlets and smoky eyes may give her an edgy air, but she exudes a sense of calm. ‘I rarely lose it,’ she says. ‘I tend to internalise anger, which isn’t good.’
Now 27, Katie possesses a capable but contained demeanour shaped by a life of polar extremes. Her early childhood clashed with the break-up of the Soviet Union, during which Georgia’s economy was plunged into chaos. Her father was a heart surgeon, her mother a nurse and they were relatively well-off, but bread shortages became the norm and having a bath entailed carrying buckets of water up five flights of stairs to the flat they shared with her grandparents. ‘It sounds grim,’ she says, ‘but I had a happy childhood. Children are resilient – they can always find a way to play.’
In the early 1990s, Katie’s father got a job at Belfast’s Royal Victoria Hospital and the family – Katie also has a brother, Zurab, now 19 – moved to a new home near the then notorious Falls Road. Having just escaped a bloody civil war, Katie was unfazed by the sight of soldiers in tanks as she walked to school. ‘I was eight years old, but I walked there by myself. I knew how to look after myself.’  

She couldn’t speak a word of English when she arrived but was fluent within three months. When she was 13, the family moved first to Cheam and then Redhill in Surrey. By then she was highly adaptable. ‘I moved schools seven or eight times, but I never thought of it as a problem,’ she says. ‘I didn’t become attached to people.’

How it all began: A 19-year-old Katie performing tracks from her debut album Call off the Search at an appearance in Central London
Singing was her one constant. Inspired by a combination of her mother’s piano playing and her uncle’s passion for Queen, she had her first lessons in Georgia when she was around seven and carried on once she moved to the UK. ‘Everybody in Georgia is musical, but I was slightly obsessed,’ she says. At 15 she started writing songs, then, after her GCSEs, she won a place at the Brit School of performing arts in Croydon (alma mater also of Adele, Jessie J, Amy Winehouse and Leona Lewis) and it was there that Mike Batt (of Wombles fame) discovered her. 
He was 50, she was just 18, but they bonded over their mutual admiration for Eva Cassidy. The first album they produced together, Call off the Search, became the bestselling British album of 2004. Katie remembers the moment Mike called to tell her it was number one. ‘I was living at home with my parents and doing a part-time music course. Mum said, “Yay,” and then we carried on having breakfast. But it was the end of life as I’d known it.’
From the outset, Katie was remarkably prescient about her career direction. Leona Lewis was one of her classmates, but she could never have contemplated the X Factor route that Leona later took, partly because she wanted to be able to record her own songs and partly because she wasn’t prepared to play the celebrity game. ‘I didn’t want things blowing up and getting out of my control. I just wanted to enjoy the music.’
Katie achieved that rarest of things in the music business – success on her own terms. At 21, she bought a house for herself in London’s Holland Park and splashed out on £40,000-worth of recording equipment to create her own studio. Her second and third albums became international chart toppers and she was playing to sellout audiences on tour. So when she found herself, in September 2010, immobilised in a chair and staring into space, her first reactions were incomprehension and denial. ‘You are doing your dream job so you should be happy, but it doesn’t work like that,’ she says. ‘It’s difficult to put into words, but happiness is not a constant. So you reach a certain level, but the longer you are up there, the more numb you become to it.’ In many ways, the reasons for her breakdown are still a tangle in her head.
Stress and exhaustion didn’t help – she was travelling relentlessly to promote her fourth album – but loneliness was also a factor. She is surrounded by a loyal entourage, ‘but I am aware that the buck stops with me. If I am not able to perform it affects everyone. I like being on the edge and depended upon, but there is a loneliness that comes from carrying that responsibility. And just being alone in your hotel room a lot of the time, it wears away at you. I love the band I play with and I can always go down to the bar and hang out with them, but I am also aware that that is how drinking problems can start.’
Katie Melua
Katie will be touring this summer but says she 'knows her limits'
Although she is partial to Jack Daniel’s, she has never dabbled with drugs, but she understands how success can lead to addiction. ‘I think maybe part of it is about trying to get some feeling back after the numbness takes over,’ she says. She credits her father, who now works as a GP, with warning her off drugs, and her family for keeping her grounded. But another strand of her breakdown was that even they could not prevent her from falling for some of her own hype. ‘You try to keep level-headed, but when you sell 11 million albums you start thinking, “Maybe I am different.”’
There was no Damascene moment to Katie’s recovery. ‘I can’t say I’ve figured it all out. I can say that the medication helped and coming off it felt really good.’ Early last year she felt well enough to begin work on her new album Secret Symphony, a collection of ballads that showcases her soulful voice. And by May she was back on tour. One night, at a gig in Sheffield, her pianist Jim Watson, who is a biking fanatic, announced excitedly that James Toseland was in the audience. ‘I said, “Who’s James Toseland?’” she says, laughing. 
Although she could hardly be expected to know it, chiselled-featured James is a legend in motorbiking circles. He also has a mum who is a Katie Melua fan and he had bought her the concert tickets as a gift. Jim invited them backstage. ‘I thought, “Oh my God! He’s hot!’” Katie giggles. They swapped numbers, started dating and found that, despite different backgrounds, they have much in common. Katie, for all her outwardly controlled emotions, is an adrenalin junkie. She skydives, has swum with sharks and once walked over hot coals for charity. James’s second passion is the piano. He’s in a band inauspiciously named Crash, and four years ago wowed the BBC Sports Personality of the Year show with a solo blues performance.  
The past year has proved a crossroads for them both. After suffering a devastating wrist injury, James had to announce last November that his 15-year motorcycling career was over. He’s planning to develop his music and is looking into bike-connected business ventures. Meanwhile, Katie is back working, but with a fresh outlook. 
‘I know my limits,’ she says. She will be touring this summer, and in September she and James will marry. They are planning a ‘chilled’ ceremony in London and he will be moving from his home in the Isle of Man to hers in London. They both want children but she says they are ‘just going 
to see where life takes us’. Katie is right, there is no such thing as happy ever after. But it’s good to see her so happy in the here and now.

Katie’s album Secret Symphony is out now. Katie will perform at Hampton Court Palace Festival on 22 June and will be on tour in October. Visit katiemelua.com

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Natalia Lafourcade Natalie Imbruglia Neil Diamond Nek Nelly Furtado Nena Nena Daconte NeonTrees Nia NicKamen Nik Kershaw Nina Niña Pastori No Doubt-Gwen Stefani Noa NuriaFergó Nº1 O.Nassim OMD Obits Oceana Ok go Ola Brunkert Oliver Olivia Newton-John PSanBasilio Pablo Alborán PabloDíaz+OlgaKirk PabloMilanés PacoDLucía PainsBeingPureHeart Pasión Vega Passenger PassionPit Pastora Pastora Soler Pat Benatar Patrick Bruel Patrick Swayze Paul Buchanan Paul McCartney Paul Young Pe Pedro Guerra Pentatonix Per Gessle Peret Pet Shop Boys PeterCetera PeterJorback Petula Clark PharrellWilliams Phil Collins PhilSpector PinkFloyd Pitingo Plácido Domingo Prefab Sprout Presuntos Implicados Pretenders-Chrissie-Hynde Prince Proclaimers Pussycat Queen-Freddie Mercury R.Gunnarsson R.Keating-Boyzone REM RadioFutura Raphael Rasmus Rembrandts Rick Astley Righteous Brothers RobFalsini RobZuzin Robbie Williams Robert Downey Jr. Roberta Flack RobinBengtsson Rod Stewart Roko RollingStones Ronnie Spector Rosa Cedrón Rosa León Rosana Rosario Roxette Roxy Music-Bryan Ferry RoyOrbison Rozalén Rumer Rune Söderqvist RussianRed Ryan Adams Sabina Sade Sally Oldfield SalvadorSobral Sam Brown SamFender SamSmith Sandoval SannaNielsen Sara Ramírez Sarah Brightman SarahDownFiner Sau SayMyName Schiller ScissorSisters Scorpions Seal Serena Ryder Sergio Dalma SergioEstibaliz Serrat Shakira Sharleen Spiteri Sharon Corr Sheena Easton Shirley Bassey SimonGarfunkel Simple Minds SimplyRed-MickHucknall SinBandera Sinnead O'Connor Sissel Snow Patrol Soledad Giménez SonrisaDJulia SoundOfArrows SoundOfStrings Spandau Ballet SpencerDay Standfast StarsOn45 StatusQuo StephenBishop Steps Stevie Wonder Sting Summercat SundayDrivers Supertramp Susan Boyle Suzanne Vega SvenOlofWalldoff SvenneLotta Swing Out Sister TCMS TYP TakeThat TalkTalk TamTamGo Tamara Tanita Tikaram Tanxugueiras TeoCardalda Tequila Texas The Beloved The Carpenters The Corrs The Cure The Fray The Knack The Police TheBlackMamba TheLumineers TheShires TheWebb Therion Thicke Tight Fit Timbiriche Tina Charles Tina Turner Tino Casal Tom Chaplin Tomas Ledin Tony Ronald TorbjörnCalvero ToriAmos ToveLo Tracey Chapman Train Tusse Txetxo Bengoetxea U2-Bono UB40 Ulibarri Umberto Tozzi Vaccines Vanesa Martín Vangelis VazquezSounds Vega Versiones Vicky Larraz Vicky Leandros Vince Clarke Visage Víctor Manuel Waterboys WetWetWet Whitney Houston Wilson Phillips XabierDiaz XimenaSariñana XoeLopez Yazoo YolySaa Yvonne Elliman ZaraLarsson


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