Se anuncia nuevo material de Keane, se trata de un EP (8 canciones) bajo el título de "NIGHT TRAIN" ("Tren nocturno"). Incluimos enlace para escuchar avance del single: "STOP FOR A MINUTE" ("Para un minuto"). Para tenerlo hay que esperar al 10 de Mayo.
Keane's new material is being announced, it's an EP (8 songs) titled "NIGHT TRAIN". We include the link to listen to the preview of the single: "STOP FOR A MINUTE". To have it, we have to wait until May, 10th.
Lista de canciones/Tracklist:
1. House Lights
2. Back In Time
3. Stop For A Minute (feat K'Naan)
4. Clear Skies
5. Ishin Denshin (You've Got To Help Yourself) (feat Tigarah)
6. Your Love
7. Looking Back (feat K'Naan)
8. My Shadow
Audio enlace/link:
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