

Ayer Sharleen Spiteri y Tony McGovern estuvieron en Madrid e hicieron una presentación acústica de "THE CONVERSATION" ("La Conversación"). Incluímos información de EuropaPress. Actualizado con un enlace a la página de M80-Radio.

Yesterday Sharleen Spiteri & Tony McGovern were in Madrid and made an accoustic presentation of "THE CONVERSATION". We're including information in Spanish by EuropaPress. We'll update the video. Updated with a link to M80-Radio page.

La banda escocesa Texas publicará el próximo 20 de mayo su nuevo álbum de estudio, 'The Conversation', con el que la formación liderada por Sharleen Spiteri rompe un silencio discográfico de ocho años, los transcurridos desde su 'Red Book' de 2005.
   Tres semanas antes de su lanzamiento oficial, pues, Texas ha ofrecido este lunes en el Hotel Mercure de Madrid un concierto acústico de media docena de canciones patrocinado por la emisora de radio M80, con la asistencia de alrededor de un centenar de seguidores, que lograron sus invitaciones por sorteo.
   A dos guitarras, Spiteri y el habitualmente baterista Mykie Wilson han interpretado dos temas de su inminente nuevo trabajo, tituladas 'The Conversation' y 'Dry your eyes'. Para alegría de la concurrencia, también han mirado al pasado con éxitos como 'I don't want a lover' y 'Black Eyed Boy'.
   En la recta final se han atrevido con una casi improvisada versión del 'Jackson' de Johnny Cash y June Carter, antes de despedirse con su éxito de 1993 'So called friend', finiquitando media hora de recital distendido y simpático que se hizo corto para los presentes y en el que se ha podido constatar que Texas regresan en buena forma para recuperar su posición de clásicos contemporáneos del pop rock internacional. 

Video "JACKSON", Texas @ M80:
Video "BLACK EYED BOY", Texas @ M80:


ANA TORROJA: FRAUDE FISCAL: 3 AÑOS Y 3 MESES DE CÁRCEL / Tax fraud: 3 years & 3 months prison

Ana Torroja, al banquillo por fraude fiscal

La excantante de Mecano está acusada de cinco delitos contra la Hacienda

Anticorrupción le pide 18 meses de cárcel y más de tres años la abogacía del Estado

Esta noticia aparece en la prensa de hoy ("El País"). Incluímos artículo.

This information appears in today's papers ("El País"). Here's the article in Spanish.

Desde 2007 la cantante Ana Torroja está en el punto de mira del fiscal anticorrupción Juan Carrau y del juez de Palma Antonio Garcias como supuesta defraudadora fiscal. Después de años de instrucción y distintas tentativas de negociar un pacto de conformidad, parece inevitable que la exvocalista de Mecano se siente en el banquillo, acusada por cinco delitos fiscales, por supuesta evasión y fraude al derivar sus ingresos a países extranjeros y paraísos fiscales. La abogacía del Estado le pide más de tres años de cárcel y la fiscalía, 18 meses. Deberá depositar dos millones de fianza civil con otros dos acusados, sus asesores.
La vida de Ana Torroja quedó ligada a Mallorca desde que se compró una bella casita de veraneo en Camp de Mar (Andratx), que fue el estudio del pintor y del espía inglés Tomás Harris, un tipo de novela en la guerra fría. Además, se casó a bordo de un barco por aguas insulares en las que suele bucear.
Para cerrar la compra de su chalé buscó un abogado de Mallorca, Gabriel Feliu, cuyo bufete familiar fue registrado por Anticorrupción al haberse especializado en anidar sociedades en paraísos fiscales. Varios de los abogados del despacho y distintos clientes millonarios han sido juzgados, condenados y han afrontado multas por fraude dentro de la Operación Relámpago.
En el juicio, Ana Torroja se sentará en el banquillo de los acusados junto a su exabogado mallorquín Gabriel Feliu (que fue letrado en Mallorca de Michael Douglas) y otro profesional, Octavio Fernández. Aún antes de la vista y en la misma apertura del juicio cabría un pacto de conformidad como ha sucedido en otros episodios semejantes emprendidos por el fiscal Carrau: con la asunción de la culpa, pago de lo defraudado más recargo y una multa, con lo que sería posible la rebaja de la posible pena.
Ana Torroja está siendo investigada desde 2007 y Hacienda cree que defraudó cerca de dos millones desde 2001. La excantante de Mecano niega que haya defraudado a la Hacienda española porque era residente en el extranjero.
La artista se negó a declarar repetidamente ante el juez Garcias —estaba en su derecho como imputada—, impugnó la legalidad de la causa penal en su contra solicitado la prescripción de alguno de los delitos y solicitó amparo ante el Tribunal Constitucional. Al intentar la negociación, Carrau reclamó el depósito de un millón de euros a las arcas públicas. La artista llegó a entregar 700.000 euros para avanzar en el posible acuerdo.
Hacienda cree que Ana Torroja evadió los pagos de cerca de dos millones de euros en impuestos —en seis años— a través de sus sociedades pantalla radicadas en el extranjero y en paraísos fiscales: las empresas Carlitos Way, ligada a otra, Thara Holding, ubicada en los Países Bajos y una rama en las Antillas holandesas.

Enlace / Link:

Con Hacienda me colé (El País)


SHARLEEN SPITERI: SUS GUSTOS ECLÉCTICOS / Her eclectic tastes (Press interviews)

Sharleen Spiteri confesó el sábado a MailOnLine sobre sus gustos en cuanto a música, cine, libros, arte y televisión. Unos gustos un tanto eclécticos que van desde Abba hasta Marvin Gaye y The Stone Roses. Aquí el artículo en inglés.

Sharleen Spiteri confessed last Saturday to the MailOnLine about her likes on music, films, books, art and TV. Quite eclectic her tastes which go from Abba to Marvin Gaye & The Stone Roses. Here the article.

Marvin Gaye and The Stone Roses: The eclectic tastes of Sharleen Spiteri 
[MailOnLine 27/4/2013]

The Texas frontwoman on why Let's Get It On is her favourite album of all time, the French movie that recently made her cry and the best concert she ever saw

'Mamma Mia! is pretty irresistible. I've now seen it four times,' said Sharleen Spiteri
'Mamma Mia! is pretty irresistible. I've now seen it four times,' said Sharleen Spiteri


There’s something special about seeing a real  work of art for the first time that you’ve only previously known through seeing it in books or magazines. I first saw Edgar Degas’ Dancing Girls in print at the age of seven because I was really  into ballet. I got to see the actual painting when  I was 12 and the depth of it just astonished me. Recently I bought an amazing pencil drawing of Judy Garland by the illustrator Nina Fowler. She captures the pain  and loneliness in Garland’s life  so exquisitely. 


Mamma Mia! is pretty irresistible. I’ve now seen it four times. You can say that Abba are cheesy but you’d be wrong as they wrote  and recorded some of the best pop music of all time. The musical showcases those songs wonderfully well.

The Intouchables: Movies don't often make me cry but this one did
HR Pufnstuf
Movies don't often make me cry but this one did (The Untouchables, pictured left). HR Pufnstuf (above) is a life-size puppet show for kids and I was pleased to see that it has stood the test of time


The best movie I’ve seen recently is The Intouchables, a French movie about a carer who’s got a radical way of looking after people. He befriends this guy who has ended up in a wheelchair after a paragliding accident and would dearly love to be in love but has never had the bottle to approach a woman. But he’s in touch with this woman by letter. He’s never met her and never mentioned that he’s disabled. So the carer encourages him to take the plunge and get to know her properly. It’s so beautifully done. Movies don’t often make me cry but this one did. They were tears of happiness more than anything because the story is just so tender that it’s impossible not to be moved. 


One of the great things about being a parent is that you get to inflict the shows from your childhood on your own children. When the HR Pufnstuf DVD came out a few years ago, we’d watch it on a continuous loop. It’s a life-size puppet show for kids and I was pleased to see that it has stood the test of time. It’s still magical. At the moment nothing comes close to Breaking Bad. It’s rock ’n’ roll TV at its best. It’s one of those shows that I love converting people to. It can be incredibly dark one moment and then you find yourself laughing out loud. 
My favourite album ever is Marvin Gaye's Let's Get It On. I could never ever get tired of those songs
My favourite album ever is Marvin Gaye's Let's Get It On. I could never ever get tired of those songs


My favourite ever is Marvin Gaye’s Let’s Get It On. In the early Eighties I was living in this small flat with my best mate and we played it constantly. I could never ever get tired of those songs. The new Dexys album, One Day I’m Going To Soar, comes 26 years after the last one and was worth the wait. I’ve always been a big admirer of Kevin Rowland’s songwriting and this is the most emotionally raw stuff of his career. He’s one of the great one-offs. The Forever EP by the U.S. band Haim is the first record to blow my mind in a long time. The lead song, Better Off, is an astounding piece of songwriting. 
Perfume by Patrick Suskind
The Stone Roses perform live at Glasgow Green, 1990
There's a genius to the way Patrick Suskind evokes smells (in Perfume, above). The best concert I ever saw was The Stone Roses in Glasgow (above)... A great band at the very height of their powers


In the late Eighties, Texas were preparing to do a show and someone handed me Patrick Suskind’s Perfume and I was gripped. The novel was so intoxicating that I no longer wanted to do the show and I later finished it in one sitting. There’s a genius to the way he evokes smells. I’m currently reading Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl, a brilliant novel about how we never quite know the people we fall in love with. It’s one of those novels that you discuss endlessly with your closest friends. 


The best concert I ever saw was The Stone Roses in Glasgow in 1989. It was a perfect moment in time, a great band at the very height of their powers. Recently I saw Kraftwerk at the Tate and they were utterly compelling. They’ve been around for decades but still manage to sound like the sound of tomorrow.

Más entrevistas / More interviews:
Enlace / Link: Sharleen Spiteri
- @ BritishGQ.
- @  DigitalSpy.

AVANCES ALISON MOYET'S PREVIEWS [Actualizado / Updated 29/4/2013]


Los lunes, miércoles y viernes se presentarán avances de las nuevas canciones de Alison Moyet. Incluye críticas al álbum en inglés.

On Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays there'll be sneak previews of Alison Moyet's new songs. Including album reviews.








- Críticas álbum reviews:
- @ The Electricity Club.
- @ StirringTrouble.
- @ TheTelegraph.



A punto de abrir el Abba The Museum en Estocolmo, incluímos hoy enlaces a información reciente en la prensa y sitios web.

About to open Abba The Museum at Stockholm, we're including today links to recent info in the press and websites.

Video "ABBA, THE MUSEUM" promo:


Enlaces / Links:



Tras avanzar aquí varios temas completos en distintas entradas, cuyos audios, en algún caso, fueron bloqueados, ofrecemos hoy unos avances de todas las canciones del nuevo álbum "A" de Agnetha. Ya hemos escuchado el álbum completo y promete...

After previewing several complete songs in different posts here, whose audios, in some cases, have been blocked, we're offering today some sneak previews o all the songs of Agnetha's new album "A". We've already listened to the complete album and it's promising...

Audio avance / preview "A":



Marilia Andrés, una de las voces de las Ella Baila Sola, anuncia su regreso a los escenarios en mayo presentando en directo su primer disco sola "SUBIR UNA MONTAÑA". De lo que sepamos, informaremos...

Marilia Andrés, one of the voices in Ella Baila Sola, announces her comeback to the stage in May presenting her first solo-album "SUBIR UNA MONTAÑA" ("Climb a mountain"). Whatever we know, we'll update...

Enlaces / Links:



Más apariciones de Agnetha en la prensa inglesa y aún va allí la próxima semana, esta  vez en "The Times". Artículo y crítica del álbum en inglés.

More appearances of Agnetha at British press and it's until next week that she arrives there, this time in "The Times". Article and review.


AGNETHA NO DESCARTA LA VUELTA DE ABBA / Agnetha doesn't rule out Abba's comeback

Agnetha vuelve a hacer que se disparen rumores... Al menos eso ha comentado a una revista alemana:
Berlín, Alemania.- La antigua integrante del cuarteto musical sueco ABBA Agnetha Fältskog no descarta la posibilidad de que sus miembros vuelvan a reunirse para subir juntos a un escenario.
"¿Quizás un concierto con fines caritativos? Yo, por lo menos, no lo descartaría desde un principio", afirma la cantante en declaraciones que publica Zeitgamazin, la revista que acompaña al semanario Die Zeit.
Con motivo de la publicación de "A", su nuevo álbum como solista, Agnetha señala que el titulo se debe al simple hecho de que es "una de las 'A' de ABBA" y comenta que le gusta escuchar éxitos como "The winner take it all" del cuarteto del que formó parte.
El grupo ABBA, formado, además de por Agnetha, por Björn, Benny y Anni-Frid, se disolvió en 1982 tras años de éxitos discográficos a nivel mundial y un posible retorno del mismo se daba por descartado.
Los dos varones del grupo siguen, sin embargo, trabajando juntos con frecuencia y han compuesto el himno del Festival de Eurovision 2013, que se celebrará en Malmö (Suecia) del 14 al 18 de mayo.
"We Write the Story", como se titula la canción de Benny Andersson y Björn Ulvaeus, cuenta también con arreglos del productor y dj sueco Avicii y será interpretada por primera vez en directo el 18 de mayo, el día de la gran final.
Nuevo disco ya tiene fecha de salida, el 14 de mayo
A", el álbum de regreso de la antigua integrante del grupo sueco ABBA, Agnetha Fältskog, tras diez años de silencio, saldrá a la venta el 14 de mayo, ha informado hoy la discográfica.
El álbum, en el que ha colaborado el compositor y productor Jorgen Elofsson, supone el regreso a la música de la cantante de 63 años, que había abandonado su carrera y estaba retirada desde hace diez años, según ha informado hoy Universal Music.
"I should've followed you home" es el tema que la cantante interpreta junto a Gary Barlow, integrante del grupo Take That que colabora en el disco. Esta canción se une a las diez que integran el disco, junto al single de presentación "When You Really Loved Someone".
Agnetha Fältskog, que comenzó a "escribir canciones a los cinco años" y que tuvo "su primer número uno en Suecia a los dieciocho", se dio a conocer como "la rubia de ABBA", grupo que se disolvió en 1982 y que ha vendido más de 420 millones de discos. 

Agnetha makes rumours explode again... At least that's what she's said to a German magazine:
Berlin, Apr 23 (EFE).- Agnetha Faltskog, a member of legendary Swedish pop group ABBA, said in an interview published by the German press that she had not ruled out the possibility of reuniting the band's members for a concert.
"Perhaps a charity concert? I, at least, would not rule it out," the singer told Zeitgamazin, the magazine of the weekly Die Zeit.
Faltskog is promoting her new solo album, "A," whose title was inspired by the fact that she was "one of the 'As' in ABBA."
The singer said she enjoyed listening to old ABBA hits, such as "The Winner Takes It All."
ABBA, formed by Agnetha Faltskog, Bjorn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson and Anni-Frid Lyngstad, broke up in 1982 after years of cranking out hits.
The band's members have ruled out a reunion for years.
Ulvaeus and Andersson, however, have worked together on other projects, including "Mamma Mia," the hit musical and film, and the anthem for the 2013 Eurovision Festival, which will be held May 14-18 in Malmo, Sweden.
"We Write the Story," the title of the song by Andersson and Ulvaeus, features an arrangement by Swedish producer and DJ Avicii, and will be performed for the first time during the festival's May 18 grand finale.

Incluso empiezan las apuestas: 
Even bettings have started:

Mamma Mia! Bookie offers odds on ABBA reunion



Estrenamos otra canción de Agnetha "DANCE YOU PAIN AWAY" ("Baila tus penas")

We're premiering another Agnetha song "DANCE YOUR PAIN AWAY".

Audio "DANCE YOUR PAIN AWAY", Agnetha Fältskog:

Letra / Lyrics:

Nothing he can do
Damage been done
You caught him in the rest room
With another one
When everybody's looking at you
Crying's not the right thing to do
Don't run for the door
Get back on the floor
Don't give them what they're waiting for

D D D Dance Your Pain Away
D D D Dance Your Pain Away
Let there be rumors
Pay no attention
Lock your tears inside and show some pride
D D D Dance Your Pain Away
D D D Dance Your Pain Away
Create an illusion
Cause some confusion
Lock your tears inside and show some pride

Pictures in your mind
Tearing at your heart
You're breaking into pieces
But you can't fall apart
When everybody's looking at you
Better shine the whole night through
Don't run for the door
Get back on the floor
Don't give them what they're waiting for

D D D Dance Your Pain Away
D D D Dance Your Pain Away
Let there be rumors
Pay no attention
Lock your tears inside and show some pride
D D D Dance Your Pain Away
D D D Dance Your Pain Away
Create an illusion
Cause some confusion
Lock your tears inside and show some pride

Nothing he got nothing, he got nothing, he got nothing on you (on you)
Nothing he got nothing, he got nothing, he got nothing on you (on you)

Nothing he can do
Damage been done
Don't give them what they're waiting for

D D D Dance Your Pain Away
D D D Dance Your Pain Away
Let there be rumors
Pay no attention
Lock your tears inside and show some pride
D D D Dance Your Pain Away
D D D Dance Your Pain Away
Create an illusion
Cause some confusion
Lock your tears inside and show some pride

Dance Your Pain Away
Dance Your Pain Away
Dance Your Pain Away
D D D Dance Your Pain Away
Dance Your Pain Away
Dance Your Pain Away
Dance Your Pain Away
D D D Dance Your Pain Away


Más, más, más... tras 3 canciones nuevas... ahora tenemos un video de Agnetha y sus productores durante la edición de "THE ONE WHO LOVES YOU NOW" ("El que te quiere ahora"). Aquí la dejamos...
Actualizado (24/4/2013) con un segundo video grabando cuerdas en el Concert Hall de Estocolmo.
Actualizado (26/4/2013) con un tercer video con el Stockholm Philarmonic Orchestra tocando cuerdas de "THE ONE...".

More, more, more... aftre 3 new songs... now we have a video of Agnetha and her producers during the editing of "THE ONE WHO LOVES YOU NOW". Here it is...
Updated (24/4/2013) with a second video recording strings at Stockholm's Concert Hall.
Updated (26/4/2013) with a third video with Stockholm Philarmonic Orchestra playing the strings on "THE ONE"...".

Video Agnetha behind the scenes:

Video Agnetha behind the scenes 2 @ Concert Hall:

Video behind the scenes "THE ONE..." strings Stockholm Philarmonic Orchestra:



Desde hoy se puede comprar la versión digital de "I WAS A FLOWER" ("Era una flor") en Amazon.UK en este enlace inferior. Escucha el tema en un audio aquí.

From today the digital version of "I WAS A FLOWER" can be bought at Amazon.UK at the link below.


Audio "I WAS A FLOWER", Agnetha Fältskog: 

Letra / Lyrics:
Careless hands, reckless heart
tore me from the ground
I followed you
like the river follows the sea
Hollow dreams, precious pride
I blossomed by your side
I followed you
you were everything to me
but now you walk right through me
like I'm an empty ghost
now, when I need you the most.

I was a flower,
now look what you have done
you made my colours fade
too close to the sun.
Once I was innocent, beautiful,
life had just begun,
I was a flower,
now, look what you have done.

Crazy nights, wicked ways
I wither in the haze
followed you till I followed you too far.
I needed you
your face was kind,
I trusted you,
my faith was blind,
and now I don't know who you are.

But now you walk right through me
like I'm an empty ghost
now, when I need you the most.

Careless hands, reckless heart,
my life had just begun,
now look what you have done.



Secreto revelado, escucha el dueto de Agnetha y Gary Barlow "SHOULD HAVE FOLLOWED YOU HOME" ("Debí haberte seguido a casa") con la letra.

Revealed secret, listen to Agnetha & Gary Barlow's duet "SHOULD HAVE FOLLOWED YOU HOME", with the lyrics.

Audio "I SHOULD HAVE FOLLOWED YOU HOME", Agnetha & Gary Barlow:

Letra / Lyrics:
Can’t believe it’s really you 
You still look the way you used to 
All this time 
What have you done? 
Won’t you tell me
What you’ve been through?

And maybe
If you
Want to
Let’s talk for a while

Dancefloor dust
Never quite settles
Busy feet, remember still
The way we moved
So close in the darkness
All the music, the magic, the thrill
I must have been so lost in the moment
I missed the chance to make you my own
Now I know
Now I know
Now I know
I should’ve followed you home

Yeah, should’ve followed you home

So familiar and so right
You never left me since that one night
Though we try to say goodbye
Some things stay with you your whole life
For your whole life

Dancefloor dust
Never quite settles
Busy feat, remember still
The way we moved
So close in the darkness
All the music, the magic, the thrill
I must have been so lost in the moment
I missed the chance to make you my own
Now I know
Now I know
I should’ve followed you home

Snow falls
Streetlights paint your face
Smile and say ‘take care’
I’ll see you soon again

If you
Want to
I’ll see you soon again

Dancefloor dust
Never quite settles
Busy feat, remember still
The way we moved
So close in the darkness
All the music, the magic, the thrill
I must have been so lost in the moment
I missed the chance to make you my own
Now I know
Now I know
Now I know
I should’ve followed you home

Yeah, should’ve followed you home
Oh, should’ve followed you home

Yeah, should’ve followed you home
Oooh followed you home


Estrenamos el video del nuevo single de Texas "THE CONVERSATION" ("La Conversación", en que más que hablar, Sharleen corre... Como ya es costumbre se acompaña de un afamado actor, esta vez el escocés Peter Mullan.

Premiering Texas' video for their new single "THE CONVERSATION", more rather than talking, Sharleen runs... As usual she's accompanied by a well acclaimed actor, this time Scott Peter Mullan.


Aquí el momento en el que se cayó durante la grabación del video:
Here the moment when she fell during the shooting of the video:



Agnetha continúa la promoción. Una entrevista a la revista sueca VG. Aquí tenemos las fotos que ilustran la entrevista y una traducción al inglés que aparece en AbbaOfficial.com.

Agnetha continues promoting. An interview for Swedish magazine VG. Here are the photos that illustrate the interview and an English translation appeared on AbbaOfficial.com.


Seguimos descubriendo versiones de canciones de Abba. Hoy se trata de la versión de "ANGELEYES" ("Ojos de ángel") en la versión de The Czars, una banda norteamericana de rock alternativo de Denver formado en 1994 y que estuvieron juntos hasta el 2004. Hacen una versión acústica y lenta de la canción.

We keep on discovering covers of Abba songs. Today it's the cover version of "ANGELEYES" by The Czars, an American band from Denver formed in 1994 and that were together until 2004. They play a slow acoustic version of the song.

Video "ANGELEYES", Abba:

Audio "ANGELEYES", The Czars:



Photo: Getty images

Anoche Alison Moyet cantó en Bush Hall en Londres, presentando temas de su nuevo discos y éxitos de antaño. También ayer apareció una entrevista suya en The Guardian, que hoy incluimos aquí en inglés acompañado de los videos de anoche cantando"WHEN I WAS YOUR GIRL" ("Cuando era tu chica"), "NOBODY'S DIARY" ("El diario de nadie") y "DON'T GO" ("No te vayas").

Last night Alison Moyet performed at Bus Hall in London, presenting some of her new songs and oldies. Another interview with her featured at yesterday's issue of The Guardian, which we're enclosing here together with a video from last night singing "WHEN I WAS YOUR GIRL", NOBODY'S DIARY" & "DON'T GO".

Alison Moyet: 'I smashed all my gold discs. There were hundreds'

The singer on her extreme decluttering session – and why everybody compares her to Adele
[Paul Lester. The Guardian 28/47/2013]
Hi, Alison. Where are you?
Brighton. I moved here last week. I lived in Radlett till last week.
Nice. Near Letchmore Heath.
Yeah. I remember seeing Poly Styrene at the Hari Krishna temple – the George Harrison one – which was weird because she was one of my childhood idols.
X-Ray Spex! Funny, because people think of you as a supperclubjazz singer, don't they?
I started off at 15 in punk bands and then I moved onto the Canvey Island scene when I played the pub rock circuit. When I did That Ol' Devil Called Love, it was quite a leftfield move.
So 20 years before Amy and Adele, it was considered radical to be into soul and jazz.
It was. Unfortunately, it became my biggest-selling single. I know nothing about jazz, so to be called a jazz singer for all that time …
Does it annoy you that young women still cite Billie Holiday as an influence?
In some ways it does. My generation had prog rock and punk and edgy folk. It's become so homogenised now. It's all about demographics. And vocals are all about acrobatics and mimicry.
Do you ever look at Adele and think: "That was me in 1985"?
When I saw Adele I thought: "I'll give it an hour before people say I was her," just because I was fat. When you watch X Factor you can bet your bottom dollar, every single fat singer sounds like me as far as the judges are concerned. Can you imagine if they did that with every black artist?
You're from Essex. What was Basildon like in the 70s?
A big council estate. It was fine but there was absolutely no culture. So everyone had to make their own entertainment. We'd set up gigs in car parks or fields. In my class at school there was Andy Fletcher and Martin Gore [of Depeche Mode] and Perry Bamonte of the Cure. And when I went to college the bass player from Talk Talk was there.
How wild were the gigs supporting Dr Feelgood with your various punk bands? 
We'd get hammered. It was always me and a group of about eight blokes hanging round Canvey [Island]. There were times we'd be surrounded by skinheads, mods, Teds or "market boys", and I had to out-threaten them. You used to get your teeth kicked in in those days if you had the wrong cut of trouser or the wrong point of shoe. Once, I had to swing my microphone into a whole big circle of them, otherwise we wouldn't have got out alive.
Are you fluent in French? 
No. I spoke Franglais growing up.
Does anyone call you Geneviève?
No. Can you imagine Geneviève Moyet in Basildon? Wouldn't work.
Are you handy around the house?
The first time my dad told me he was really proud of me was when I was in my late 30s and I rewired the Hoover. I can hang wallpaper, too.
Do you have a fancy Dyson?
I don't do fancy. You always think, when you get a bit of money the first thing you'll do is buy a big fuck-off house, but what you never account for is you'll never like shopping. So I did buy a big fuck-off house but never bought anything [to go in it].
So is your new house in Brighton clutter-free?
I dumped everything. Even my gold discs. I smashed the lot. I took a hammer to them. And I'm not being lairy, but there were hundreds. It was fucking brilliant. All my stage clothes – gone. I love it. And I burned all my diaries. I really don't want to own things. It just drags you down.
Didn't your kids want any of your stuff?
I don't care. What is the point? I've done them a real service. You die and they're left with boxes and boxes of shit that they are then forced to chuck away.
It's easier to keep a house clean, the less you have.
The thing with me is, I'm both untidy and I hate mess. But I'm not untidy in communal spaces, like living rooms. My bedroom is havoc.
What does that say about you?
I suspect I have ADHD.
Can you remember the day you met Vince Clarke?
I've known him since I was 11. They used to have this Saturday morning music school in Basildon and him and his two brothers went to it. They all played violins if I remember rightly, and with their white, white hair they looked like three little blond ducks. Later, he and [Andy] Fletcher were both God-botherers and they wore macs with a big sign on their backs saying "Jesus Saves" in five-inch letters. That was pretty brave, in Basildon, walking around like that. I've always admired iconoclasts.
Were you and Vince as Yazoo the weirdest of the synthpop duos?
We were certainly remarkable. We were such different characters. Vince had just experienced a break-up with Depeche and he was feeling sore and in a dark place. Me, I was a fighter and far too aggressive for him.
Did you get aggressive with each other?
No, you can't get aggressive with someone who doesn't want to get aggressive. He was passive-aggressive. I was just aggressive.
What was it like having a hit with your first single, Only You?
It went into the charts at number 157 and it was absolutely fantastic. To be in the top 200 – nothing was as thrilling as that.
Yazoo came up with a new paradigm: passionate vocals meets cool electronics.
It was never intended. Vince brought me the demo of Only You and that's how I sang it. We just did what we did, together.
Who was your hero at the time?
Elvis Costello. I met him once after one of his gigs. I was trying to be all urbane and not gush too much but what came out of my mouth was: "You dragged that out a bit, didn't you?" I haven't listened to him since. It hurt me so much. And I never accepted a music business invite again. It changed my professional-social outlook for 25 years. Because I didn't trust myself. I became agoraphobic. In Basildon I was this odd girl who everyone thought was a fighter and a drug addict – just dodgy – and I was used to that space around me. But I tried, and failed, at socialising.
What drugs?
Nothing A-class – the various drugs you do as a kid. Speed, smoke ...
But networking was a no-no after, what, 1984?
Yes. Until about 1994. I just used to hang out with old schoolfriends.
All triggered by the Costello incident?
And you hid in cupboards?
I didn't like it when people knocked on the door! I'd be indoors with all my clothes off, and all these kids outside. I'd be feeling really paranoid.
Did you go out at all?
I tried it once. I went out to dinner to this restaurant with some friends and this bloke saw me, stood up and shouted, "Oi, Alison Moyet! Sing us a song!" And then when I didn't: "You fucking stuck-up bitch! If the plumbing went, he'd have to fix it!" And then they started coming for us. This was the first time I'd left the house for five years, so that stopped me for another five. That's the trouble with being so recognisable. You see a fat girl and it's like, "It's Alison Moyet". I couldn't dress down – I had the sort of physicality people notice.
Was your losing weight (7) about wanting to recede from view?
Not at all. But psychologically I'll always be a fat girl because that's what my character is built on. I always got a buzz out of people telling me I was ugly. I went out of my way to un-beautify myself. I didn't want anyone's approval.
Have you been offered much reality TV?
All of them. But I do not want to be a celebrity. It doesn't appeal to me at all.
Do you remember your last day with Vince, in 1983?
By then, the temperature between us was horrible. He'd go [into the studio] and work in the morning and I'd go in the afternoon.
Was it musical differences?
He wasn't ready to relinquish any of his control. To be fair, he was very open-handed. The only time we had a falling-out was over a song called Happy People. I said: "You want that singing, sing it yourself." He did, and he had a massive hit with it, in Poland! But it did get sticky. Because I am that French peasant and he was that reserved English person. He didn't get my volatility, and I didn't get his lack of heat.
Did you have to apologise to Vince before Yazoo reformed? (8)
No. I'd been quite straight in interviews. I said, if it hadn't been for Vince I would never have been in the position I am now, and that's a lot to thank someone for. I'm in my 50s and still singing for a living. And that's fucking amazing.
Video "WHEN i WAS YOUR GIRL", Alison Moyet @ Bush Hall, London (18/4/2013):

Video "NOBODY'S DIARY", Alison Moyet @ Bush Hall, London (18/4/2013):

Video "DON'T GO", Alison Moyet @ Bush Hall, London (18/4/2013):
Crítica del concierto / Concert review:

THE time has never been better for the 80s icon to return.

Her first album in seven years, next month’s awkwardly-titled the minutes, is the closest Alison’s come to her roots in synthpop duo Yazoo, and she previewed it in full.

Alison’s hilarious introductions and the surprisingly cutting-edge tunes made her comeback a triumph, despite all those new songs in a row.

Hair flying as she danced, the Essex belter finished on four Yazoo hits, roaring the timeless Don’t Go with the same passion as 30 years ago. 

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