

Hoxe asistin coa miña filla a un concerto de Pablo Díaz e Olga Kirk presentando o seu libro-disco "TicTac" na Praza das Conchiñas de A Coruña. Todo un divertimento. Déixovos cuns videos de cancións do álbum interpretados por Pablo, Olga e o seu grupo na presentación oficial do disco-libro na Fnac de A Coruña, un tempo atrás.

Hoy asistí con mi hija a un concierto de Pablo Díaz y Olga Kirk presentando su libro-disco "TicTac" en la Plaza de As Conchiñas de A Coruña. Todo un divertimento.

Today I attended with my little daughter to a gig by Pablo Díaz & Olga Kirk presenting their latest Cd-Book "TicTac" at the Conchiñas Square at A Coruña. It was great fun.

Video "TIC-TAC" Pablo Díaz & Olga Kirk @ Fnac-A Coruña:

Video "O Moucho" Pablo Díaz & Olga Kirk+Icia Díaz:

Video "A CHOIVA":

Video "O TRASNO":

Video "O LIBRO":



Todo está preparado ya en la villa de Ordes, incluido un exhaustivo dispositivo de seguridad, para acoger a las miles de personas (30.000, se esperan congregar hoy en el campo de la feria ordense), que se darán cita hoy, por cuarto año consecutivo, en la gala contra el cáncer que organiza la orquesta Panorama en colaboración con el Concello de Ordes.
La música de Carlinhos Brown, Malú, Merche, Pitingo o Ana Torroja sonará esta noche, a partir de las 23.00 horas, en el escenario del campo de la feria, en una gala que estará guiada por el popular humorista gallego y presentador del programa Land Rover de la TVG, Roberto Vilar.

Everything's ready in the town of Ordes, including all the security forces, to receive thousands of people (30.000 are expected to attend tonight at Ordes fairground), which will gather for the fourth consecutive year in the show against cancer which the Panorama orchestra organizes with the help of Ordes Council.

The music by Carlinhos Brown, Malú, Merche, Pitingo and Ana Torroja will sound tonight at 23.00, on the fair-ground stage, in a show presented by Galician's popular humourist Roberto Vilar.

Video Ana Torroja @ Ordes-1 (Coruña):

Video Ana Torroja @ Ordes-2 (Coruña):

Videos Ana Torroja @ Ordes "Sonrisa":

Video Ana Torroja @ Ordes "Hijo de la luna":



Hace años, Miguel Bosé protagonizó una portada "embarazado". En 2011, sigue la estela de otros cantantes como Elton John y Ricky Martín y se convierte a los 55 en papá de gemelos. Él mismo lo ha confirmado en sus páginas de Facebook y Twitter.

Years ago, Miguel Bosé was "pregnant" on the front page of a magazine. In 2011, he follows the trend of other singers such as Elton John & Ricky Martin and becomes dad at 55 of twins. He has confirmed on his Facebook & Twitter pages.

"Queridos tod@s, tengo una buenísima noticia que contaros: he sido papá de 2 niños preciosos que ayer cumplieron 1 mes. Se llaman Diego y Tadeo. Estamos ya en casa y en buena salud. Soy el hombre mas feliz de la tierra!!! Un abrazo enorme y más adelante más. Miguel."



Alain Chamfort es un cantante francés de origen bretón, nacido el 2 de marzo de 1949 en París. Conoció al famoso compositor y productor Jacques Dutronic que propuso ayudarle. Tras ser descubierto por Dutronic, fueron Claude François y posteriormente Serge Gainsbourg quienes trabajaron con él. Gainsbourg le compuso la emotiva "MANUREVA" (un tributo el marino Alain Colas que había muerto en alta mar el año antes en el yate del mismo nombre. Manureva viene del tahitiano significando "pájaro viajero"). "MANUREVA" se convirtió en un gran éxito en Francia y en toda Europa en 1979, subiendo a lo más alto de las listas y vendiendo más de 1 millón de copias.

Alain Chamfort is a French singer of Breton origin, born on 2 March 1949 in Paris. He met famed writer and producer Jacques Dutronc who proposed to help him. After being discovered by Dutronc, it was with Claude François and ultimately Serge Gainsbourg who worked for him. Gainsbourg wrote the moving "MANUREVA" (a tribute to French solo yachtsman Alain Colas who had perished at sea the previous year in his yatch of the same name. Manureva comes from Tahitian language meaning "travelling bird"). "MANUREVA" went on to be a major hit on the French music scene and throughout Europe in 1979, rocketing to the top of the charts and selling over 1 million copies.

Video "MANUREVA", Alain Chamfort:

"MANUREVA" Letra/Lyrics:
Manu Manuréva
Où es-tu Manu Manuréva ?
Bateau fantôme toi qui rêvas
Des îles et qui jamais n'arrivas

Où es-tu Manu Manuréva ?
Portée disparue Manuréva
Des jours et des jours tu dérivas
Mais jamais jamais tu n'arrivas

As-tu abordé les côtes de Jamaïca
Oh, héroïque Manuréva !
Es-tu sur les récifs de Santiago de Cuba ?
Où es-tu Manuréva ?
Dans les glaces de l'Alaska
A la dérive Manuréva

As-tu aperçu les lumières de Nouméa
Oh, héroïque Manuréva ?
Aurais-tu sombré au large de Bora Bora ?
Où es-tu Manuréva ?
Dans les glaces de l'Alaska

Où es-tu Manu Manuréva ?
Portée disparue Manuréva
Des jours et des jours tu dérivas
Mais jamais jamais tu n'arrivas

Manuréva pourquoi ?




ABBA delante Ayuntamiento Estocolmo/in front of the Stockholm City Hall.Foto: Bengt H. Malmqvist © Premium Rockshot

Londres tiene tours de los Beatles, Nueva York tiene tours de Sexo en la ciudad, y ahora el Museo de la Ciudad de Estocolmo tiene el orgullo de presentar Abba-City Walk, una caminata a través de Estocolmo donde Abba vivió y trabajó.
El Museo de la Ciudad de Estocolmo, responsable del popular tour del Millenium de Stieg Larsson, ofrecerá un tour guiado de la ciudad con Abba como epicentro. El tour se llama Abba -City Walk.
Empezará el 19 de mayo y durará todo el verano, podrás seguir una visita guiada sobre el Estocolmo de los años 70 y viendo los lugares de interés e importancia en la carrera de Abba. Los tours se ofrecerán en inglés y sueco y costarán 120 SEK. El Museo de la Ciudad de Estocolmo también editará un mapa de la ciudad con los lugares relacionados con Abba señalados.
Empezando en el Ayuntamiento donde Benny tocó por primera vez, el tour continúa por el Hotel Sheraton, uno de los lugares donde Abba rodó escenas de su película y uno de los lugares de interés de la ciudad en los años 70. La Royal Opera fue el lugar donde Abba actuó para la legendaria gala de la Boda Real de 1976, y Benny y Frida una vez vivieron en la ciudad vieja. Además de otros lugares donde hicieron sesiones de fotos y grabaron videoclips. El tour dura aproximadamente 2 horas.

London has Beatles tours, New York has Sex and the City tours, and now the Stockholm City Museum is proud to present ABBA – City Walk, a city walk through Stockholm where Abba lived and worked.
The Stockholm City Museum, responsible for the highly popular Stieg Larsson Millenium Walking Tour, will be offering a guided tour of the city with ABBA as the theme. The tour is called ABBA - City Walk.
Starting May 19th and going through the summer, you can take a guided walk through the city learning about Stockholm during the 1970′s and seeing important ABBA landmarks. The tours will be offered in English and Swedish and will cost 120 SEK. The Stockholm City Museum will also be making a special city map with all ABBA related places marked out.
Starting at the City Hall where Benny performed for the very first time, the tour continues via the Sheraton Hotel, one of many places Abba shot their film scenes, and one of the city’s most distinctive 1970s landmarks. The Royal Opera was the scene of Abba’s legendary 1976 royal wedding gala performance, and Benny and Anni-Frid at one time lived in the Old Town. Apart from other places where they shot photo sessions and video-clips. The walk lasts approximately 2 hours.

ABBA – the Walk In English Saturdays in July, August and September at 4 pm.Tickets SEK 120 can be bought at the Stockholm City Museum or http://www.ticnet.se/
ABBA – the Walk For Groups. For bookings please contact Stockholm Stadsmuseum at +46 (0)8 508 31 620 or bokning.stadsmuseum@stockholm.se
ABBA – the Walk MAP. From the end of May a map showing ABBA-related places in Stockholm will be sold at the Stockholm City Museum, the Stockholm Tourist Center and Stockholm Info Gallerian. Available in Swedish/Russian and English/German. SEK 40.

The ABBA Guide to Stockholm book:



Neon Trees es una banda de rock alternativo norteamericana procedente de Provo, Utah. La banda tuvo una audiencia nacional a finales del 2008 cuando actuaron de teloneros en la fechas de la gira norteamericana del grupo The Killers. Poco después, firmaron un contrato con Mercury Records y editaron su primer álbum, "HABITS" ("Hábitos") en 2010. Su primer single "ANIMAL" alcanzó el nº13 en el Billboard Hot 100 y nº1 en la lista de rock alternativo.
La formación inicial la formaban los vecinos Tyler Glen (voz y teclados) y Chris Allen (guitarra), la banda se formó en Provo, añadiendo a Branden Campbell (bajo, voz) y Elaine Bradley (batería, percusión, voz).

Neon Trees is an American alternative rock band from Provo, Utah. The band received nationwide exposure in late 2008 when they opened several North American tour dates for the rock band The Killers. Not long after, the band was signed by Mercury Records and released their first full length album, "HABITS", in 2010. Their first single "ANIMAL" has climbed to #13 on the Billboard Hot 100 and #1 on the Alternative Rock Chart.
Formed initially by neighbors Tyler Glenn (vocals, keyboards) and Chris Allen (guitar), the band made its first home in Provo, eventually adding Branden Campbell (bass guitar, vocals) and Elaine Bradley (drums, percussion, vocals) to the lineup.

Video "ANIMAL", The Neon Trees:

Video The Neon Trees:



Uno de los últimos éxitos de The Corrs "LONG NIGHT" ("Noche larga"), que hemos encontrado en su video-clip original y una versión acústica en vivo. Siempre nos gusta recordar a los hermanos Corr aquí.

One of The Corrs' last hits, "LONG NIGHT", we've found the original video-clip and an acoustic live version. We always like to remember the Corr siblings here.

Video "LONG NIGHT" video:

Video "LONG NIGHT", The Corrs acoustic version:



Diez conciertos en cuatro países y miles de personas que ha ido a los conciertos que no se habían olvidado de Roxette, a pesar de que habían pasado años desde que el dúo había estado por allí. La parte sudamericana de la gira mundial Charm School llegó a su fin anoche cuando Roxette regresó al Credicard Hall de Sao Paulo para actuar delante de otro recinto de entradas agotadas de alrededor de 7.500 fans entusiastas... la gran mayoría conocedores de las letras de casi todas las canciones.
La gira Charm School continuará pronto el 8 de mayo cuando Roxette actuará en el primero de una serie de conciertos en el Grand Arena de Ciudad del Cabo en Sudáfrica. Os dejamos con un video de Marie saliendo del hotel para el concierto en Río.

Ten concerts in four countries and thousands upon thousands of concert-goers who had not forgotten Roxette, despite the fact that it had been years since the duo was last here. The South American leg of the Charm School world tour came to an end last night when Roxette returned to the Credicard Hall in São Paulo, Brazil to perform in front of yet another sold-out house of around 7,500 enthusiastic, appreciative fans... the vast majority of them familiar with the lyrics to almost every song.
The Charm School tour will pick up again on May 8th when Roxette will play the first in a series of three concerts at the Grand Arena in Capetown, South Africa. We show you a video of Marie coming out of the hotel before the concert in Rio.

Video Marie @ Rio de Janeiro:



Hoy vamos a recordar un clásico de Abba versionado. Se trata de "S.O.S.", que incluímos en la versión original del grupo, en sueco por Agnetha, incluído en su solo-album "ELVA KNINNOR I ETT HUS" (1975) ("Once mujeres en una casa"), la versión del film "Mamma Mia" con Meryl Streep y Pierce Brosnan, la versión del grupo finlandés The Rasmus, y por último la de A-Teens. ¿Cuál os convence más?

Today we're going to remember an Abba classic covered. It's "S.O.S.", which we include in the original band's version, in Swedish by Agnetha, taken from her solo-album "ELVA KVINNOR I ETT HUS" (1975) ("Eleven women in a house"), the "Mamma Mia" film version by Meryl Streep & Pierce Brosnan, the Finnish group's version by The Rasmus and finally A-Teens'. Which do you like most?

Video "SOS", Abba:

Audio "SOS", Agnetha Fältskog en sueco/in Swedish:

Video "SOS", Erasure:

 Audio "SOS", Meryl Streep & Pierce Brosnan, "Mamma Mia!":

Video "SOS", The Rasmus:

Audio "SOS", The Contras:

Video "SOS", James Arthur (X-Factor UK 2012):

Video "SOS", A-Teens en vivo/live:



Buscando información sobre la rueda de prensa del Zermatt Unplugged 2011 de la que informamos ayer actualizando una entrada de esta semana, encontramos una entrevista con Frida en Zermatt del 2010 para la televisión búlgara, nos pareció interesante y por eso la incluimos.

Searching for information about the Zermatt Unplugged 2011 press conference, which we reported on yesterday updating one of this week's posts, we've found an interview with Frida in Zermatt from 2011 for Bulgarian TV. We think it's interesting so we've included it here.

Video entrevista/interview Frida, Zermatt 2010 (1):

Video entrevista/interview Frida, Zermatt 2010 (2):



Siguiendo la gira de Roxette en su parte sudamericana, el pasado jueves 14 tocaron en Sao Paulo en un recinto lleno a rebosar y en el que mejor sonaron. He aquí videos.

Following Roxette's South American leg of their tour, last Thursday 14th they performed at Sao Paulo at a completely full venue and the one where they sounded at their best. Here some videos.

Video "FADING LIKE A FLOWER", Roxette @ Sao Paulo 14/4/2011: Video "SPENDING MY TIME", Roxette @ San Paulo 14/4/2011:

Video "WISH I COULD FLY", Roxette @ San Paulo 14/4/2011: Video "IT MUST HAVE BEEN LOVE", Roxette @ Sao Paulo 14/4/2011: Video "HOW DO YOU DO+DANGEROUS", Roxette @ Sao Paulo 14/4/2011: Video "LISTEN TO YOUR HEART", Roxette @ Sao Paulo 14/4/2011:


Según informa abba-official.com, Frida y su compañero Henry Smith fueron como invitados en Zermatt a la inauguración del nuevo hotal Boutique-Hotel-Backstage de Heinz Julen, un viejo amigo de Frida, el pasado 12 de abril. Y al día siguiente, en ese mismo hotel se celebró la presentación del Zermatt Unplugged Festival 2011, que se celebra estos días (entre el 12 y 16 de abril) en la localidad suiza donde Frida vive. En esta edición actuaron entre otros: David Gray, Roger Hodgson y Seal.

According to abb-official.com, Frida and her partner Henry Smith were guests, on the evening of April 12th, in Zermatt at the new hotel opening Boutique-Hotel-Backstage by Frida’s long time friend Heinz Julen. The day after at that same hotel they presented the Zermatt Unplugged Festival 2011, which is being held these days (between the 12th & 16th April) in the Swiss town where Frida lives. In this year's edition they've seen the performances of: David Gray, Roger Hodgson & Seal.

Video Seal @ Zermatt 2011:

Video Frida slideshow Zermatt 2011:


BENNY GRABA NUEVO DISCO DE BAO / Benny recording new BAO record

El periódico sueco Aftonbladet ha publicado un artículo con fotos de la grabación del nuevo disco de la Benny Andersson's Orkester (BAO) titulado "O KLANK OCH JUBELTID". Nueva música, nuevas canciones. Los miembros de la banda se lo están pasando muy bien durante la grabación. Uno de los temas es "ALLT SYNS NÄR DU ÄR NAKEN" ("Nada se esconde cuando estás desnudo") cantada por Helen Sjöholm. Incluimos el reportaje en inglés gracias a abba-official.com.

Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet has published an article with many new pictures from the recordings of a new CD from BAO titled "O klang och jubeltid". New music and new songs. The group members are obviously having a lot of fun during the recording. One new songs is "Allt syns när du är naken" (Nothing is hidden, when you are naked) sung by Helen Sjöholm. We include the report thanks to abba-official.com.


[By: JENS PETERSON Aftonbladet.]

"Nöjesbladet" is there when Benny Andersson Band is recording a new summery hit CD: We're like a family Music can be built out of joy. The pleasure should be patient. When Benny Andersson Band is recording their new album the pieces are built bit by bit. "Nöjesbladet" spent a day in the studio. Benny Andersson sings. He sings all the time. No, not at the microphone. Benny Andersson sings to show how it should sound. He hums through arrangements that Goran Arnberg has written for the three blowers. Wopp-a-dajdi-dej. He goes into the stall of the violins and sings through the parts of the fiddles with Orsa Spelmän. Pa-du-do-diii. He hums the rhythm zacka-dack-a-chack to highlight when it's time for the guitar. Benny Andersson sings out. Those who tend to give face to the voices of Benny Andersson Band are sitting in a corner studying the music they received. Tommy Körberg and Helen Sjöholm are not quite happy with the song they just added. - You can´t hear us so much because we haven´t learn our parts, Tommy Körberg says and frowns. Six songs have been done In the morning, two songs were recorded with the whole orchestra. For three days, they recorded six songs in Benny Andersson's new studio Riksmixningsverket. All together. It's better that way. The entire band at once, as BAO sounds on stage. - We are like a family, Helen Sjöholm says. Fun to be involved and record all together. Usually we can use a part of the song which was made at the first shot. But some lines she has to do again. Many small pieces are made once again refined. It´s not decided yet which songs will be included on the CD. - I´m afraid there are too many ballads, Benny Andersson says. The older you get, the slower songs. "O clang and singing time" is the name of the album, which will be released in early June. A month earlier a single will be released. - Everything is shown when you are naked, Helen Sjöholm sings. The melody sounds very much like BAB, and is operated by Calle Jacobsson's tuba. The tuba chugs up the rhythm and reminds one of the archipelago boats that you can see through the studio windows. Out there it´s like spring. The music sounds summer. They add more wind. Hello! Stop. Something sounds wrong. - There! You should not do that, Benny Andersson says. Many sensitive ears are listening intensely. Listening sharp like a microscope. They discuss the arrangements, changing a phrase, removing a tone. - We try this and listen how it sounds. Don´t change the music in ink, Benny says. - I write in blood! Pälle Grebacken cries. They play it again. - No, it doesn´t work, Benny says. Still not right. New arrangements are tested, Benny and arranger Goran Arnberg are humming together.

Simmers of sound The make music. Tastes every sound as a spice, feel how it fits into the wholeness. It simmers of sound everywhere. Someone is blowing into an empty soda bottle. Someone pressed the tone with two empty hands and a little air. Kalle Moraeus shows fun things in his iPhone for Tommy Körberg. Information about links to wacky clips from his Facebook page. They look like a couple of school boys who make mischief while the others struggle with their homework. They laugh themselves red in their faces of the iPhone finds and have so much fun that you become worried about their health. Perra Moraeus has not as much fun. He will add alto saxophone on the song "Dear Sister" and it doesn´t work. "Dear Sister" is a song for those women who can get a lot of men in love. A sister song to "Jolene" by Dolly Parton, in which the singer appeal to another woman not to take her husband. "Dear Sister" is brand new, but sounds like it has been there for a long time. It smells like dancing, and will attract dancing couples under the colored lights on this summer's tour. It´s ten years since the first BAB CD Ten years since they first played for dance at Skansen. This year dance-floor Galejan will be the final of the summer tour. Helen Sjöholm sings "Dear Sister". The new album also has some duets, and the song "O clang and singing time", where most of the BAO raise their voices. "The text is fine as hell" Tommy Körberg is also using his vocal cords. - I've got an old Jussi tune to sing, "Tantis serenade," he says. And "I hear a song." The text is fine as hell. Not just the text. The song with the working title "I hear a song" sounds like a new classic from Bjorn Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson. It has a sober and dignified solo on the tuba in the middle. It was recorded in one shot as Tommy Körberg was singing along with the others. He wants to fix her vocals a bit, but ... no. It sounds too good. - That shot may take you a long time to change, Benny Andersson says and gives Tommy Körberg a hug. "Dear Sister" gets a little bit more polishing. Perra Moraeus finishes his piece of the puzzle. - Yes sir. That´s OK, Benny Andersson says. But the song is not quite finished yet. Brass and strings should be improved on. - It went to hell right away, heard a heavy sigh from within the studio. The tone is rough, but ... well, crude. That kind of tart jokes you tell people you like and have respect for. - Calle Jakobsson - you can leave the studio now, "said Benny Andersson. We should not have any trombone. And if we are using a trombone, it should not be yours. Calle Jacobson enters the control room and pretend to be depressed. - It's like "Robinson". One by one, we are out, he says. Pure farewell symphony. The hunt for the wrong tone continues.

- There is something strange somewhere, Benny Andersson says. I wonder if it's me? He decides to record her grand piano again. "Dear Sister" has three key increases. Moraeus tries to add guitar, mandolin and ukulele, and the chords on the ukulele takes a while for him to find. - It sounds like someone who can do it better, Benny Andersson says. - I probably played in a wrong way, Moraeus says. Finally, the multi-instrumentalist realizes there is a chord, that is not included anywhere else in the song. - Then I realize why I didn´t understand a thing, Moraeus says. His pieces are also OK. Everything is ready. Mixing the sound Benny is sitting at the mixer desk moving the sliders while the song is played. He highlights instrument by instrument, mixing, build a sound and it sounds amazing from the large speakers. He looks into the empty and dark studio. Listening concentrated. Another working day is finished. Another song is finished. The music flows. Benny Andersson smiles.



Foto: Olle Lindberg
icethesite.com informa de una entrevista de Benny y Björn para un periódico finlandés "Helsingin Sanomat". Aquí os la dejamos en inglés.

icethesite.com has reported on a Benny & Björn's interview for a Finnish newspaper "Helsingin Sanomat". We enclose it here.
Greying ABBA men still going strong by Mari Koppinen, Helsingin Sanomat
Life wasn’t easy for the artists in the 1970s. When the Swedish band Abba won the Eurovision Song contest in Brighton in 1974, the performers had to wear costumes that were uncomfortably tight. “Björn couldn’t sit on the bus with the overall that he was wearing”, laughs Benny Andersson at the plight of his friend Björn Ulvaeus. He forgets to mention that he would never have managed to get into Björn’s costume himself. So here they are, these Nordic superstars, known simply as Benny and Björn. Both are easy-going and cheerful, with a good sense of humour. Both could be any one of us – unless we consider that few of us have had to wear full-body lurex. It is Monday, and the men are in Finland with director Lars Rudolfsson. They are here to work on and market their musical Kristina från Duvemåla, which has its premiere at Helsinki’s Swedish Theatre in less than a year. When the trio joined the project, at the suggestion of theatre director Johan Storgård, they joined in with full vigour. Last autumn they spent three weeks in Finland listening to nearly 700 singing actors in Finland. When rehearsals begin in Helsinki in November, the trio will move to Helsinki. The men would not need to do this, as they are massively wealthy – but they want to. “Because this is fun”, says Ulvaeus, who is 65 years old. They also want to make the effort because the musical is their “baby”. “We are very proud of this. We don’t want to give this musical to anyone else, or to tell someone that they can do what they like with it”, says Benny, 64. Abba’s career spanned just ten years, and later the two very active men have been involved with any number of projects. They have come up with three musicals, all of which are projects spanning several years. They have also had other business activities. Benny has racehorses in Sweden and Britain, as well as his own hotel in Stockholm, loosely themed after Abba. Then there is folk music. Back in 1987 Andersson was among the founders of the Orsa Spälman group, and today he has a 16-member Benny Andersson Orchestra. “Five violinists, a tuba, two singers, myself, and Lars on the accordion, and Björn writes for us”, Andersson says with enthusiasm. He also looks enthusiastic in the numerous YouTube videos where he plays music ranging from Bach to Swedish folk music and dance music. “We have eight gigs in the summer. We will bring a dance floor with us to let people dance to the music.” They also have time for their beloved grandchildren. Benny has six of them and Björn has four, and a fifth one is on the way. The grandchildren may be the reason why the Abba grandfathers have kept their feet firmly on the ground. Benny tells about three-year-old Viola who, like many other children, loves the musical Mamma Mia! more than anything else. “Her father tried to explain that the music from the movie was from Abba, which her father used to be a part of. Viola did not understand it at all. For her we are Mamma Mia men.” Although next year will mark the 40th anniversary of the first Abba single, the group follows Benny and Björn wherever they go. They are not bothered by this. “You have to be proud and humble. Our music is still being played, even though it happened 35 to 40 years ago. It’s a miracle”, Björn says. Amazingly enough there has also been a renaissance in the colourful overalls, shoes, and other paraphernalia of the 1970s. Now they can be admired at exhibitions in Sydney and Stockholm. But do the Abba men ever wear these clothes themselves for the benefit of the people at home? “Not very often”, Benny jokes. “Well, I tried on one suit”, Björn unexpectedly discloses. And he adds: “It still fitted. However, I didn’t look quite the same any more.” Björn Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson share a love for music and reading. Benny has a detective story with him here in Finland. Björn reads his books on his iPad. “Now I’m reading Stephen Hawking’s The Grand Design. It’s a fantastic book”, Ulvaeus said in Helsinki’s Aleksanteri Theatre.


"SPEAK TO ME", ROXETTE: 2º SINGLE / 2nd single

Inmersos en su gira mundial, Roxette extraen el segundo single de su último álbum. Se trata de "SPEAK TO ME" ("Háblame") en la versión Bassflow Remake. En la cara B una versión en vivo de "STARS" ("Estrellas"), grabado en un concierto en Barcelona en 2001. Os dejamos con el audio de "SPEAK TO ME" con letra y un enlace para escuchar la versión del single de EMI-Finlandia.

In the middle of their world-tour, Roxette take out their second single form their latest album. It's "SPEAK TO ME" in the Bassflow Remake version. On the B side a live version of "STARS" recorded at a Barcelona concert in 2001. We leave you with the audio of "SPEAK TO ME" with lyrics and a link to listen to the single version from EMI-Finland.

Audio "SPEAK TO ME", Roxette (+lyrics):
Enlace/Link audio-single "SPEAK TO ME" (EMI-Finland): http://www.emi.fi/jukebox/play/1627/speak_to_me_bassflow_remake


ANA TORROJA: PREMIO MICRÓFONO DE ORO 2011 / Golden Microphone Award

El pasado sábado 9 de abril se entregaron en Ponferrada los Premios Micrófono de Oro, otorgados por la Federación de Asociaciones de Radio y Televisión que preside Luis de Olmo. En el apartado musical fue para Ana Torroja que vemos en las fotos durante las distintas partes del acto. Otros premiados: Iñaki Gabilondo, Rosa Mª Molló, Manu Carreño, entre los más destacables.

Last Saturday April, 9th the Golden Microphone Awards were given in Ponferrada. The prizes are awarded by the Radio & Television Association Federation whose president is Luís del Olmo, The musical prize was for Ana Torroja. Other awarded celebrities were: Iñaki Gabilondo, Rosa Mª Molló, Manu Carreño, among others.


"21"/"SOMEONE LIKE YOU", ADELE- ROMPIENDO RÉCORDS: 10 SEMANAS Nº1 / Breaking records: 10 weeks nº1 [+artículo 'El País']

Repetimos con Adele, pero es que su hazaña se lo merece: 10 semanas consecutivas en el nº1 inglés con su nuevo álbum "21" y en la lista de singles "SOMEONE LIKE YOU", además de que su primer álbum "19" está en el nº2. Así que repetimos el video de "SOMEONE LIKE YOU" ("Alguien como tú") con subtitulos en inglés y español. Y un reportaje de "El País".

We repeat with Adele, because she deserves it: 10 conscutive weeks at nº1 on the British charts with her album "21" and on the single's chart with "SOMEONE LIKE YOU", apart from her first album "19" is at nº2. So we repeat her video of "SOMEONE LIKE YOU" with subtitles in English & Spanish. And a report from "El País".

Video "SOMEONE LIKE YOU", Adele [+subt. English/Español]:

Adele se sube al trono de Marley

La cantante bate récords de ventas en medio de la peor crisis de la industria
[El País - DANIEL VERDÚ - Londres - 11/04/2011]

Cuando el mundo entero asistía al funeral de la industria discográfica sin aliento ni para unas últimas palabras, a Adele Adkins, una mujer de 22 años nacida en Tottenham (Londres) empeñada en bautizar sus discos con su edad, se le escapó la risa. Con una hermosa voz y 11 temas escritos por ella, su álbum 21 ha pulverizado todos los récords del Reino Unido: desde ayer son 11 semanas seguidas en el número uno de la lista oficial de ventas, más que Madonna y tantas como Bob Marley (rey hasta la fecha con Legend). Y para rematarlo, esta chica de marcado acento cockney va y coloca también su anterior álbum (19) en segundo lugar entre los cinco más vendidos, una gesta solo al alcance de los Beatles. Pero, ¿no se hundía la industria?

Desde enero, esta cantante de soul, tan blanca y comercial como sus predecesoras Amy Winehouse y Duffy (pero sin escándalos de drogas o anuncios de refrescos respectivamente), ha despachado 2,2 millones de discos solo en Reino Unido. A este ritmo, cada inglés tendrá una copia en Navidad. Casi nadie se explica como ha logrado algo tan antiguo en un momento en que las ventas globales han caído un 8,4%. "Es una combinación de muchos factores: un sello independiente (XL) que le ha dejado hacer lo que ha querido, producción de la gente correcta (Rick Rubin, Paul Epworth...), buenas canciones mainstream, una personalidad agradable, una gran voz, canciones de desengaño sencillas y, probablemente, que cuando el mundo está convulso la gente quiere música que le proporcione confort", analiza Tim Jonze, periodista musical de The Guardian. La relación con la discográfica ha sido fundamental. Adele pudo decidir con qué productores trabajaba, qué singles debían lanzarse, el aspecto del disco, dar las entrevistas que quiso o, lo inaudito, rechazar tocar en festivales. Parecería que solo se trataba de hacer las cosas bien. Por eso, con cierta envidia y esperanza sus compañeros en el top 10 se alegran de su éxito. "Me parece fantástico que en una época en que la gente ha dejado de comprar discos suceda esto. Buena voz, buen pop que no es superficial y que no vende por lo guapa que es. Es algo inesperado y todos ganamos con ello. Y encima estoy seguro de que no era calculado. Enseña a la gente que el problema quizá no son las descargas ilegales, sino la falta de ideas buenas. Estoy muy orgulloso de mi país", opina Freddie Cowan, guitarra de The Vaccines, la banda revelación que ocupa el décimo puesto en la lista de ventas. En otros países como Canadá, Australia, Francia, Alemania, Bélgica, Austria, Dinamarca o Suiza el fenómeno se repite. Pero en España, Adele es todavía un lejano eco. En parte, por como se programan las radiofórmulas: a través de encuestas a oyentes anónimos y criterios basados en la repetición de un modelo más que en la calidad. Pese a ser número uno en 17 países, incluido EE UU, aquí ha tardado tres meses en escucharse en la radio. "Hay que pasar varios complicados procesos de selección. Además, en las radios comerciales se programan sobre todo canciones de las dos últimas décadas, la cuota de novedades es muy limitada y la mayor parte está dedicada a artistas nacionales", explica Tomás Ortiz, de PopStock!, la distribuidora de Adele en España. Y encima, la última gran estrella no da la tabarra desde Twitter. Así lo resumía recientemente: "No quiero escribir 'estoy en el baño, la comida de anoche era muy picante'. Es simplemente asqueroso".


La banda de Luís Tosar, DiElas, edita su primer disco. Ya hemos hablado aquí de ellos cuando versionaban canciones que habían sido éxito en voces femeninas. Ahora salen con sus propias canciones. Aquí os dejamos con una entrevista de "El País", con su primer video "VOLVER" y videos de promoción en radio y TV.

Luis Tosar's band, DiElas, releases their first album. We've already spoken about them here when they covered songs that had been hits by female voices. Now they're out with their own songs. Here we leave you with an interview given to "El País", their first video "VOLVER" ("Coming back") and promotional videos from radio & TV.


Di Elas es el nombre de una banda que se define como productora de "power-rock" y se formó en 2008 adoptando ese nombre porque, en sus principios, nutrían sus directos de versiones de temas interpretados fundamentalmente por voces femeninas, o por grupos cuya voz cantante pertenece a una mujer. Primero se llamaron The Ellas y más tarde lo tradujeron al gallego adoptando finalmente el nombre de Di Elas.

En 2010 las cosas se pusieron más serias y comenzaron a componer temas propios que han desembocado en un primer disco titulado con el mismo nombre del grupo. Once canciones compuestas por dos de sus cinco miembros: Piti y Luis Así es como debería comenzar cualquier información sobre Di Elas, pero finalmente y pese a que al cantante del grupo no le guste mucho, es inevitable desvelar que el apellido de ese Luis es Tosar, sí, el actor que ha ganado tres premios Goya a mejor actor y que este año participaba en las tres películas que la Academia de Cine presentó como posibles candidatas a los Oscar de Hollywood. Así, Di Elas son Piti Sanz: guitarras, coros, percusiones; Luis Tosar: voz, armónica y guitarras acústicas; Ro Muñoz: batería; Iván Laxe: bajo y Suso Alonso: teclados. Los dos primeros nos explican todas las claves que se esconden detrás de esta banda y de su primer trabajo.

Pregunta: Después de su actuación en la última gala de los premios Goya, ¿sorprende ver a Luis Tosar al frente de una banda de rock?

Piti Sanz: No es tan sorprendente. Luis lleva 20 años metido en bandas de rock and roll.

Luis Tosar: La única sorpresa es que ahora se le está dando más cobertura mediática fuera de Galicia.

P. S. Pero lleva más de 20 años con su colección de guitarras eléctricas, sus amplificadores de válvulas, sus guitarras acústicas y armónicas y cantando muy bien.

P. ¿Cómo fueron los comienzos de Di Elas?

L. T. Música y teatro fueron primero. El cine vino después.

P. S. Yo tenía un grupo de rock que se llamaban Los Contentos y Luis venía los bolos con sus grandes melenas rizas y preciosas. Lo recuerdo pegando botes y tarareando las versiones que tocábamos. Al par de años, o así, ya estaba Luis encima del escenario tocando.

L.T. Llevábamos un tiempo con la idea de montar una banda para tocar en directo. En 2006 pensábamos en hacer versiones, que era lo más asequible, y habíamos acabado el espectáculo de cabaré con el que llevábamos ya 10 años. Así que surgió la idea de crear algo solo de música. Piti estaba en un programa de televisión con una banda y dio la casualidad de que un día fui a hacer una colaboración. Montamos una canción de Los Bravos La motocicleta y allí fue cuando pensamos, 'pues esta bandita, que ya está formada, podría funcionar'. Entonces un amigo que es promotor de conciertos tenía un bolo de Niño pistola y necesitaba telonero y nos propuso hacerlo. Empezamos a pensar qué concepto de versiones íbamos a hacer y la elaborar la lista nos dimos cuenta de que nos salían un montón de canciones interpretadas por mujeres o por bandas en las que cantaban mujeres. El nombre vino de ahí... De ellas, Di Ellas.

P. Ambos firmáis todas las canciones del disco ¿Qué método compositivo tenéis? P. S. Nuestro método de trabajo muy anárquico. Luis fue el que empezó a tener ideas de canciones; musiquitas muy chulas y fue como el pincho para ponernos en marcha a hacer temas propios. Normalmente la génesis de todo es la música y luego la letra. Pero no hay método de trabajo establecido.

L. T. Las canciones salen de la vida. De lo que le pasa a uno. Somos ya grandecitos como para poder contar nuestras propias historias. Pero ninguno de los dos somos tipos intensos. No creo que haya ninguna intención de epatar con nuestras canciones. Es un intento de hacer la música más honesta posible. Nos pilla en una edad en la que no necesitamos especialmente demostrar nada; ni que somos rebeldes o que estamos de vuelta de todo... No tratamos de ganar adeptos a base de contentar a un sector u otro del público.

P. ¿Cómo se compagina ser un actor de éxito y tan prolífico con tener una banda de rock? ¿Supone muchos sacrificios?

L. T. Todo es planificarse y dejar a cada cosa su sitio. Me supone algún sacrificio, pero hasta ahora, no un sacrificio grande. No he tenido que decir no a nada. Me pilla en un momento en el que hago menos pelis y, de hecho, me apetece hacer menos. Aunque aparezca en muchas, son películas que he rodado hace bastante tiempo. Al final no es tantísimo tiempo. La única peli que voy a rodar este año, por ejemplo, la voy a hacer en otoño. Uno se va cansando con el tiempo y cada vez hay menos cosas que interesen. A medida que vas avanzando en tu carrera, pues cada vez hay menos personajes que me apetezcan. Con el tiempo es como que te pones más exquisito con estas cosas. Más cascarrabias. Me ofrecen muchas veces cosas que ya he hecho y no me apetecen.

P. ¿Le molesta que la gente se refiera a Di Elas como 'la banda de Luis Tosar'?

L. T. Prefiero que la gente se refiera a esto como la banda de Luis Tosar...(largo silencio y carcajadas). No, en serio. Me molesta, pero me están pillando las cosas un poco mayor. Tampoco quiero gastar demasiados esfuerzos en eso. Hubo un momento en que nos pusimos pesados con eso de que no se identificara una cosa con otra, pero era imposible. Supongo que de una manera también poco a poco se va haciendo y la gente que está un poco más encima del proyecto, sobre todo en Galicia, pues habla de Di Elas, no de la banda de Luis Tosar. Siempre se escapa alguna cosa por ahí. Y también porque a veces si vas a tocar por ahí contratado por algún Ayuntamiento que quiere sacarle rédito a esa actuación, pues es casi inevitable que ocurra.

Video "VOLVER", DiElas:

Video DiElas @ Cadena Ser:

Video DiElas @ Buenafuente:



Roxette está en la parte sudamericana de su gira mundial, habiendo pasado por Uruguay y Argentina y antes de pasar a Brasil, actuaron en el Movistar Arena de la capital de Chile anoche, no habiendo agotado todas las entradas, pero con pocos asientos libres, la capacidad del recinto es de 15.000. La lista de temas de Santiago fue la misma de los últimos conciertos sudamericanos (excepto el 1º de Argentina). Incluímos videos del concierto.

Roxette is on the South American leg of their worldwide tour, having played in Uruguay and Argentina and before moving to Brazil, they played the Movistar Arena in the capital of Chile yesterday evening, not entirely sold out, there were very few empty seats, the venue has a concert capacity of 15,000. The setlist in Santiago, was the same as in the past shows in Latin America (except the 1st show in Argentina). We're enclosing videos from the concert.

Concert tracklist: 01. Dressed for Success 02. Sleeping In My Car 03. The Big L. 04. Wish I Could Fly 05. Only When I Dream 06. She’s Got Nothing On (But the Radio) 07. Perfect Day 08. Things Will Never Be the Same 09. It Must Have Been Love 10. Opportunity Nox 11. 7twenty7 12. Fading Like a Flower (Every Time You Leave) 13. Stars 14. How Do You Do!1 5. Dangerous Band presentation 16. Joyride17. Watercolours in the Rain 18. Spending my Time 19. The Look 20. Way Out 21. Listen to Your Heart 22. Church of Your Heart.

Video "THINGS WILL NEVER BE THE SAME" @ Santiago de Chile ) 9/4/11:

Video "FADING LIKE A FLOWER", @ Santiago de Chile 9/4/11: Video "WISH I COULD FLY" @ Santiago de Chile 9/4/11: Video "PERFECT DAY" @ Santiago de Chile 9/4/11: Video "IT MUST HAVE BEEN LOVE" @ Santiago de Chile 9/4/11: Video "SLEEPING IN MY CAR" @ Santiago de Chile 9/4/11:



Muchas veces hemos estado para publicar un entrada dedicada a La Sonrisa de Julia, y nunca llegó. Hasto hoy, no podríamos dejar pasar que toca esta noche en A Coruña para dedicarles una entrada. La Sonrisa de Julia es un grupo musical español formado originariamente por cuatro amigos de distintas partes de España, que coincidieron en la Escuela de Música Creativa de Madrid. La idea de formar el grupo surge del vocalista, guitarrista y compositor Marcos Casal Cao, después de su llegada a la capital. Allí conoció a Diego Rojo y Curro Moral, bajo y piano respectivamente, empezando a moverse con algunas maquetas. Posteriormente se incorporó al grupo el batería Raúl Delgado, completándose así la formación vigente en los dos primeros trabajos de la banda, a la que se ha unido el guitarrista y teclista Víctor Antón, primero como músico de apoyo y después como miembro de la banda. Hoy os dejamos con su video "PUEDO".

We've been about to post an entry devoted to La Sonrisa de Julia, but it never arrived. Until today, we couldn't let go that they are performing tonight in A Coruña to dedicate them this post.

La Sonrisa de Julia is a Spanish band originally made up by four friends from different parts of Spain, once they met at Madrid's Creative Music School. The idea was of the vocalist, guitarist and composer Marcos Casal Cao, after arriving ot the capital. He met Diego Rojo & Curro Moral, bass and piano respectively, moving around with demos. Later drummer Raul Delgado was incorporated, forming the definite line up of the two first albums of the band. The latest entry has been Victor Antón. We leave you with their video "PUEDO" ("I can").

+ info: http://www.lasonrisadejulia.com/

Video "PUEDO", La Sonrisa de Julia:



Para mayo se anuncia el nuevo recopilatorio de Sade "THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION", que coincidirá con su gira mundial. El disco doble recogerá 29 joyas del soul de Sade y tres nuevas grabaciones "Still In Love With You" ("Todavía enamorada de ti"), "Love Is Found" ("Se encontró el amor") and "I Would Have Never Guessed" ("Nunca lo hubiera edivinado") más un remix de "The Moon And The Sky" ("La luna y el cielo") del rapero Jay-Z. Yawn y una Sade en la portada cada vez más guapa!

Sade's new compilation album has been announced for May, "THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION", will coincide to support her worldtour. The double album will collect 29 of Sade's soul gems and three new recordings "Still In Love With You", "Love Is Found" and "I Would Have Never Guessed" plus a remix of "The Moon And The Sky" by rap mogul Jay-Z. Yawn and the most beautiful Sade on the album's artwork!

Tracklisting "The Ultimate Collection".

CD 1

1. Your Love Is King - 2. Smooth Operator - 3. Hang On To Your Love - 4. The Sweetest Taboo - 5. Is It A Crime - 6. Never As Good As The First Time - 7. Jezebel - 8. Love Is Stronger Than Pride - 9. Paradise - 10. Nothing Can Come Between Us - 11. No Ordinary Love -12. Kiss Of Life -13. Feel No Pain -14. Bullet Proof Soul

CD 2

1. Cherish The Day - 2. Pearls - 3. By Your Side - 4. Immigrant - 5. Flow - 6. King Of Sorrow -7. The Sweetest Gift - 8. Solider Of Love - 9. The Moon And The Sky - 10. Babyfather - 11. Still In Love With You - 12. Love Is Found - 13. I Would Never Have Guessed -14. The Moon And The Sky (Remix featuring Jay-Z) - 15. By Your Side (Neptunes Remix)
Video Sade, "The ultimate collection": Video "THE MOON & THE SKY", Sade:

"WATERLOO", 37 AÑOS HOY / 37 years ago today

Hace 37 años hoy que Abba hizo historia en Eurovisión con su propia batalla de "WATERLOO". Aquí una información aparecida en el blog de Eurovisión hoy mismo.

37 years ago today Abba made history in Eurovision with their own "WATERLOO" battle. Here's the reported posted on the Eurovision blog today.

37 years ago today - ABBA take the title with Waterloo [Glenn Webb. www.eurovision.tv/page]
The biggest success story ever to emerge from the history of the Europe's Favourite TV Show was ABBA's victory in 1974 with Waterloo. The group went on to enjoy unprecedented worldwide fame and success, and today we look back at their big night 37 years ago in Brighton. Waterloo was also voted best ever Eurovision Song Contest song in the 50th anniversary Congratulations show in 2005. Luxembourg had won both the 1972 and 1973 Eurovision Song Contest's but for financial reasons had declined to host their second contest in a row in 1974. The United Kingdom broadcaster BBC stepped in and took the contest to the seaside resort of Brighton, the venue being The Dome. Katie Boyle returned as host for the fourth time, having presented the 1960, 1963 and 1968 contests already. A total of 17 countries participated in 1974. 1974

Facts & Figures

•ABBA had previously been unsuccessful in trying to represent Sweden in the 1973 contest, missing out in the Swedish national final with Ring Ring ending in third place. Ring Ring would go on to become a hit in many countries.

•A new voting system was introduced, 10 jury members in each country each gave their favourite song 1 point. Even recently, upon a visit to London, the ABBA members still made reference jokingly to the fact that the United Kingdom jury didn't award them any points!. •France withdrew their entry La Vie A Vingt-Cinq Ans by Dani, as the French president, Georges Pompidou, died in the week of the contest and Dani had to be content with watching the show from the audience.

•Greece made their debut in the competition with Marinella finishing in 11th place with Krassi, Thalassa Ke T'agori Mou

•Olivia Newton-John, the United Kingdom participant would go on to achieve huge worldwide success for her role in the musical Grease later in the 1970's

•The 1974 interval act featured the childrens television characters The Wombles

ABBA - Worldwide superstars

ABBA were formed in Stockholm in 1972. They became one of the most commercially successful acts in the history of pop music, topping the charts worldwide from 1972 to 1982. ABBA sold over 375 million records worldwide. They still sell between two to three million albums a year. During the band's early years, Agnetha Fältskog and Björn Ulvaeus were a married couple, as were Anni-Frid Lyngstad and Benny Andersson, although both couples later divorced. At the height of their popularity, both relationships were suffering strain which led ultimately to the collapse of the Ulvaeus-Fältskog marriage in 1979 and the Andersson-Lyngstad marriage in 1981. In the late 1970s and early 1980s these relationship changes began appearing in the group's music, as they produced more introspective lyrics with different compositions. After the band split, Andersson and Ulvaeus achieved success writing music for the stage while Lyngstad and Fältskog pursued individual solo careers with varying success. ABBA's music remained steadily popular until several films, notably Muriel's Wedding and The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, revived interest in the group, spawning several tribute bands. In 1999, ABBA's music was adapted into the successful musical Mamma Mia! that toured worldwide. A film titled Mamma Mia! released in 2008 became the highest grossing film in the United Kingdom that year. The group was inducted into The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on 15 March 2010. ABBA's music has bridged many generation gaps over the years, and Waterloo is widely regarded as the best song to ever win the Eurovision Song Contest amongst many a fan and viewer alike.

Do you remember ABBA's famous victory? Here it is on video.

Video Abba @ Eurovision 1974:



Entrada 1001 para Ana Torroja. Como os adelantamos unas entradas atrás, Ana Torroja participó en la gala benéfica "La noche de la Cadena 100" el pasado sábado 2 de abril en el Palacio de los Deportes de Madrid ante 15.000 personas. La Noche de Cadena 100 se celebró por séptima vez a benéfico de Manos Unidas.

Ana Torroja fue la encargada de inaugurar el escenario solidario. Donde posteriormente subieron artistas como la ex concursante de OT, Virginia Labuat, la cantante alemana Oceana y la solitaria Mai Mesenes, Carlos Baute, David Bisbal, Alaska, Dani Martin. El colofón del concierto lo dieron Melendi y Malú.

Gracias a la participación de los artistas y a los 15.000 visitantes, la cadena radiofónica donará una gran cuantía de dinero a Manos Unidas, que hará posible la construcción de tres aulas, un comedor, una cocina y un almacén en Ranomafana (Madagascar). Os dejamos con la actuación en video de Ana cantando "SONRISA", "UNA HABITACIÓN HELADA" y "LOS AMANTES".

Post nº 1001 for Ana Torroja. As we anticipated a few posts back, Ana took part in the benefit gala "La Noche de la Cadena 100" last Saturday April 2nd at Madrid's Sport Palace in front of 15.000 people. It was the seventh time this show was held to benefit Manos Unidas.

Ana Torroja was the one to start off the concert. Later came ex-OT contestant Virginia Labuat, German singer Oceana, and Mai Meneses-solo, Carlos Baute, Bisbal, Alaska, Dani Martin. The end of the concert was by Melendi and Malú.

Thanks to these artists and the 15.000 people of the audience, the radio station will give away a great amount of money to Manos Unidas, which will make possible to build three classrooms, a dining-room, a kitchen and a place to keep things in Ranomafana (Madagascar). We leave you with the video of Ana's peformance singing "SONRISA" ("Smile"), "UNA HABITACIÓN HELADA" ("A frozen room") & "LOS AMANTES" ("Lovers").

Video actuación/performance Ana Torroja @ LaNocheDeLaCadena100 (2/4/11):

Audio entrevista/interview Ana Torroja Cadena100.es:

GRACIAS 1000 thanks

Con éste, son 1000 las entradas que se han publicado en este blog desde el 6 de mayo del 2007, casi 4 años. Mil entradas que he ido montando porque había alguien que por ahí afuera nos visita (unos 200 de media cada día) y más de 150.000 visitas desde ese día de mayo. Gracias, gracias a todos los que han visitado, leído, participado con comentarios y se han hecho seguidores.

With this one, it's 1000 posts that have been published on this blog since May, 6th, 2007, nearly 4 years. A thousand posts that I've been putting together because there was someone out there visiting us (an average of 200 each day) and more than 150.000 visits since that day of May. Thanks, thanks to all who have visited, read, participated with their comments and have become followers.

Y nuestras gracias muy especiales a...

And our very special thanks to...

JuanRaDiablo, Alderaan (echándote de menos), Mundosub, Álvaro, Sara, Midas, Designland, Caín, Mario, SegoviaRecords, Sole, Andrés, David, José Luís Suárez, Sinny, Tomás Cabrera, Libroucho, Pedro, Fernando, JP.M, Jose, Nelu, Pablo, Sebastian, JCOzbound, Depiedraenpiedra, Aquabo, Abraham, Velvetina, Sofía, Miriam, Milhaud, Walter, Vean, César, Gonzalo, Saxophone, Ana, Mar, David, Marian, MrWilliam, Nicole, Mike Pop Rock, Alejandro, Pichiri (a pesar de todo), y 25 anónimos +...


Video "MIL MARIPOSAS", Presuntos Implicados:

"MAKING YOUR MIND UP", BUCKS FIZZ HACE 30 AÑOS HOY / 30 years ago, today

Siguiendo la estela de Abba, Inglaterra presentó al Eurofestival de 1981 otro grupo formado por dos parejas, que un día como hoy hace 30 años lo ganó. Eran Bucks Fizz y la canción "MAKING YOUR MIND UP" ("Decidiéndote"). Hoy en su aniversario lo recordamos. Lo reeditamos con un completo informe de www.eurovision.tv/page/news.

Following Abba's path, Britain entered the Eurofestival in 1981 with another group made up of two couples, which won on a day like today 30 years ago. They were Bucks Fizz and their song "MAKING YOUR MIND UP". Today on their anniversary we remember them. We reedit this post with a complete report from www.eurovision.tv/page/news

Video "MAKING YOUR MIND UP" Eurovision 1981:

30 years ago today - Bucks Fizz win for United Kingdom

[Glen Webb]
Continuing Eurovision.tv's trip down memory lane, today marks 30 years exactly since Bucks Fizz won the 1981 Eurovision Song Contest in Dublin with their skirt ripping performance of Making Your Mind Up and we take a closer look at events in 1981.After Johnny Logan had given Ireland their second victory in The Hague in 1980 with Whats Another Year, the honour of staging the 1981 Eurovision Song Contest, for the second time in their history, went to Irish broadcaster RTE.The show was held on April 4th in the Simmonscourt Pavillion, Royal Dublin Society and was presented by Doireann Ní Bhríain. A total of 20 countries participated all with the same goal, winning Europe's Favourite TV Show. 1981 Facts & Figures Cyprus made their Eurovision debut, and a very successful one it was too with Island taking their jolly number Monica to a very respectable 6th place. 1961 Eurovision Song Contest winner Jean-Claude Pascal took part for Luxembourg, a full 20 years after winning in Cannes. His second attempt was much less successful as he finished in joint 11th place. Yugoslavia returned to the contest for the first time since 1976, only to finish in 15th place. Israel also returned after winning the competition in 1978 and 1979, but not defending their title in 1980. Italy decided to stay at home as interest in the competition had diminshed, and after their debut entry in 1980, Morocco decided against participating again. The voting saw one of the closest finishes ever, with two countries remaining to vote, Switzerland, Germany and the United Kingdom all had 120 points!. No fewer than five countries had led at some stage during the voting. Although the United Kingdom only received two maximum 12 points, they did score points from every country. Switzerland gained the most maximum points but ultimately finished in 4th place. Norway scored the dreaded nul points for the third time in their history in 1981, with Finn Kalvik not being awarded a single point from any of the juries for his ballad Aldri I Livet. What became of Bucks Fizz? Bucks Fizz were specially formed for the Eurovision Song Contest, and had created a memorable stage act when the 2 guys in the group ripped off the skirts of the 2 girls, revealing a shorter skirt underneath. To date, it is seen by many as one of the most memorable moments in the history of the Europe's Favourite TV Show. Bucks Fizz did enjoy a successful career both in the United Kingdom and over Europe with many hit songs during the 1980s, such as The Land Of Make Believe and My Camera Never Lies. Their worldwide record sales have exceeded 15 million copies. Bucks Fizz were involved in a serious road accident in 1984 when their tour bus crashed, all members were seriously injured but thankfully not fatally. After this, there have been several line up changes over the years, and most recently original band members Mike Nolan, Cheryl Baker and Jay Aston have formed The Original Bucks Fizz. Full statistics including details of the performers, song titles and the full scoreboard can be found here in the 1981 history pages



Des'ree es una cantante pop/soul inglesa popular durante los 90. Es bien conocida por sus éxitos "You gotta be" ("Tienes que ser"), "Life" ("Vida"), que ya recordamos en este blog el 5/2/2010, y "Kissing you" ("Besándote"). No ha editado nada desde "Dream soldier" ("Soldado soñador") de 2003. Hoy recordamos su primer éxito.

Des'ree is an English pop/soul singer who was popular during the 1990s. She is well known for her hits "You Gotta Be", "Life", which we've already remembered here on 5/2/2010 and "Kissing You". Des'ree has not released any new material since 2003's "Dream Soldier". Today we remember her first hit.

Video "YOU GOTTA BE", Des'ree (1994):

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6p non the richer A-Ha A-Teens A.Algueró A.Stivel Abba AboveBeyond Ace of Base Adele Agnes Agnetha Fältskog Agoney AirSupply AiramEtxániz Aitana AlainChamfort AlanParsonsProject AlanRickman AlanisMorisette Alaska AlbaEngel Albert Hammond Alejandro Sanz Aleks Syntek AlexUbago AlexandeRybak AliciaKeys Alison Moyet Alphabeat Alphaville Amaia Amaia Montero AmancioPrada Amaral Amy McDonald AmyWinehouse Ana Belén Ana Torroja AnaKiro Andrea Corr Andrew Lincoln AndyWilliams Aniversario AnnaBergendahl AnnaNalick AnnaTatangelo AnnaVissi AnneSofieVonOtter AnniBSweet Annie Lennox Antonio Vega-Nacha Pop AntonioJosé Applejack Aretha Franklin ArielRot ArmandoManzanero ArvoPärt AskilHolm Assembly Atlas Aute Avicii BAO BBKing BGs (Gibb) Baccara Bananarama Bangles BarbraStreisand BarryWhite Bastille Batemento Beach Boys Beatles BeatrizLuengo Bebe BeboValdés BellBookCandle BenE.King Benny Andersson Berlin Bernardo Bonezzi-Zombis BillWithers BillyJoel BingCrosby Bisbal Björn Ulvaeus Black BlackEyedPeas BlasCantó Blondie Blue BlueNile Bob Geldof-BoomtownRats BobDylan BoneyM Bonnie Tyler Bowie BrandiCarlile BrandonHeath BrianEno Bridget Jones BrotherhoodMan Bruce Springsteen Bryan Adams Bucks Fizz Buggles Bunbury Burt Bacharach Bustamante Caballé Cabriolets CalleParís CalumScott CalvinHarris CameraObscura CamiloSesto Capercaillie-Karen Mathieson CaptainTenille CardiganBridge Carlos Núñez CarlosBaute CarlosChaouen CarlosGoñi CarlosRivera Carminho Carola Carrá CatehrineFerry Cecilia CharlesAznavour ChavelaVargas Chenoa Cher Chess Chetes ChicoBuarque Chieftains ChinaCrisis ChrisDBurgh ChrisTeixeira ChristinaRosenvinge ChuckBerry CillaBlack Clannad CliffRichards CockRobin Coldplay Cole Colin Firth CommonFates Coppini CorneliaJakobs Coruña Coti CraigDavid Cranberries-Dolores O'Riordan Cristina Lliso-Esclarecidos CristinaPato CrowdedHouse CrystalShawanda CultureClub Cyndi Lauper Czars Céline Dion Cómplices DDinámico DMK Dani Martín (C.Loco) Daniel Diges Danza Invisible-J.Ojeda DarrenHayes DavidDMaría DavidGray DavidGrohl Delaporte DemisRoussos Depeche Mode Depedro Des'ree Desireless DianaKrall DianaNavarro Dido Diodato DionneWarwick Dire Straits Donna Summer Dorian Double Dover DropOutOrch DuckSauce Duetos Duffy DulcePontes DuncanDhu DuoDinámico DuranDuran DustySpringfield EBS EBTG-Tracey Thorn ESDM Eagles EdSheeran EddyGrant Edurne Efecto Mariposa EleanorMcEvoy Elefantes EllieGoulding Elton John Elvis Presley ElvisCostello EmilySandé EngelbertHumperdinck EnnioMorricone Enya Erasure ErrolBrown EspenLind EstherArroyo Estocolmo Estopa EstrellaMorente EttaJames Eurovisión Eurythmics EvaCassidy EverlyBros FG2H FairgroundAttraction Fey FilippaGiordano FitoFitipaldis Fleetwood Mac Fonseca FranceGall FrancisCabrel FrancoBattiato FrankSinatra Frans Frida Friends Fugees FórmulaV G.Aplin Gali Atari+MilkHoney Galicia Gary Barlow Gemini Gentri George Michael Georgina Ghost GiannaNannini GigiD'Alessio GilbertO'Sullivan GiorgioMoroder Glee GloriaEstefan Gotye GraceJones Grey'sAnatomy GuSánchez HCaire Ha*ash HarryStyles Helen Sjöholm HenryMancini HenrySemler HermanDüne HombresG HoneyRyder Hoovertronic Housemartins-BS Hozier Hugh Grant Hull Human League Hurts IndiaMtnez IreneCara IsmaelSerrano J. Akerlund J.C.Caledrón J.Lo. Jakaranda Jamelia James Blunt JamesArthur JamesHorner JamesLast Jamie Cullum JanetLeon JannArden JarabePalo JasmineThompson Jason Mraz JasonHart JavierAlvarez Jeanette JimmyFontana JimmySommerville JoeCocker John Lennon JohnBarry JohnGrant JohnLegend JohnLundvik JohnWaite JohnnyCash JonLord JoniMitchell Jorge Dréxler Jorn JosefinNilsson José Mota José Mª Cano JourneySouth Jovanotti Juan Luís Guerra JuanPardo JuanZelada Juanes JuiceNewton JuliaLindolm Jörgen Elofsson KareenAntonn KateBush KateRyan KateWinslet Katie Melua Keane KeiraKnightley Kelly Clarkson KennyRogers Ketama Korgis Kristina Kylie Minogue LOVG La Unión Labuat LadyAntibellum LadyGaga Laleh Laura Pausini LeireMtnez Lemonheads Lene Marlin LennyKravitz Leona Lewis Leonard Cohen Leonel García LewisCapaldi LilyAllen Lina_RaülRefree LinkinPark Lionel Richie Lisa Stanfield LizaÖhman Lockdown Loreen Loreena McKennitt LoriMeyers Los Amaya Los Secretos LouReed Louis Armstrong LoveOfLesbian LuarNaLubre Lucio Dalla Lucía Pérez Luis Tosar-DiElas Luz Casal LyonHart M-Clan MClan Macaco Madness Madonna Maggie Reilly MagoDOz Malú MamasPapas Mamma Mia ManoloTena MansZelmerlow Manu Clavijo Manzanita Maná-Sergio Vallín Marc Anthony Marco Mengoni MariahCarey Marie Fredriksson MariliAndrés Mario Gioia MarkMasri Marlango-Leonor Watling Maroon5 Marta Sánchez Marwan Mary Black MatiaBazar MattAlber MattPop Mecano Mediterráneamente Mei Ming MelC Melendi Mercedes Peón Mercedes Sosa Merche Meryl Streep Michael Bublé Michael Jackson Miguel Ríos MiguelPoveda Mijares Mika Mike Oldfield MileyCyrus Miliki Milow MiquelFdez MissCaffeina Moby Mocedades Moustaki MungoJerry MªDPradera Mónica Molina Mónica Naranjo Nana Moskouri Natalia Jiménez (5ªEst.) Natalia Lafourcade Natalie Imbruglia Neil Diamond Nek Nelly Furtado Nena Nena Daconte NeonTrees Nia NicKamen Nik Kershaw Nina Niña Pastori No Doubt-Gwen Stefani Noa NuriaFergó Nº1 O.Nassim OMD Obits Oceana Ok go Ola Brunkert Oliver Olivia Newton-John PSanBasilio Pablo Alborán PabloDíaz+OlgaKirk PabloMilanés PacoDLucía PainsBeingPureHeart Pasión Vega Passenger PassionPit Pastora Pastora Soler Pat Benatar Patrick Bruel Patrick Swayze Paul Buchanan Paul McCartney Paul Young Pe Pedro Guerra Pentatonix Per Gessle Peret Pet Shop Boys PeterCetera PeterJorback Petula Clark PharrellWilliams Phil Collins PhilSpector PinkFloyd Pitingo Plácido Domingo Prefab Sprout Presuntos Implicados Pretenders-Chrissie-Hynde Prince Proclaimers Pussycat Queen-Freddie Mercury R.Gunnarsson R.Keating-Boyzone REM RadioFutura Raphael Rasmus Rembrandts Rick Astley Righteous Brothers RobFalsini RobZuzin Robbie Williams Robert Downey Jr. Roberta Flack RobinBengtsson Rod Stewart Roko RollingStones Ronnie Spector Rosa Cedrón Rosa León Rosana Rosario Roxette Roxy Music-Bryan Ferry RoyOrbison Rozalén Rumer Rune Söderqvist RussianRed Ryan Adams Sabina Sade Sally Oldfield SalvadorSobral Sam Brown SamFender SamSmith Sandoval SannaNielsen Sara Ramírez Sarah Brightman SarahDownFiner Sau SayMyName Schiller ScissorSisters Scorpions Seal Serena Ryder Sergio Dalma SergioEstibaliz Serrat Shakira Sharleen Spiteri Sharon Corr Sheena Easton Shirley Bassey SimonGarfunkel Simple Minds SimplyRed-MickHucknall SinBandera Sinnead O'Connor Sissel Snow Patrol Soledad Giménez SonrisaDJulia SoundOfArrows SoundOfStrings Spandau Ballet SpencerDay Standfast StarsOn45 StatusQuo StephenBishop Steps Stevie Wonder Sting Summercat SundayDrivers Supertramp Susan Boyle Suzanne Vega SvenOlofWalldoff SvenneLotta Swing Out Sister TCMS TYP TakeThat TalkTalk TamTamGo Tamara Tanita Tikaram Tanxugueiras TeoCardalda Tequila Texas The Beloved The Carpenters The Corrs The Cure The Fray The Knack The Police TheBlackMamba TheLumineers TheShires TheWebb Therion Thicke Tight Fit Timbiriche Tina Charles Tina Turner Tino Casal Tom Chaplin Tomas Ledin Tony Ronald TorbjörnCalvero ToriAmos ToveLo Tracey Chapman Train Tusse Txetxo Bengoetxea U2-Bono UB40 Ulibarri Umberto Tozzi Vaccines Vanesa Martín Vangelis VazquezSounds Vega Versiones Vicky Larraz Vicky Leandros Vince Clarke Visage Víctor Manuel Waterboys WetWetWet Whitney Houston Wilson Phillips XabierDiaz XimenaSariñana XoeLopez Yazoo YolySaa Yvonne Elliman ZaraLarsson


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