Billboard ha hecho publica una lista con las 25 canciones pop más pegadizas de todos los tiempos. En el ranking están, entre otros: Madonna, The Human League, Pharell Williams, Neil Diamond, Cher, Gloria Gaynor, Elvis Presley, Beach Boys, Queen, Bee Gees, Supremes... y en el top 3:
Billboard has published a list of the 25 most catchy pop songs of all time. On the ranking are, among others: Madonna, The Human League, Pharell Williams, Neil Diamond, Cher, Gloria Gaynor, Elvis Presley, Beach Boys, Queen, Bee Gees, Supremes... and in the top 3:
3º) ABBA, "Dancing Queen"
2º) MICHAEL JACKSON, "Beat it"
1º) THE BEATLES, "I wanna hold your hand"