
ANDREA CORR, "LIFELINES" (1): SU SEGUNDO ÁLBUM EN SOLITARIO DE VERSIONES / Her second solo-album of cover versions

Ayer se anunció la publicación del nuevo álbum en solitario de Andrea, titulado 'Lifelines', con el primer single extraído de él 'Tinseltown in the rain'.
Es lo último de Andrea en más de cuatro años,'Lifelines' es un disco de una exploración profundamente personal, cálida e íntima de sus aspiraciones como artista y muestra una colección de canciones diversa, a veces sorprendente, que giran todas alrededor de la voz sublime y evocadora de Andrea.
Producido por John Reynolds y con la coproducción en algunos temas de Brian Eno,
'Lifelines' es una colección personal de canciones que han perdurado a lo largo de la vida de Andrea e incluyen excelentes versiones de canciones de un abanico tan amplio de artistas desde Velvet Underground, Kirsty McColl y Harry Nilsson hasta Ron Sexsmith, Nick Drake y The Blue Nile.
Expansivo pero íntimo, adulto pero poderosamente vulnerable, el instrumento primario del diso es la voz and
'Lifelines' muestra una Andrea diversa que lleva las letras y su registro mucho más lejos que en grabaciones anteriores. Estará disponible en CD y digital con una edición limitada de CD+DVD con actuaciones exclusivas y entrevistas.

Yesterday the release of Andrea’s brand new solo album was announced, entitled ‘Lifelines’, with the first single from it, ‘Tinseltown In The Rain’.
Andrea’s first release in over four years,
‘Lifelines’ is a real singers album – a deeply personal, warm and intimate exploration of her inspirations as an artist – and features a diverse, and sometimes surprising, collection of songs all built around Andrea’s sublime and evocative voice.
Produced by John Reynolds and featuring co-production on several tracks by Brian Eno,
‘Lifelines’ is a personally curated collection of songs that have resonated throughout Andrea’s life and includes stunning versions of songs by a range of artists from Velvet Underground, Kirsty McColl and Harry Nilsson to Ron Sexsmith, Nick Drake and The Blue Nile.
Expansive yet intimate, grown-up yet powerfully vulnerable, the primary instrument on the album is the voice and
‘Lifelines’ sees Andrea at her most diverse, pushing the vocals and extending her range far beyond her previous recordings. ‘Lifelines’ will be available on CD and digitally with a Limited Edition CD & DVD package featuring exclusive performances and interviews.

1- State Of Independence
2- I’ll Be Seeing You
3- No 9 Dream
4- Blue Bayou
5- Pale Blue Eyes
6- From The Morning
7- They Don’t Know
8- Lifeline
9- Tomorrow In Your Eyes
10- Some Things Last A Long Time
11- Tinsletown In The Rain

Video "Tinseltown in the rain", Andrea Corr:

Video "Tinseltown in the rain", The Blue Nile:

Publicamos más en relación con el nuevo álbum en solitario de Andrea Corr, "LIFELINES".

We're including more about Andrea Corr's new solo-album, "LIFELINES".

Video "10 minutes of 'Lifelines'", Andrea Corr interview:

Video "BLUE BAYOU"(accoustic), Andrea Corr:

Audio "LIFELINES", Andrea Corr:

Audio "PALE BLUE EYES", Andrea Corr:

Audio "DREAM Nº9", Andrea Corr:

Audio "FROM THE MORNING", Andrea Corr:


Video interviews British TVs británica:



Hemos encontrado una entrevista con Benny en la televisión sueca el año pasado, en donde repasa uno a uno los álbumes originales de Abba y los comenta. La entrevista es en sueco con subtitulos en inglés.

We've found an interview with Benny last year on Swedish television, where he reviews each of the original Abba albums and comments on them. The interview is in Swedish with English subtitles.

Video entrevista con/interview with Benny:



Ya es tradición en este blog hacernos eco del anuncio TV de una conocida marca de cerveza que nos anuncia el verano. La canción es siempre agradable y anunciar el verano siempre anima... Pues ahí va, la canción "I WISH I COULD SEE YOU SOON" ("Desearía poder verte pronto") de Herman Düne, pone banda sonora a la historia del aprendiz de cocina que es admitido en elBulli para hacer prácticas durante su última temporada como restaurante.

Herman Düne, conocidos desde 2005, es un dúo de rock francés. Especialistas en componer melodías pegadizas, con la voz de su líder David Ivar como marca reconocible. Sus influencias van desde los Beatles a Bob Dylan, incluyendo Velvet Underground, Neil Young y los Rolling Stones... Herman Dune comenzaron como trío, pero se convirtió en dúo en 2006. La formación actual de Herman Dune es David-Ivar Herman Dune (voz, composición y guitarra) y Néman Herman Dune (percusión y coros)

It's becoming a tradition to show the TV-ad which a well-known beer brand makes for each summer. The song is always very nice and to announce the summer is always great... Well, here it is, the song, "I WISH I COULD SEE YOU SOON" by Herman Düne, the soundtrack for a new trainee cook story, who is enrolled in elBulli to carry out a training period through its last stage as a restaurant.

Herman Düne, known since 2005, is a French rock & roll duo. Their focus is on song-writing, catchy grooves; with lead-singer David-Ivar's recognizable tone of voice as a trademark. Their influences range from The Beatles to Bob Dylan, including The Velvet Underground, Neil Young and The Rolling Stones... Herman Dune started as a trio, but turned into a duo in 2006. The line-up for Herman Dune is now David-Ivar Herman Dune (voice, song-writing and guitars) & Néman Herman Dune (drums and backing vocals).

Video "I WISH I COULD SEE YOU SOON", Herman Düne (Estrella Damm 2011")

Video original:

I wish that I could see you soon

I had to leave you and go away but I
think about you everyday
in the morning and the afternoon
I wish that I could see you soon

and when I held you I felt so fine
it was like there was nothing left on my mind
it was like Rockaway Beach in the month of June
I wish that I could see you soon

I had no plans to meet you baby
I had a million things to do baby
but you hit my heart with a harpoon
I wish that I could see you soon

The angels go ''How long 'til you can see her?''
and I'm like: ''The sooner the better'',
''Do you really think she will wait for you?''
''Well I have no way to say and there's nothing I can do,
well I have no way to say and there's nothing I can do'', go!

Now listen, now that I am across the sea
I wonder if you're gonna wait for me
or if you're gonna find a new boy to spoon
I wish that I could see you soon

and if you wait a little my pretty friend
until I come back to hold your hand
we'll be like bugs when they break through a cocoon
you know, I wish that I could see you soon

it's been a while since I felt like this
now i found someone I really miss
under the sun, under the moon
I wish that I could see you soon

Angels: ''how long 'til you can see her?''
and I'm like: ''The sooner the better''
angels: ''do you really think she will wait for you?''
and i'm like: ''there's no way to say and there's nothing i can do
there's no way to say and there's nothing i can do'', go!

Angels again: ''How long 'til you can see her?''
I'm like: ''Well, the sooner the better''
''Do you really think she will wait for you?''
and I'm like: ''There's no way to say and there's nothing i can do
no way to say and there's nothing I can do,
Well, no way to say and there's nothing I can do
no way to say and there's nothing I can do''


ANA BELÉN: 60 ESTUPENDOS AÑOS / 60 wonderful years

Ana Belén, nuestra admirada cantante y actriz cumple hoy unos espléndidos 60 años y por eso, desde aquí nuestro pequeño tributo. ¡Felicidades, Ana!

Ana Belén our admired singer and actress becomes splendorously 60 today and that's why we show our small tribute to her here. Happy birthday, Ana!

Audio "YO SÓLO SOY LA QUE SOY", Ana Belén:


Video "POBRECITA DE MI", Ana Belén:



Como ya informamos, el segundo single que se extrae de "CHARM SCHOOL" de Roxette es "WAY OUT" ("Salida"), cuyo video, con imágenes tomadas de su actual gira mundial, estrenamos hoy aquí.

As we already informed, the second single taken from Roxette's latest "CHARM SCHOOL" is "WAY OUT", whose video, with footage shot at their present world tour, we premiere here today.

Video "WAY OUT", Roxette 2011:



Puedes escuchar aquí "KÄRA SYSTER", el nuevo single de la Benny Andersson Orkester en la voz de Helen Sjöholm, extraído de su último álbum. Con música de Benny y letra de Björn Ulvaeus.

You can listen to "KÄRA SYSTER", Benny Anderssons Orkester's new single in the voice of Helen Sjöholm, taken from their latest album. With music by Benny and lyrics by Björn Ulvaeus.

Audio "KÄRA SYSTER", Helen Sjöholm+Benny Andersson Orkester:

Kära Syster, du kan välja den man du behagar
Som en drottning skrider du in i ett rum
En gudinna, som ler
Är vad karlarna ser
Och jag känner mig hopplös och dum

Kära Syster, det är inte ditt fel att du strålar
Som en stjärna - succéen är din
Du kan få alla män
Den du tar kanske är den jag mister
För Kära Syster
En av dom är min

Kära Syster, att bli avgudad måste va’ härligt
Säg, hur känns det?
Blir man berusad av makt
Det gör ont inom mig
Att se män kråma sig
Du befaller; det blir som du sagt

Kära Syster, vad är kärlek för dig innerst inne
Har den drabbat dig någonsin
Du kan få alla män
Den du tar kanske är den jag mister
För Kära Syster
En av dom är min

Kära Syster, när jag ser honom stå där bredvid dig
Som en hundvalp, borde jag vända och gå
Men jag står ändå kvar
All den stolthet jag har
Är som bortblåst, det är bara så

Kära Syster, han är allting för mig ska du veta
Men han kan alltför lätt bli din
Du kan få alla män
Den du tar kanske är den jag mister
För Kära Syster
En av dom är min

En av männen du ser
Har jag tagit med fel och med brister
Ja, Kära Syster
En av dom är min

© 2011 Mono Music AB/Kopparnäset Förlags AB


... Y REFLEXIONANDO / ...& reflecting

Y hoy como es día de reflexión, pero sigue la gente pacíficamente esperando... acompañamos la reflexión y la espera con la canción de Bob Dylan de 1964 "TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGING" ("Los tiempos están cambiando"). Para que así sea...

And today is reflecting day, but people are still waiting peacefully... we accompany the reflection and the waiting with Bob Dylan's 1964 song "TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGING". Let it be...


Come gather 'round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you
Is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won't come again
And don't speak too soon
For the wheel's still in spin
And there's no tellin' who
That it's namin'.
For the loser now
Will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There's a battle outside ragin'.
It'll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don't criticize
What you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is
Rapidly agin'.
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'.

The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast
The slow one now
Will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
The order is
Rapidly fadin'.
And the first one now
Will later be last
For the times they are a-changin'.


HABLANDO DE REVOLUCIONES... / Talking about revolutions...

Buscaba una canción como banda sonora del movimiento 15-M y fui directamente a esta canción de Tracey Chapman "TALKING 'BOUT A REVOLUTION" ("Hablando de una revolución") de 1988 y que parece haber tenido gran repercusión en la radios de Túnez durante las revueltas de este año, y es que su letra se adapta a la situación de crisis actual. Si sirve para cambiar algo...

I was looking for a song as sopundtrack for the 15-M movement and I immediately thought about Tracey Chapman's song "TALKING 'BOUT A REVOLUTION" from 1988, which seems to have had heavy radio air play during the Tunisian revolution early this year, and it's because the lyrics adapt to the present crisis. If it changes something...

Video "TALKING 'BOUT A REVOLUTION", Tracey Chapman:


Don't you know

They're talkin' about a revolution
It sounds like whisper
Don't you know
They're talkin' about a revolution
It sounds like whisper

While they're standing in the welfare lines
Crying at the doorsteps of those armies of salvation
Wasting time in the unemployment lines
Sitting around waiting for a promotion
Poor people gonna rise up
And get their share
Poor people gonna rise up
And take what's theirs
Don't you know
You better run...
Oh I said you better



"SCARBOROUGH FAIR" ("La feria de Scarborough") fue un éxito en la voz de Simon & Garfunkel, aunque no fue compuesto por ellos, sino que es un tema tradicional medieval. A finales de la Edad Media el pueblo marinero de Scarborough en North Yorkshire era un lugar importante para el encuentro de mercaderes de toda Inglaterra. Era el lugar de celebración de una inmensa feria de negocios que duraba 45 días, desde el 15 de agosto, y que era excepcionalmente larga para una feria en esa época. Mercaderes de toda Inglaterra, Europa, Noruega, Dinamarca, el Báltico y hasta el Imperio Bizantino. La feria de Scarborough se originó a partir de un bando real del Enrique III de Inglaterra el 22 de enero de 1253. El bando otorgaba a Scarborough muchos privilegios diciendo que "Los Burgueses y sus herederos podían por siempre celebrar una feria en la ciudad que continuase desde la Fiesta de la Asunción de la Virgen hasta la Fiesta de San Miguel siguiente". (Que en el calendario Católico-Romano moderno equivalía a las fechas del 15 de agosto al 29 de septiembre). Naturalmente con un periodo tan largo, atraía mucho más que mercaderes, necesitaban ser alimentados y entretenidos por lo que multitudes de compradores, vendedores y buscadores de entretenimiento asistían a la feria.
La balada
"SCARBOROUGH FAIR" procede de una balada escocesa más antigua (y oscura) "THE ELFIN KNIGHT" ("El Caballero Duende") que data de 1670 o incluso antes. En esta balada un duende amenaza con obligar a una joven a ser su amante a no ser que ella cumpla una tarea imposible y ella responde con una lista de tareas que él debe cumplir.
Al hacerse la canción popular, fue adaptada, modificada y reescrita hasta el punto de que existen docenas de versiones a finales del siglo dieciocho. Aunque pocas se oyen ahora. Las referencias a la feria de Scarborough y a las especies son del siglo diecinueve. En el siglo veinte se grabaron múltiples versiones: Simon y Garfunkel, Sarah Brightman y en España, Luar na Lubre la adaptó a la leyenda de los peregrinos a San Andrés de Teixido e incluso Mago de Oz. Aquí las escuchamos hoy.

"SCARBOROUGH FAIR" was a hit by Simon & Garfunkel, although it wasn't written by them. It's a traditional medieval song. During the late middle ages the seaside resort of Scarborough in North Yorkshire was an important venue for tradesmen from all over England. It was host to a huge 45-day trading event, starting August 15, which was exceptionally long for a fair in those times. Merchants came to it from all areas of England, Europe, Norway, Denmark, the Baltic and the Byzantine Empire. Scarborough Fair originated from a charter granted by Henry III King of England on 22 January 1253. The charter, which gave Scarborough many privileges, stated "The Burgesses and their heirs forever may have a yearly fayre in the Borough, to continue from the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary until the Feast of St Michael next following". (On the modern Roman Catholic calendar, the equivalent dates are August 15 to September 29.) Naturally, such a large occasion attracted a lot more than just tradesmen; they needed to be entertained and fed, therefore large crowds of buyers, sellers and pleasure-seekers attended the fair.
The ballad "Scarborough Fair" appears to derive from an older (and now obscure) Scottish ballad, The Elfin Knight (Child Ballad #2), which has been traced to at least 1670 and may well be earlier. In this ballad, an elf threatens to abduct a young woman to be his lover unless she can perform an impossible task, she responds with a list of tasks that he must first perform.
As the song spread, it was adapted, modified, and rewritten to the point that dozens of versions existed by the end of the 18th century, although only a few are typically sung nowadays. The references to "Scarborough Fair" and the refrain "parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme" date to nineteenth century versions. In the twentieth century many versions were recorded: Simon & Garfunkel's, Sarah Brightman's and in Spain, Luar na Lubre adapted it to the legend of the pilgrims to San Andres de Teixido and even Mago de Oz.

Video "ROMEIRO AO LONXE", Luar na Lubre:

Video "SCARBOROUGH FAIR", Simon & Garfunkel live:

Video "SCARBOROUGH FAIR", Sarah Brightman live:

Video "DUERME", Mago de Oz:



Outro 17 de Maio. Outro Día das Letras Galegas. Este ano adicado ao poeta Lois Pereiro. Nos, outro ano máis escoitamos música en galego con Manu Clavijo musicando precisamente un poema de Lois, "Canción última".

Video Manu Clavijo "EN LEONBERG":


¿HAY VIDA DESPUÉS DE EUROVISIÓN? / Is there life after Eurovision?

Pues ya hay nuevos vencedores de Eurovisión 2011. Y nos preguntamos, ¿qué ha sido de nuestros favoritos del año pasado? Pues videos oficiales que avalen una carrera musical posterior sólo hemos encontrado dos: de Anna Bergendahl, la representante sueca que ni siquiera se clasificó para la final, y otro de Tom Dice que representó a Bélgica y fue 6º. Los daneses Chane y N'evergreen (4º) grabaron disco conjunto pero no encontramos video oficial nuevo, solo audios de los temas del supuesto álbum. De la armenia Eva Rivas solo referencias de que quieren presentarse de nuevo al festival el próximo año... Y sobre el español Daniel Diges...

So there are new winners of the Eurovision Song Contest 2011. And we've wondered, what has been of our last year's favourites? We've only found two video that show a musical career post-Eurovision: Anna Bergendahl's, Swedish contestant who didn't even classify for the final, and Tom Dice's, the Belgium contestant who ended 6th. Danish couple Chane & N'evergreen (4th) recorded an album together but there's no new official video, only audios of the songs from that record. And from Armenian Eva Rivas only references that she wants to sign in for the contest next year... And about the Spaniard Daniel Diges...

Video Anna Bergendahl:

Video Tom Dice:

Audio "ALL YOU'LL EVER NEED", Chanée & N'evergreen:



Y el ganador es... / And the winner is...


Ell & Nikki, "Running scared"

Video "Running scared" accoustic version:

El Festival de Eurovisión 2011 fue la edición 56 y la ganó Acerbaiyán con la canción "Running scared" ("Corriendo asustado") interpretada por Eldar & Nigar. Tuvo lugar en el Esprit Arena de Düsseldorf, Alemania.
43 países participaron en el festival, incluyendo el regreso de Austria, que participara por última vez en 2007, Hungría, desde el 2009; y San Marino, desde el 2008. Italia también regresó al festival con su primera participación desde 1997.
El podio se completó con Italia (2º) y Suecia (3º). Italia y Alemania (10º) fueron los únicos de los cinco grandes países en entrar en el top 10. El Reino Unido ocupó el 11º. Sin embargo, de los 25 países, los otros dos grandes: Francia y España no llegaron a entrar en la primera mitad de la tabla, en el 15 (82 puntos) y 23º (50 puntos) respectivamente.

The Eurovision Song Contest 2011 was the 56th annual Eurovision Song Contest and was won by the Azerbaijan entry "Running Scared" performed by Eldar & Nigar. The event took place in the Esprit Arena Düsseldorf.
43 countries participated in the contest, with those returning including Austria, which last participated in 2007; Hungary, which last competed in 2009; and San Marino, which last participated in 2008. Italy also returns to the Contest, marking its first participation since 1997.
The runners up was Italy and Sweden. Italy (2nd) and Germany (10th) were the only ones from the "Big Five" to make it into the top 10, with the United Kingdom close behind at 11th place. However, out of the 25 countries who made it into the final, the remaining two of the "Big Five", France and Spain, failed to make it into the top half of the leader board coming 15th (82 points) and 23rd (50 points) respectively.



Son diez años desde que BAO se formó a principios del 2011 con la grabación de su primer CD "Benny Andersson's Orkester", al que luego siguieron otros cuatro CDs "BAO","BAO på turné", "BAO 3" y "Story Of A Heart". Éxitos como "Our last dance", "You're my man" y "Fait Accompli" se han convertido en clásicos.

El nuevo CD contiene 13 canciones, ocho de ellos cantados. Helen Sjöholm canta en tres, Tommy Körberg en dos, y otros tres con Helen, Tommy y Kalle Moraeus.
"O klnag och jubletid" se edita el 8 de junio, y el single "Kära syster" saldrá a mediados de mayo.
Durante el verano, BAO participará en dos programas especiales de TV y saldrán de gira. En ocho ciudades suecas, el público experimentará una velada lleno de música, alegría y baile...

It has been ten years of resounding since BAO was formed in early 2001 in conjunction with the recording of the first CD “Benny Andersson’s Orkester”, which was then followed by another four CDs "BAO", "BAO på turné", "BAO 3" and "Story Of A Heart". Hits as "Our last dance", "You’re my Man" and "Fait Accompli" have become modern classics!
The new CD contains 13 tracks, eight of which have vocals. Helen Sjöholm sings on three tracks, two feature Tommy Körberg, three tracks feature Helen Sjöholm, Tommy Körberg and Kalle Moraeus.
"O klang och jubeltid" is released on 8 June, and the single "Kära syster" is to be released in mid-May.
During the summer, BAO will participate in two major television productions as well as going out on tour. In Swedish eight towns, audience experience an evening filled with music, joy and dance…

1. O Klang Och Jubeltid – Helen Sjöholm, Tommy Körberg & Kalle Moraeus
2. Kära Syster – Helen Sjöholm
3. Månstrålar Klara – Trad., text Arvid Ödmann – Tommy Körberg
4. Midsommarpolka
5. Allt Syns När Man Är Naken – Helen Sjöholm, Tommy Körberg & Kalle Moraeus
6. Alla Goda Ting
7. En Dag I Sänder – Helen Sjöholm
8. Flickornas Rum
9. De Ljuva Drömmarnas Orkester – Helen Sjöholm, Tommy Körberg & Kalle Moraeus
10. Jag Hör… – Tommy Körberg
11. Sorgmarsch
12. Vilar Glad. I Din Famn – text Kristina Lugn – Helen Sjöholm
13. Brudmarsch

Fechas gira/Tour dates:
Thursday 21 July 19.00 Parken – Örnsköldsvik

Friday 22 July 19.00 Stenegården – Järvsö

Saturday 23 July 19.00 Sammilsdalsgropen – Leksand

Sunday 24 July 18.00 Sandgrundsudden – Karlstad

Wednesday 27 July 19.00 Sofiero Slott – Helsingborg

Thursday 28 July 19.00 Trädgårdsföreningen – Göteborg

Friday 29 July 19.00 Gripsholms Slott – Mariefred

Saturday 30 July 19.00 Galejan Skansen – Stockholm



Os ofrecemos una mirada a la nueva edición deluxe "ABBA, SUPER TROUPER", que está disponible desde hoy.

We offer you a look of the new deluxe edition "ABBA, SUPER TROUPER", which is available from today.

Video promocional:



Roxette comienzan hoy la sección sudafricana de su gira mundial con 6 conciertos entre hoy y el 17 de mayo. Tres serán en el Grand Arena de Ciudad del Cabo con capacidad para 7.000 personas, y cuatro en el Superbowl de Sun City con capacidad para 10.000. Todos los conciertos están con entradas vendidas o casi. EMI editará un CD+DVD recopilatorio en el país para conmemorarlo. Per ha concedido una entrevista para un programa matinal de la TV sueca, aquí incluimos la segunda parte en video con traducción aproximada al inglés.

Today Roxette start off their South African leg of their world tour with 6 concerts from today until May 17th. Three will be in Cape Town (at the Grand Arena, with a capacity for 7,000 people), and four in Sun City (at the Superbowl, which holds up to 10,000). All concerts are sold out or almost. EMI will release a CD+DVD compilation to commemorate it. Per has given an interview to a Swedish morning programme, here is the second part with a rough translation into English.

Video Per @ SVT:

Rough translation:

SVT: Per Gessle is today's guest on "Good Morning Sweden," recently home from a South America trip, out on a big tour... and on Sunday Roxette is playing the Grand Arena in Cape Town, South Africa.

Per: "Yes, sir"

SVT: How is life as a 50-year-old rockstar?

Per: (Laughs) It pretty good actually. It's very calm. The tour is planned so we play one day and the next day we travel. We have one day off in between, almost all the time it's like that.

SVT: You don't throw anything out from the hotel rooms windows?

Per: (Laughs again) No, but we've never really done that, accually.

SVT: What would have happened if you never would have had success with Roxette? I read somewhere that you had to sell some guitars?

Per: I had was a little poor, '84-'85 were tough years for me and my girlfriend. Nobody was really interested in me, I was a has-been at 24 years of age. The first Roxette album Pearls of Passion, was accually my refused third Swedish solo album that I quickly translated.

SVT: A solo record that nobody wanted?

Per: "So Far Away" and other songs were written in Swedish. But that's the way it is, sometimes it goes forwards, and sometimes it goes backwards. It was tough, yes.

SVT: Then as soon as 1989, three years after what you just talked about, you are mentioned as "one of the richest 30 year-olds in Sweden" in media. It went fast.

Per: That's typical media...

SVT: For everyone who wonders, can you tell us what it is like to become rich?

Per: It's hard to say, for me it has been that I can work with what I want to work with. I think, the feeling you get from your job is everything. I don't have to think about saving money for the end of the month. I can focus my energy on making music.

SVT: That sounds fantastic. You and Marie are on the road again. Not many thought this would happen again after 2002. How did this affect you?

Per: Hard to say. It was very difficult, mostly to her family and herself of course, but us close to her were affected to. My father had cancer in the '70s, that were also very hard. But now, it was hard to understand. It looked bad for Marie, she had just one chance out of 20 to survive. There were some tough months back then. If you had asked me 5-6 years ago if there would be more Roxette, I would have said "no, I don't belive that". We have taken it very slow, it was the concert in Amsterdam that was some kind of start for all this.

SVT: But know when you play for 10,000 people on the other side of the world. Do you think "shit, what about five years ago?"

Per: Yes, that happens. But that happend in the old days to. I remember a concert when we played for about 50-60,000 people at a football stadium in Uruguay or something like that and we looked at each other and both thought "Is this really true? This little hobby band from Halmstad?!". In one way it has never been as fun as this to play, now when we don't feel any pressure. We don't feel that we are fighting to chart or make the best record in the world. We are travelling the world and play our songs for people that want to hear them and having fun with our band and our music. It's nice to not having these competitive feelings, career feelings, it's gone, at least for me.

SVT: Anyhow, you are doing what many other bands are longing for.

Per: Maybe that's the thing. It feels like a gift from above. We are just trying to enjoy it.

SVT: How long are you going on like this?

Per: I don't know. It looks now like the tour is continuing a good part into next year. We'll see, how old I am then.

SVT: When will you play in Sweden?

Per: Gothenburg 24th of july, Globen 3rd of november and Malmö arena the 4th of november. That was not bad, right?

SVT: That was fantastic that you remembered that much at your age.

Per: Thank you so much for that.

SVT: You have experienced the life of a rockstar already as a 20 year old. Gyllene Tider popped up out of nowhere in 1979, I think your first hit came? 1980?Per: 1979-80, yes. Gyllene had played all of six concerts, before friends, at that time...

SVT: You swept Sweden off its feet, and it sounded like this: ("Flickorna på TV2" clip playing.)

Info: Lars-Erik Olson & Daniel Alvedahl, The Daily Roxette.



La banda Human League actuó anoche en Madrid en el Heineken Music Selector en el Teatro Circo Price con éxito y repasando muchos de sus éxitos, además de presentar algunos temas de su más reciente álbum "CREDO". La primera vez que actuaban en Madrid en 30 años fue un concierto emocionante, moderno y perfecto, según asistentes al mismo.

The group Human League performed in Madrid last night at the Heineken Music Selector at the Circo Price Theatre with great success and remembering many of their hits, apart from presenting some new ones from the latest album "CREDO". It was the first time in 30 years that they performed in Madrid. It was an exciting, modern and perfect gig, according to people who attended.

Video "DON'T YOU WANT ME", Human League, Madrid, 5/5/2011:

Video "NIGHT PEOPLE", Human League, Madrid, 5/5/2011:



6/5/2009 - 6/5/2011

El 6 de julio del 2009, os comentaba en una entrada que la primera canción que recuerdo es el "DOWNTOWN" de Petula Clark. Pero no debía ser el único single de ella que andaba por mi casa. El otro debía ser éste, porque recuerdo muy bien las dos canciones que contenía: "THIS IS MY SONG" ("Esta es mi canción") y "THE SHOW IS OVER" ("Se acabó el función"), porque recuerdo haberlas oído infinidad de veces. Ahora he descubierto que pertenecen a una película llamada "A COUNTESS FROM HONG-KONG" ("Una condesa de Hong-Kong"), dirigida por Charles Chaplin, quien también compuso los temas. Hoy vuelvo muchos años atrás...

On 6th July 2009, I commented on a post that the first song I remember was Petula Clark's "DOWNTOWN". But it wasn't the only single of hers that was around my house. The other was this ones, because I remember very well the two songs on it: "THIS IS MY SONG" & "THE SHOW IS OVER", because I remembre having listened to them lots of times. Now I've discovered that they belong to a film called "A COUNTESS FROM HONG-KONG" directed by Charles Chaplin, who also composed them. It was a great hit for Petula. I go many years back in time today...

Audio "THIS IS MY SONG", Petula Clark:


Video "THIS IS MY SONG", Petula Clark (2001):

Audio "THE SHOW IS OVER", Petula Clark:



Tenemos videos de Ana Torroja en la Gala Benéfica contra el Cáncer del pasado 29 de abril en Ordes (A Coruña).

We've got videos of Ana Torroja at the Show against Cancer last April 29th in Ordes (A Coruña).

Video Ana Torroja @ Ordes-1 (Coruña):

Video Ana Torroja @ Ordes-2 (Coruña):

Videos Ana Torroja @ Ordes "Sonrisa":

Video Ana Torroja @ Ordes "Hijo de la luna":


EUROVISION 2011: SIN FAVORITOS / No favourites

Estrenamos el mes eurovisivo. El día 14 será la final. En Düsseldorf ya están con los ensayos para las semifinales. He estado escuchando algunos participantes, pero... no tengo favoritos este año. Mi paisana, que nos representa, y el resucitado boy-band por Gran Bretaña: Blue, lo que más, sin ser más que algo mediocres. Por cierto, los Blue se enganchan a una promoción poco musical y más cercano a los "Grandes Hermanos" televisivos. ¿Todo vale para ganar? Juzgad vosotros...

We've started the Eurovision-month. The final will be on the 14th. They are already rehearsing the semi-finals at Düsseldorf. I've been listening to some entries, but... I've got no favourites this year. Our Spanish representative, which is from my home-region and the reunited British boy-band Blue, are the most, without being that special. By the way, the Blue have a rather unmusical way of promoting themselves, much closer to a "Big-Brother-tv way". Anything will do, just to win? Judge for yourselves...

Video "QUE ME QUITEN LO BAILAO", Lucía Pérez:

Video "I CAN", Blue:

Video promocional Blue:

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Akerlund J.C.Caledrón J.Lo. 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Natalia Lafourcade Natalie Imbruglia Neil Diamond Nek Nelly Furtado Nena Nena Daconte NeonTrees Nia NicKamen Nik Kershaw Nina Niña Pastori No Doubt-Gwen Stefani Noa NuriaFergó Nº1 O.Nassim OMD Obits Oceana Ok go Ola Brunkert Oliver Olivia Newton-John PSanBasilio Pablo Alborán PabloDíaz+OlgaKirk PabloMilanés PacoDLucía PainsBeingPureHeart Pasión Vega Passenger PassionPit Pastora Pastora Soler Pat Benatar Patrick Bruel Patrick Swayze Paul Buchanan Paul McCartney Paul Young Pe Pedro Guerra Pentatonix Per Gessle Peret Pet Shop Boys PeterCetera PeterJorback Petula Clark PharrellWilliams Phil Collins PhilSpector PinkFloyd Pitingo Plácido Domingo Prefab Sprout Presuntos Implicados Pretenders-Chrissie-Hynde Prince Proclaimers Pussycat Queen-Freddie Mercury R.Gunnarsson R.Keating-Boyzone REM RadioFutura Raphael Rasmus Rembrandts Rick Astley Righteous Brothers RobFalsini RobZuzin Robbie Williams Robert Downey Jr. Roberta Flack RobinBengtsson Rod Stewart Roko RollingStones Ronnie Spector Rosa Cedrón Rosa León Rosana Rosario Roxette Roxy Music-Bryan Ferry RoyOrbison Rozalén Rumer Rune Söderqvist RussianRed Ryan Adams Sabina Sade Sally Oldfield SalvadorSobral Sam Brown SamFender SamSmith Sandoval SannaNielsen Sara Ramírez Sarah Brightman SarahDownFiner Sau SayMyName Schiller ScissorSisters Scorpions Seal Serena Ryder Sergio Dalma SergioEstibaliz Serrat Shakira Sharleen Spiteri Sharon Corr Sheena Easton Shirley Bassey SimonGarfunkel Simple Minds SimplyRed-MickHucknall SinBandera Sinnead O'Connor Sissel Snow Patrol Soledad Giménez SonrisaDJulia SoundOfArrows SoundOfStrings Spandau Ballet SpencerDay Standfast StarsOn45 StatusQuo StephenBishop Steps Stevie Wonder Sting Summercat SundayDrivers Supertramp Susan Boyle Suzanne Vega SvenOlofWalldoff SvenneLotta Swing Out Sister TCMS TYP TakeThat TalkTalk TamTamGo Tamara Tanita Tikaram Tanxugueiras TeoCardalda Tequila Texas The Beloved The Carpenters The Corrs The Cure The Fray The Knack The Police TheBlackMamba TheLumineers TheShires TheWebb Therion Thicke Tight Fit Timbiriche Tina Charles Tina Turner Tino Casal Tom Chaplin Tomas Ledin Tony Ronald TorbjörnCalvero ToriAmos ToveLo Tracey Chapman Train Tusse Txetxo Bengoetxea U2-Bono UB40 Ulibarri Umberto Tozzi Vaccines Vanesa Martín Vangelis VazquezSounds Vega Versiones Vicky Larraz Vicky Leandros Vince Clarke Visage Víctor Manuel Waterboys WetWetWet Whitney Houston Wilson Phillips XabierDiaz XimenaSariñana XoeLopez Yazoo YolySaa Yvonne Elliman ZaraLarsson


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