

Se anuncia para mañana la salida de lo que será la tercera edición de "CARDIO". Después del álbum original, luego la versión deluxe de cara a las navidades que incluía remezclas y un DVD con el video "ESTUVE A PUNTO DE..." y el making of del álbum. Mañana sale la versión en vivo, con un CD y un DVD que recoge el concierto de Bosé dentro de su gira "CARDIO", que dió en Madrid el pasado 16 de septiembre en el Palacio de los Deportes. Mientras su gira sigue... acaba de cantar en Nueva York el pasado día 18, y desde hoy hasta el 5 de Marzo dará cinco conciertos en el Teatro Arteria Coliseum de Madrid y en Barcelona el día 7.

Tomorrow will see the release of what will be the third version of "CARDIO". After the original album, there was a deluixe version for last Christmas, which included remixes and a DVD with the video and the making of the album. Tomorrow the live version is released with a CD and a DVD that shows Bosé's concert from the "CARDIO" tour recorded at the Palacio de Deportes of Madrid on September, 16th. Meanwhile his tour continues... he has just sung in New York on February 18th, and from today until March, 5th, he'll be singing 5 nights at the Teatro Arteria Coliseum in Madrid and in Barcelona on the 7th.

Listado de canciones/Tracklist:

Video "CARDIO TOUR", Miguel Bosé:


ABBA GOLD 2010: RAZONES PARA LA NUEVA REEDICIÓN / Reasons for the new re-release

La recopilación "ABBA GOLD" vio una nueva reedición a finales del 2010. ¿Por qué? Ian Cole comenta en su blog las razones, aquí las incluimos en inglés.

The "ABBA GOLD" compilation has seen a new rerelease at the end of 2010. Why? Ian Cole comments in his blog the reasons, here they are.

ABBA Gold 2010 By Ian Cole

When the release of ABBA Gold – Greatest Hits CD/DVD Special Edition was announced last year the most common question among ABBA fans was “why?”
The simple answer is that ABBA Gold continues to sell, with reported sales of 28 million copies so far. As much as we fans would love more archival material, unreleased songs, or DVDs of television specials, the fact is that ABBA Gold and other hits collections are the only thing that sell. The Deluxe Editions of the studio albums, though a boon for fans, don’t sell in huge numbers. Worldwide sales of music DVDs are falling. Benny and Björn won’t sanction the release of any unreleased songs “from the vaults”.
In December 2010 when this new version was released the previous version (released 2004) had only just left the UK top 100 albums. In Australia 18 Hits (released 2005) has been a fixture in the catalogue album charts for the past 15 months.
Most of the re-releases that make fans think ABBA Gold has been reissued endlessly have been limited to certain territories, mostly the UK. The USA has never had a re-release until now. Canada’s only re-release was the 10th anniversary version in 2002. In Australia ABBA Gold wasn’t available from 2000 (the 1999 signature edition) until 2008. The UK has had the most reissues, but none since 2004 (the 30th anniversary gold cover version).
The new version of ABBA Gold features the latest remasters of the songs on CD, with an accompanying DVD of the clips for the songs on the DVD, newly remastered. The DVD also includes spilt screen versions of five of the clips, comparing the new remastering with the old clips, plus the first ever release of the 1977 Australian-made cartoon for ‘Money, Money, Money’, very rarely seen in full and long thought to be lost. The booklet features a new essay by Elisabeth Vincentelli, author of the books ABBA Gold (2004) and ABBA Treasures (2010).



En los tiempos que corren extraer cuatro singles de un álbum es un milagro. Eso era algo típico en los 70 y 80, cuando los álbumes tenían una larga vida. El 9 de enero pasado os comentábamos lo que sería el cuarto single extraído del álbum de debut de Hurts "SUNDAY" ("Domingo"), y hoy os estrenamos el video que han hecho para promocionarlo. Que os guste...

In this time, to take four singles out from one album is a miracle. That was something typical in the 70s and 80s, when albums had a long life. On January 9th, we commented on what would be Hurts' fourth single taken from their debut album "SUNDAY", and today we premiere the video they've done to promote it. Hope you like it..

Video "SUNDAY", Hurts


EL CONCIERTO DE LUZ EN AYA IRINA MÜZESI, ESTAMBUL / Luz's concert at Aya Irini Müzesi at Istambul

[Fotos: José Luís Roca - El Periódico de Catalunya. luzcasal.es]

Aquí imágenes de la estancia de Luz en Estambul para dar un concierto ayer. Son imágenes de la rueda de prensa del día anterior y del concierto ayer en el Aya Irini Müzesi, la maravillosa iglesia-museo de Aya Irini Müzesi (Santa Irene) en el recinto del Palacio Topkapi. El concierto estaba previsto antes de su recaída.

Here are images of Luz's stay in Istambul to give a concert last night. They are photos of her press conference the previous day and yesterday's concert at the church-museum of Aya Irini Müzesi (Saint Irene) in the courtyard of the Topkapi Palace. The concert had been scheduled previous to her illness.


23-F 1981: 30 AÑOS, CANCIONES PARA UN GOLPE / 30 years, songs for a coup

Hoy es el aniversario de un día que pudo haber sido fatídico para el país: el 23-F. Hoy se cumplen 30 años de aquel intento de golpe de estado. Como nosotros tratamos la música, hemos echado la vista atrás para recordar los temas que se escuchaban el mismo año en que esto ocurrió. El top 10 de los éxitos del '81...

Today is the anniversary of a day that could have been terrible for our country: 23rd February. Today is 30 years from that coup d'etat. We deal with music, so we've looked back to remember the songs that were being heard that year. The top 10 of 1981's hits...


ESTA NOCHE, GALA PREMIOS CADENA DIAL 20º ANIVERSARIO / Tonight Cadena Dial Awards Show 20th anniversary

Han sido 20 años apostando por la mejor música en español lo que los ha traído hasta aquí y se reconocerá las carreras de Rosario, Manolo García, Miguel Ríos, Rosana, Juan Luis Guerra, David Bisbal, Estopa, Sergio Dalma, El Barrio, Miguel Bosé y Merche, ganadores de los Premios Especiales 20 Aniversario. También se concederán los galardones anuales a los artistas más destacados de 2010, en esta edición será Ricky Martin, Malú, Juanes, Macaco, El Arrebato, Melendi, Ana Torroja, Lya, Diego Martín, Bustamante y Dani Martín. Esta noche a las 22:00h desde Tenerife, informaremos.

It has been 20 years supporting the best of Spanish music that has brought them right here and tonight the'll pay tribute to careers such as Rosario, Manolo García, Miguel Ríos, Rosana, Juan Luís Guerra, David Bisbal, estopa, Sergio Dalma, el Barrio, Miguel Bosé & Merche, awarded with the Special 20th anniversary awards. The annual awards will be given to the most distinguished artists of 2010, and this year will be for Ricky Martin, Malú, Juanes, Macaco, El Arrebato, Melendi, Ana Torroja, Lya, Diego Martín, Bustamante & dani Martín. Tonight at 22:00h from Tenerife, we'll keep you informed.
Video Ana Torroja en Gala Premios Cadena Dial 20 aniversario 22-2-11:

Video photocall Gala Premios Cadena Dial 22-2-11:


KATE WINSLET: CANTA TAN BIEN COMO ACTÚA / Sings as well as she performs

"WHAT IF" ("Y qué si") es el single debut de la actriz Kate Winslet, editado en noviembre de 2001. La canción pertenece a la película de animación del 2001 "Un cuento de Navidad", basada en la novela de Charles Dickens. Winslet era la voz de Belle en la película.
Es una balada escrita y producida por Steve Mac, que trabajó con Westlife, Boyzone. El video-clip fue dirigido por Paul Donnellon y producido por Chris Horton, y muestra a Winslet caminando por una vieja casa victoriana mezclado con fragmentos de la película.
La noticia de que Winslet estaba grabando en secreto un single para el n11 navideño del 2001. Al final le ganó el dueto navideño de Robbie Williams y Nicole Kidman versionando "SOMETHIN' STUPID" ("Algo estúpido"). Fue nº1 en las listas irlandesas durante cuatro semanas. También lo fue en Austria y Bélgica y top 10 en Alemania, Suiza y Holanda.
A petición de Winslet, todo lo recaudado por este tema se entregó a ONGs a beneficio de niños.
"WHAT IF" is the debut single by actress Kate Winslet, released in November 2001. The song is taken from the 2001 animated film "Christmas Carol: The Movie" which is based on the Charles Dickens classic novel. Winslet provided the voice of Belle in the film.
It is a ballad, written and produced by Steve Mac, who has worked with Westlife, Boyzone. The music video, which was directed by Paul Donnellon and produced by Chris Horton, shows Winslet walking around an old Victorian house, along with clips from the film.
News that Winslet was secretly recording the one-off single to vie for the 2001 UK Christmas number one spot. In the event the song entered the UK Singles Chart at number 6, and was beaten to the Christmas top spot by Robbie Williams and Nicole Kidman's version of "Somethin' Stupid".
"What If" debuted at number 1 on the Irish Singles Chart on 7 December 2001. It remained at number 1 for four weeks. The song also topped the charts in Austria and Belgium singles chart. It was a top ten hit in Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands.
At Winslet's request, the proceeds from the single were given to the
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and Sargent Cancer Care for Children.

Video "WHAT IF", Kate Winslet:



Lucía Pérez tiene 25 años y es de O Incio (Lugo). Comenzó a cantar siendo una niña en diversos programas infantiles de televisión y festivales musicales. En el año 2006 representó a España en el Festival Viña del Mar con la canción "Qué haría contigo", con la que alcanzó la segunda posición. En 2009 participó por segunda vez en el festival chileno. Además, ha grabado cuatro discos de estudio, el último de ellos interpretado íntegramente en gallego. Nos representará con "QUE ME QUITEN LO BAILAO".
Lucía Perez is 25 and she's from O Incio (Lugo). She started singing being a little girl in several children's TV programmes. In 2006 she represented Spain at the Viña del Mar Festival, reaching the second position. In 2009 she performed again at the same contest. She has recorded four studio albums, the latest sung entirely in Galician. She'll represent Spain with "QUE ME QUITEN LO BAILAO".



El pasado lunes 14, como ya anunciamos aquí, el grupo Efecto Mariposa actuó en la cuarta gala de la edición de OT 2011. Cantaron su gran éxito "POR QUERERTE" junto con dos de los concursantes Jefferson y Alexandra. Aquí os dejamos el video de la actuación.
Last Monday 14th, as we announced here, the band Efecto Mariposa performed on the fourth show of OT 2011. They sang their big hit "POR QUERERTE" ("For loving you") together with two of this year's contestants: Alexandra & Jefferson. Here is the video of the performance.
Video Efecto Mariposa @ OT 2011:


ROXETTE, 2011: PROMOCIÓN Y ÉXITO / Promotion & success

El nuevo disco de Roxette ya es una realidad. Ya está en la calle y ellos también, de promoción. Haciendo televisión este fin de semana en Alemania, apuntando más fechas a su gira mundial y subiendo puestos en las listas de ventas europeas. Incluimos posiciones en ella y un video de su paso por la TV germana.

Roxette's new album is already a reality. It's out and they are too, promoting. Doing TV shows this last weekend in Germany, appointing new dates for their worldtour and topping the European sales charts. We include their positions on them and a video of their German TV promotion.

En listas/On charts:

Sweden: #1 + #10 (Deluxe Edition) Germany: #1 + #5 (Deluxe Edition) Luxembourg: #2
Switzerland: #2 Austria: #3 + #6 (Deluxe Edition) Finland: #4 Italy: #6
Denmark: #8 Belgium: #9 Norway: #9 Spain: #10

Video Roxette @ German TV alemana 12-2-11:



Hoy miércoles 16 de febrero a las 14:15 (hora británica, una hora más aquí), Frida estará en BBC Radio 4 en "LIKE AN ANGEL PASSING THROUGH MY ROOM" en una pequeña obra teatral del amor incondicional de un devoto fan, escrita por Christopher Green (en la foto). La pequeña entrevista que se intercala en el relato fue grabado hace tiempo. Incluimos ficha aparecida sobre el programa en la web de la BBC en inglés.

Today Wednesday February 16th at 14:15 (British time, one hour less here), Frida will be on BBC Radio 4's "LIKE AN ANGEL PASSING THROUGH MY ROOM", a play of unconditional love from a devoted fan, written by Christopher Green (in the photo). The short interview which is inserted in the narrative was recorded some time ago. We include press note featured on BBC website.

This is a story about love. The unconditional love of a devoted fan. Summer 2006: Christopher Green meets Anni-Frid Lyngstad aka Frida from Abba. He is the after dinner entertainment. She is a dinner party guest. What starts as a 'I'm your biggest fan' conversation turns into a long chat about the nature of loving someone you've never met. From Olivier award-winning writer Christopher Green.
Himself...Christopher Green Herself...Anni-Frid Lyngstad Actor...Lloyd Thomas Actress...Leah Brotherhead Directed by Claire Grove
This play is about being a fan. About a real and an imagined intimacy. Christopher Green, the creator of glorious comic characters like Ida Barr and Tina C, and devoted Frida from Abba fan, takes us back through events in his past when his life has intersected with hers. Chris aged nine, singing like Frida in music and movement. Chris seeing Frida as a red-haired role model. Chris writing a one-man show about Abba with Bjorn and Benny's approval. And then out of the blue he finally meets her. Devoted fan meets gracious star. They talk and a connection is made. They are about to have more in common than either of them could possibly know. This is a project several years in the making, what started as an upbeat reflection on fame and the notion of being a fan, has developed into a meditation on the communication between two people and coping with the blows life deals. Green's partner died shortly after recording the interview with Frida, in which they talked about her long recovery from the death of her husband in 1999. This play is deeply personal and reflective but with a firmly comic sensibility. The journey takes in life and death, and some of the territory in between, with a heavy emphasis on pop music.
Christopher Green's work is shamelessly entertaining: from the political bite of country music icon Tina C (star of three Radio 4 comedy series, with a fourth on the way), and Ida Barr star of Radio 4's Artificial Hip Hop, to recent commissions from the RSC, the Tate gallery, the V&A, the Science Museum and the Barbican.

Audio interview Frida & Christopher Green:


GOYA 2011: NUESTROS ACTORES DAN EL CANTE / Spanish actors show off a singing exhibition

El pasado domingo por la noche se celebró la Gala de los Goya 25º aniversario. Y la mejor sorpresa de la gala fue el número musical que se marcaron Luís Tosar, Paco León, Asier Etxeandia, Hugo Silva, Fernando Guillén Cuervo, Laura Pamplona e Inma Cuesta con un popurri adaptado de "Bailar pegados+Un beso y una flor+No dudaría+ Sin duda, lo mejor de la noche.

Last Sunday night the 25th anniversary Goya Award Gala was celebrated. The biggest suprise of the show was the musical piece performed by Luis Tosar, paco León, Asier Etxenadia, Hugo Silva, Fernando Guillén Cuervo, Laura Pamplona and Inma Cuesta. Singing an adapted medley of Spanish hits. Undoubtedly, the best of the night.

Video Goya 2011:



La 53 edición de los Grammy alzó al estrellato la música country de Lady Antebellum con 5 premios en las categorías de: Mejor Grabación-Producción, Mejor Álbum Country, Mejor Canción-Composición, Mejor canción Country, Mejor Actuación por "NEED YOU NOW" ("Te necesito ahora").
"Es la canción que nos ha puesto patas arriba. Nos ha cambiado la vida", dijo Hillary Scott la vocalista del grupo, que fueron los vencedores morales ya que ganaron 5 de los 6 premios a los que estaban nominados. Mientras Alejandro Sanz ganaba el Grammy al Mejor Álbum Latino por "PARAÍSO EXPRESS".
Lady Antebellum's country music bursted out to stardom at last night's 53rd Grammy Awards, with 5 awards in the categories: Best Recording-Procution, Best Country Album, Best Song-Writing, Best Country Song, Best Performance for "NEED YOU NOW".
"It's the song that has put us upside down. It's changed our lives", said Hillary Scott, the group's vocalist. They were the moral winners as they won 5 out of 6 nominations. Meanwhile, Alejandro Sanz won the Grammy for Best Latin Album for "PARAISO EXPRESS" ("Express paradise").

Video "NEED YOU NOW", Lady Antebellum (subtitulado/subtitled in Spanish):


Teníamos ganas de recordar esta canción. Y que buen día es el 14 de febrero y además porque está de actualidad. Esta canción ha sido versionada en múltiples ocasiones. La última por Jarabe de Palo (Pau Donés) y Alejandro Sanz, pero además Sergio Dalma, Manzanita... Así que, qué mejor día que hoy para escuchar este tema de Francis Cabrel, "LA QUIERO A MORIR".
We were willing to remember this song. 14th February is a good day to do so and apart from that because it's back on the news. This song has been covered many times. The latest by Jarabe de Palo (Pau Donés) & Alejandro Sanz, but before Sergio Dalma, Manzanita... So, what better day to listen to this song by Francis Cabrel, "LA QUIERO A MORIR" ("I love her till I die").
Video "LA QUIERO A MORIR", Francis Cabrel:
Video Jarabe de Palo y Alejandro Sanz:

Video Sergio Dalma:
Video Camilo Sesto:

Video Manzanita:


CANCIONES PARA UN GOYA / Songs for a Goya Award

[ganó DRÉXLER won]

Mañana es la noche de los Goyas. Os presentamos dos de los cuatro candidatos a mejor canción: Jorge Dréxler por "Lope" y Russian Red por "Habitación en Roma". Nosotros hemos escogido dos de las cuatro, ¿será alguna la ganadora?

Tomorrow's Goya gala. We present two of the four candidates to best song: Jorge Drexler for "Lope" & Russian Red por "Habitación en Roma" ("Room in Rome"). We've chosen two out of four, will any of these win?


Video "LOVING STRANGERS", Russian Red:


JANN ARDEN: OTRA GRAN VOZ A DESCUBRIR / Another great voice to discover

Otra vez unos tropiezos en internet nos han llevado a descubrir otra gran voz desconocida en España. Es Jann Arden (Marzo 1962), cantante y compositora canadiense de Calgary. Hemos encontrado una colección de videos suyos que suenan muy bien. Así que es una nueva candidata a la que le dedicamos un Gold con sus mejores canciones en video.
Once again surfing the internet has made us discover another great voice, unknown in Spain. It's Jann Arden (March 1962), Canadian singer and songwriter. We've found a collection of videos from her that sound great. So she's our new candidate to whom we devote a complete Gold with her best songs and videos.
Video "GOOD MOTHER", Jann Arden:

Video "INSENSITIVE", Jann Arden:

Video "I WOULD DIE FOR YOU", Jann Arden:

Video "WILL YOU REMEMBER ME", Jann Arden:

Video "COULD I BE YOUR GIRL?", Jann Arden:

Video "WISHING THAT", Jann Arden:

Video "SLEEPLESS", Jann Arden:


Video "FREE", Jann Arden:



La nueva promesa del pop español es ya una realidad, se llama Pablo Alborán y es de Málaga, y se ha labrado una carrera musical a partir de internet hasta llegar a poder grabar su primer disco con una gran discográfica que se ha convertido en nº1 ya. Videos colgados en internet y el boca a boca lo han traído hasta aquí un candidato con todas las de ganar. Su primer video: "SIMPLEMENTE TÚ".
Spanish pop's new promise is already reality, his name is Pablo Alborán and he's from Malaga, and he has worked his musical career from internet up to arriving to record his first album with a big record company. The album has already reached nº1. Videos posted on the internet and people's comment have brought him right here, a candidate born to win. His first video: "SIMPLEMENTE TÚ" ("Simply you").
Video "SIMPLEMENTE TÚ", Pablo Alborán:


"IF I RISE", DIDO: NOMINADA A ÓSCAR A LA MEJOR CANCIÓN / Nominated for Oscar for Best Song


Dido ha sido nominada al Óscar a la Mejor Canción Original por "IF I RISE" ("Si me levanto"), tema original de la película "127 HORAS". La canción fue compuesta por A.R. Rahman (ya nominado por "SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE") y con la letra de la propia Dido y su hermano Rollo. La canción suena esporádicamente en momentos clave a lo largo de la película y suena al completo durante los créditos finales. ¡Mucha suerte para Dido y Rahman! (Incluimos audio del tema y entrevista a Dido tras la noticia de su página web y una nota de última hora: Dido está embarazada y no irá a Los Ángeles, pero grabará un video para "If I rise" y habrá nuevo álbum suyo este año).

Dido has been nominated for the Oscar to Best Original song for "IF I RISE", original song of the film "127 HOURS". The song was written by A.R. Rahman (already nominated for "SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE") and with lyrics by Dido and her brother Rollo. The song plays sporadically at key moments during the film’s climax and finally plays in full over the closing credits. Good luck to Dido & Rahman! (We're enclosing audio of the song and interview with Dido after the news from her website and a last minute note: she's expecting a baby so she won't be going to LA, but she'll be shooting a video for "If I rise" and there'll be a new album from her this year).


[Entrevista/Interview didomusic.com] Following this week's amazing news that If I Rise has been nominated for the Best Song Oscar, we gave Dido a shout to find out a bit more about collaborating with A.R. Rahman, being on the 127 Hours soundtrack and plans for album #4.

- Hi Dido, congratulations on the Oscar nomination. Where were you when you found out about it? I was in a restaurant and a friend texted me. I nearly fell off my chair.

- Presumably you're pretty pleased?I'm so pleased. It's a proper honour and getting to work with someone as brilliant as A.R. Rahman on a Danny Boyle movie is a bit of a dream come true anyway. Way back when, the 'Trainspotting' soundtrack was probably one of the musical moments that influenced me the most. I actually wrote 'Here With Me' which was my first song over a track on there. Danny Boyle has always done incredible music in his films I think, and I'm a huge A.R. Rahman fan anyway. A.R. Rahman’s whole soundtrack to this film is beautiful and I’m properly proud to be a part of it.

- Have you spoken to A.R. Rahman since the nomination was announced?I have, I spoke to him yesterday. What a lovely guy. Very inspiring.Of course, this is just one of six awards that 127 Hours is up for.

- Did you expect it to do so well when you became involved? To be honest I'd only read the book when I first got involved. I was working with A.R on something else anyway and he mentioned that he was working on a soundtrack. He told me the story of the film and I realised I actually already had Aron Ralston's book at home because it had interested me. I went home, read the book properly which was very moving and very inspiring, and then went back in and did the track. A.R. explained where in the film the track would be and it felt like the 'no lyrics' lyrics in the verses were the right thing to do as it wouldn't interfere with what was going on in the scene too much. I didn't think too much more of it other than that it was a great experience to work with A.R. and a beautiful piece of music. I didn't actually see the film for the first time until recently when everything was finished.

- And what did you think of the film?I was blown away by it. As I'd read the book I was pretty intrigued as to how Danny Boyle was going to get round the fact that it's one guy stuck in a rock for the whole film. He did it absolutely brilliantly. I was so drawn in from the word go, really moved and riveted and actually found it pretty exhilarating and inspiring by the end. The way it was shot just draws you right in and I felt a bit like I was cutting my own arm off at the pivotal scene. I hope I'd be able to have the human strength to do the same thing in the same situation! My hiking holiday in Utah wasn't nearly as exciting though...

- This is a great start to 2011 for you. Is it looking like you'll finish the new album this year too?The new album should be finished soon. Very excited about it. We've had a lot of fun doing it. I've done a lot of stuff with Rollo here in the UK and then I spent some time in California over the summer and wrote a load of songs there with a different flavour that I love. Driving round California is about the most inspiring thing for me I think. I got to work with some great people there too - Jeff Bhasker, Greg Kurstin, Rick Nowels again. Happy days.

- Would you like to work with A.R. Rahman again?I'd absolutely love to. We have done another track and I just need to finish the lyrics on that and we'll get that finished and I'd love to do more with him. He's an amazing human being to be around and incredibly talented and I learnt a lot from the short time we already spent together. His melodies are absolutely beautiful. I realised I'd never actually sung another person's melody as one of my songs and he writes melodies I could never write but I just love singing. Especially when you get more of the Indian scale in there. It's not dissimilar to Irish music and so it really resonates with me and moves me.

- Do you have any other collaborations lined up?I certainly do. Too early to say for sure as I don't want to jinx things but there are things going on hopefully!

- Finally, if you win, where do you think you'd put the statuette?Where everyone can see it. :-) It would be pretty unbelievable to win an Oscar.

NOTE FROM DIDO [06/02/2011]

Hello everyone,It’s been a month of amazing news for me and now I have some more to share. Me and my husband rohan are expecting a baby and we’re beyond happy and excited about it. So as some of you already know, I won’t be able to travel to LA for the oscars ceremony to perform ‘if I rise’. Obviously I’m really gutted about not being there – going to the oscars has literally been a dream of mine since I was about 9 - but I’m absolutely thrilled that the wonderful florence welch has agreed to step in and sing the song. I can’t wait to hear her sing it as I’m a huge fan of hers and she’ll sound amazing. I will definitely be watching the whole thing live on tv and texting rollo (who is going to be at the ceremony. But not singing... Thankfully... :-)) Also, me and AR are going to be filming a video for ‘if I rise’ next week which I’m really looking forward to.Love, dxxx

Video "IF I RISE", Dido+A.R. Rahman:



Son las sucesoras de Amy Winehouse, las nuevas Dusty Springfields. En España conocemos más a Duffy, la galesa, que a Adele. Con su álbum "ROCKFERRY" lideró las listas de ventas de toda Europa en 2008 y se convirtió en el cuarto álbum más vendido del año. En el último trimestre del 2010 lanzó su segundo álbum "ENDLESSLY" ("Sin fin") formando tándem en la composición con Albert Hammond. El disco salió el pasado 29 de noviembre y se colocó en el nº9. El primer single, que estrenamos aquí, no consiguió el éxito entrando en el nº41.
Adele, que es inglesa, también apareció en 2008 y fue la mejor artista revelación y mejor voz británica del 2009. Desde su primer álbum "19" ha tenido reconocimiento tanto comercial como de crítica en el Reino Unido y los EEUU. Ahora acaba de editar su segundo disco "21" con el que ya lleva 2 semanas en el nº1 británico, y las comparaciones son odiosas pero parece haber salido más airosa que Duffy...
They are the follow-ups to Amy Winehouse, the new Dusty Springfields. In Spain, Duffy, the Welsh girl, is more known than Adela. Withe her album "ROCKFERRY" she topped the charts throughout Europe in 2008 and became the fourth best-selling album of that year. She released her second album "ENDLESSLY" in November 2010, forming a writing-couple with Albert Hammond. But the album was only nº9 and her first single, premiered here, failed to become a hit, entering at nº41.
English-gril, Adele, also appeared in 2008 and was the best new artist and best British female voice in 2009. From her first album "19" she has achieved commercial and critic success. She has just released her second album "21", which has been nº1 for two weeks in the UK. It's bad to compare them but it seems to have turned out better for her than for Duffy...
Video "ENDLESSLY", Duffy en vivo/live TV:

Video "ROLLING IN DEEP", Adele:




Hoy se celebra en el Madrid Arena el concierto benéfico en el Día Mundial contral el Cáncer que ofrece la cantante Luz Casal. Y con buenas noticias, una nueva posibilidad de ver a la cantante tras haberse recuperado por segunda vez de la enfermedad y de que todas las entradas se han agotado. Y hoy sábado actualizamos con un video que hemos encontrado del concierto.
Tonight the charity concert with Luz Casal on the World's Cancer Day is held at the Madrid Arena. With some good news, a new possibility of seeing her after recovering for the second time from the illness and that all the tickets have been sold out. And today Saturday we update the post with a video we've found from the concert.
Video "GRACIAS A LA VIDA", Luz en vivo/live Concierto Cancer Madrid 4-2-11:



Estrenamos el mes de febrero con el nuevo y segundo single extraído de "SONRISA" de Ana Torroja. Se trata de "TU HABITACIÓN HELADA". Rodado en Nueva York y marcado por excelentes imágenes en un luminoso blanco y negro, ha sido dirigido por Rubén Martín, reconocido fotógrafo de alcance internacional y con una especial sensibilidad en el tratamiento de la luz. El vídeo refleja con realismo poético estados de ruptura, de distanciamiento, de incomunicación. Es una canción rítmica, claramente pop, impulsada por la electrónica y con una producción de lujo a cargo de Andrés Levin. Aquí hay fotos del rodaje y dejamos el link para verlo, a la espera de poder insertarlo aquí. ¡YA LO HEMOS INSERTADO!

We start February with the premiere of Ana Torroja's second single taken from "SONRISA" ("Smile"). It's "TU HABITACIÓN HELADA" ("Your frozen bedroom"). Shot in New York and marked by wonderful images in a bright black and white. It was directed by Ruben Martin, well-knoiwn international photographer with a special sensibility to the treatment of light. The video reflects with realistic poetry states of breakup and incommunication. It's a rythmic song, clearly pop, with an electronic impulse and a luxurious production by Andres Levin. Here are photos of the shooting and the link to watch it, while we get to embed it here. WE'VE ALREADY EMBEDDED IT!

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6p non the richer A-Ha A-Teens A.Algueró A.Stivel Abba AboveBeyond Ace of Base Adele Agnes Agnetha Fältskog Agoney AirSupply AiramEtxániz Aitana AlainChamfort AlanParsonsProject AlanRickman AlanisMorisette Alaska AlbaEngel Albert Hammond Alejandro Sanz Aleks Syntek AlexUbago AlexandeRybak AliciaKeys Alison Moyet Alphabeat Alphaville Amaia Amaia Montero AmancioPrada Amaral Amy McDonald AmyWinehouse Ana Belén Ana Torroja AnaKiro Andrea Corr Andrew Lincoln AndyWilliams Aniversario AnnaBergendahl AnnaNalick AnnaTatangelo AnnaVissi AnneSofieVonOtter AnniBSweet Annie Lennox Antonio Vega-Nacha Pop AntonioJosé Applejack Aretha Franklin ArielRot ArmandoManzanero ArvoPärt AskilHolm Assembly Atlas Aute Avicii BAO BBKing BGs (Gibb) Baccara Bananarama Bangles BarbraStreisand BarryWhite Bastille Batemento Beach Boys Beatles BeatrizLuengo Bebe BeboValdés BellBookCandle BenE.King Benny Andersson Berlin Bernardo Bonezzi-Zombis BillWithers BillyJoel BingCrosby Bisbal Björn Ulvaeus Black BlackEyedPeas BlasCantó Blondie Blue BlueNile Bob Geldof-BoomtownRats BobDylan BoneyM Bonnie Tyler Bowie BrandiCarlile BrandonHeath BrianEno Bridget Jones BrotherhoodMan Bruce Springsteen Bryan Adams Bucks Fizz Buggles Bunbury Burt Bacharach Bustamante Caballé Cabriolets CalleParís CalumScott CalvinHarris CameraObscura CamiloSesto Capercaillie-Karen Mathieson CaptainTenille CardiganBridge Carlos Núñez CarlosBaute CarlosChaouen CarlosGoñi CarlosRivera Carminho Carola Carrá CatehrineFerry Cecilia CharlesAznavour ChavelaVargas Chenoa Cher Chess Chetes ChicoBuarque Chieftains ChinaCrisis ChrisDBurgh ChrisTeixeira ChristinaRosenvinge ChuckBerry CillaBlack Clannad CliffRichards CockRobin Coldplay Cole Colin Firth CommonFates Coppini CorneliaJakobs Coruña Coti CraigDavid Cranberries-Dolores O'Riordan Cristina Lliso-Esclarecidos CristinaPato CrowdedHouse CrystalShawanda CultureClub Cyndi Lauper Czars Céline Dion Cómplices DDinámico DMK Dani Martín (C.Loco) Daniel Diges Danza Invisible-J.Ojeda DarrenHayes DavidDMaría DavidGray DavidGrohl Delaporte DemisRoussos Depeche Mode Depedro Des'ree Desireless DianaKrall DianaNavarro Dido Diodato DionneWarwick Dire Straits Donna Summer Dorian Double Dover DropOutOrch DuckSauce Duetos Duffy DulcePontes DuncanDhu DuoDinámico DuranDuran DustySpringfield EBS EBTG-Tracey Thorn ESDM Eagles EdSheeran EddyGrant Edurne Efecto Mariposa EleanorMcEvoy Elefantes EllieGoulding Elton John Elvis Presley ElvisCostello EmilySandé EngelbertHumperdinck EnnioMorricone Enya Erasure ErrolBrown EspenLind EstherArroyo Estocolmo Estopa EstrellaMorente EttaJames Eurovisión Eurythmics EvaCassidy EverlyBros FG2H FairgroundAttraction Fey FilippaGiordano FitoFitipaldis Fleetwood Mac Fonseca FranceGall FrancisCabrel FrancoBattiato FrankSinatra Frans Frida Friends Fugees FórmulaV G.Aplin Gali Atari+MilkHoney Galicia Gary Barlow Gemini Gentri George Michael Georgina Ghost GiannaNannini GigiD'Alessio GilbertO'Sullivan GiorgioMoroder Glee GloriaEstefan Gotye GraceJones Grey'sAnatomy GuSánchez HCaire Ha*ash HarryStyles Helen Sjöholm HenryMancini HenrySemler HermanDüne HombresG HoneyRyder Hoovertronic Housemartins-BS Hozier Hugh Grant Hull Human League Hurts IndiaMtnez IreneCara IsmaelSerrano J. 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Natalia Lafourcade Natalie Imbruglia Neil Diamond Nek Nelly Furtado Nena Nena Daconte NeonTrees Nia NicKamen Nik Kershaw Nina Niña Pastori No Doubt-Gwen Stefani Noa NuriaFergó Nº1 O.Nassim OMD Obits Oceana Ok go Ola Brunkert Oliver Olivia Newton-John PSanBasilio Pablo Alborán PabloDíaz+OlgaKirk PabloMilanés PacoDLucía PainsBeingPureHeart Pasión Vega Passenger PassionPit Pastora Pastora Soler Pat Benatar Patrick Bruel Patrick Swayze Paul Buchanan Paul McCartney Paul Young Pe Pedro Guerra Pentatonix Per Gessle Peret Pet Shop Boys PeterCetera PeterJorback Petula Clark PharrellWilliams Phil Collins PhilSpector PinkFloyd Pitingo Plácido Domingo Prefab Sprout Presuntos Implicados Pretenders-Chrissie-Hynde Prince Proclaimers Pussycat Queen-Freddie Mercury R.Gunnarsson R.Keating-Boyzone REM RadioFutura Raphael Rasmus Rembrandts Rick Astley Righteous Brothers RobFalsini RobZuzin Robbie Williams Robert Downey Jr. Roberta Flack RobinBengtsson Rod Stewart Roko RollingStones Ronnie Spector Rosa Cedrón Rosa León Rosana Rosario Roxette Roxy Music-Bryan Ferry RoyOrbison Rozalén Rumer Rune Söderqvist RussianRed Ryan Adams Sabina Sade Sally Oldfield SalvadorSobral Sam Brown SamFender SamSmith Sandoval SannaNielsen Sara Ramírez Sarah Brightman SarahDownFiner Sau SayMyName Schiller ScissorSisters Scorpions Seal Serena Ryder Sergio Dalma SergioEstibaliz Serrat Shakira Sharleen Spiteri Sharon Corr Sheena Easton Shirley Bassey SimonGarfunkel Simple Minds SimplyRed-MickHucknall SinBandera Sinnead O'Connor Sissel Snow Patrol Soledad Giménez SonrisaDJulia SoundOfArrows SoundOfStrings Spandau Ballet SpencerDay Standfast StarsOn45 StatusQuo StephenBishop Steps Stevie Wonder Sting Summercat SundayDrivers Supertramp Susan Boyle Suzanne Vega SvenOlofWalldoff SvenneLotta Swing Out Sister TCMS TYP TakeThat TalkTalk TamTamGo Tamara Tanita Tikaram Tanxugueiras TeoCardalda Tequila Texas The Beloved The Carpenters The Corrs The Cure The Fray The Knack The Police TheBlackMamba TheLumineers TheShires TheWebb Therion Thicke Tight Fit Timbiriche Tina Charles Tina Turner Tino Casal Tom Chaplin Tomas Ledin Tony Ronald TorbjörnCalvero ToriAmos ToveLo Tracey Chapman Train Tusse Txetxo Bengoetxea U2-Bono UB40 Ulibarri Umberto Tozzi Vaccines Vanesa Martín Vangelis VazquezSounds Vega Versiones Vicky Larraz Vicky Leandros Vince Clarke Visage Víctor Manuel Waterboys WetWetWet Whitney Houston Wilson Phillips XabierDiaz XimenaSariñana XoeLopez Yazoo YolySaa Yvonne Elliman ZaraLarsson


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