

Con el estreno estos días de la nueva versión de "El Rey León", ha salido la noticia de que para la banda sonora original de la primera, en un primer momento se había pensado en Benny y Björn para su composición. Tim Rice había sido contratado como letrista, y como habían trabajado conjuntamente para 'Chess', él quería contar con los compositores suecos, pero en ese momento estaban ocupados con 'Christina from Dumevalla" y es por esto que finalmente Elton John compuso la música original para esta película.

With the recent premiere of the new version of "The Lion King", news has appeared about the soundtrack of the first version. Originally Benny & Björn had been considered to write the music for it, Tim Rice had been hired as the lyricist and as he had already worked with them on 'Chess', he then wanted to repeat with the Swedish couple, but at that moment they were very busy working on 'Christina de Dumevalla" and that's why Elton John was the one who eventually composed the original music for this film.

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