

Una nueva exibición sobre Abba se abrirá en el Southbank Centre de Londres el próximo 14 de diciembre hasta el 29 de abril del  2018, organizado por Entertainment Exhibitions International y Abba The Museum. Contará con los trajes originales, fotografías, instrumentos, notas y bocetos y también colaboradores como Lasse Hallström. Y desarrolla el éxito de los cuatro suecos en el contexto de unos lúgubres años 70 británicos.

A new exhibition about Abba will open at the Southbank Centre in London on the next 14th December until 29th April 2018, organized by Entertainment Exhibitions International and Abba The Museum. It will feature original costumes, photos, instruments, notes and sketches and also collaborators such as Lasse Hallström. Developing the success of these four Swedes in the context of Britain's grim 70s.

ABBA: Super Troupers [Official International Abba Fan Club @ Facebook]
A new exhibition (presented by Entertainment Exhibitions International, and in collaboration with ABBA The Museum) opens in London on the 14th December at the Southbank Centre. It will be a guided journey where you can see ABBA’s original costumes, handwritten notes and sketches, personal photographs, music and instruments, plus album artwork, photography and film by notable collaborators such as film director Lasse Hallström.
Against the backdrop of 1970s Britain – a financial crisis, a wave of strikes and a three day working week – and a vastly changing world, ABBAinfiltrated the popular consciousness with their optimism and dominated the airwaves with their seemingly carefree pop. ABBA: Super Troupers goes beyond the surface to examine the serious stories behind the unforgettable lyrics and tunes, the band’s innovative multi-layered sound, their pioneering approach to the music video and the influence of their unique styling on successive generations.
Once again, our members have the opportunity to be the first to see this exciting exhibition, and the very first five entry slots on the 14th December are reserved exclusively for us. If you are a member, you will receive an email from us in the next few days.
Frida Lyngstad: “ We are thrilled to be supporting the new exhibition ABBA: Super Troupers in London, especially since ABBA have always been very appreciative of the love and support shown to us by our fans in the UK. We are so excited that the exhibition is taking place at the Southbank Centre, which is just a few short steps away from Waterloo - this connection brings to mind very happy memories of the song that started our great success in Britain!”
Björn Ulvaeus: “Since our songs, which were written in the 70s, are still being played today it’s particularly interesting that the Southbank Centre exhibition is placing them in the temporal context in which they were created. We recorded Mamma Mia in 1975. What happened that year in the UK and in the world? One thing is for certain – it seems unbelievably long ago!”

1 comentario:

  1. Muchas felicidades por los 10 años de blog.
    Tiene muchísimo mérito tu constancia.
