

Como anticipamos, hoy se estrena el video oficial del segundo single de Texas extraído de "JUMP ON BOARD". Como viene siendo habitual en los videos de Texas, e aparece un actor, el escocés Rory McCann, famoso por interpretar el papel de Sandor Clegane en "Juego de Tronos", tocando la batería. Aquí está "TELL THAT GIRL".

Rory McCann

As we advanced, today sees the premiere of Texas' official video of the second single from "JUMP ON BOARD". As usual in Texas' videos, this one also features an actor, Scottish Rory McCann, famous for his role of Sandor Clegane on the "Game of Thrones" series, playing the drums. Here's "TELL THAT GIRL".

Video "TELL THAT GIRL", Texas:

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