

El representante sueco en el Eurofestival de este año, Robin Bengtsson salió ganador del talent show Swedish Idol 2008. El año pasado compitió por acudir a la Eurovisión con "CONSTELLATION PRIZE", quedando quinto frente al Frans, el ganador. Incluimos videos suyos aquí.

Swedish contestant in this year's Eurovision, Robin Bengtsson came from winning 2008 Swedish Idol talent show. Last year he attempted to go to Eurovision with "CONSTELLATION PRIZE", ending fifth after Frans, the winner. Including some of his videos here.

Video audición "Swedish Idol" 2008, Robin Bengtsson:

Video "I DON'T LIKE TO WAIT", Robin Bengtsson (2013):

Video "CONSTELLATION PRIZE", Robin Bengtsson (Euro candidate 2016):

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