

Esta noche, a casi un año de los ataques terroristas, la música ha vuelto a sonar en el "Bataclán" de París de la mano de Sting. "Reabrir el "Bataclán" supone el reconciliarse con dos tareas. Primero, recordar y honrar a aquellos que perdieron la vida, y segundo celebrar la vida y la música que este histórico teatro representa. Haciéndolo, esperar respetar la memoria así como también la vida afirmando el espíritu de aqullos que cayeron. No les olvidaremos". (Sting @ Bataclan).

Tonight, almost a year after the terrorist attacks, music has been played at the "Bataclan", París with Sting. "In reopening the Bataclan, there are two important tasks to reconcile. First to remember and honour those who lost their lives in the attack a year ago, and second to celebrate the life and the music that this historic theatre represents. In doing so we hope to respect the memory as well as the life affirming spirit of those who fell. We shall not forget them". (Sting @ Bataclan)

Video "FRAGILE", Sting live @ Bataclan, Paris:

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