

Recuperamos hoy unas opiniones de Sharleen Spiteri publicadas en un artículo de  la revista musical inglesa "Mojo" sobre Abba de mayo de 1999 sobre su canción "S.O.S." y la mención de su ciudad natal Glasgow en "SUPER TROUPER·.

We bring back Sharleen Spiteri's opinions about Abba's song "S.O.S." & mentioning her hometown Glasgow in "SUPER TROUPER", published in an article on English musical magazine "Mojo" in May 1999. 

"All good Abba bootleg collecetors, like me, know that this song was originally called "Turn me on", but the change to "S.O.S." is what made it so special. ABBA started to establish this old tragic doomed feel to their pop singles. The clever thing is that the record still seemed uplifting, like life was going to be fine anyway, despite the heartache. SOS has got this verse-bridge-chorus progression that just can't be held down. I must mention "Super Trouper", too, just because it had that line "I was sick and tired of everything, when I called you last night from Glasgow". That thrilled me so much as a young girl, they even wrote songs about my home town!"

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