
EFECTO MARIPOSA: ESTÁN FILMANDO EL VIDEO... / They're shooting the video...

Estamos siguiendo con detalle todo lo nuevo de Efecto Mariposa... Hemos visto como estaban grabando, estaban quitando fotos para el disco... hemos estrenado el audio del primer single... y hoy os mostramos, con fotos que han publicado en su Facebook, como están grabando el video de su nuevo single "AHORA", aquí las compartmos. Esperando poder estrenarlo pronto...

We're following in detail everything related with Efecto Mariposa's new material... We've seen how they were recording, how they took photos for the album... we've premiered the audio of their first single... and today we show, with the pictures they've posted on their Facebook, how they're shooting the video for their new single "AHORA" ("Now"), we share them here. Hoping to premiere it soon...

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