

Se anuncia todavía otra fiesta para celebrar el 40 aniversario del triunfo eurovisivo de ABBA en el mismo "campo de batalla", el Brighton Dome. También el domingo 6 de abril desde las 8 de la mañana hasta las 19:15. Información en inglés AQUÍ.

Yet another party has been announced to celebrate ABBA's 40th Eurovision aniversary win at the very same "battlefield", Brighton's Dome. It'll also be held on Sunday, April 6th from 8 in the morning till 1915. Information HERE.


Christopher Green’s Eurovision Re-enactment

Why are historical re-enactments the preserve of people in armour having a go at each other on ancient battlefields? Why not re-enact the cultural moments that really matter?
Join writer, performer and life-long ABBA fanatic Christopher Green (Tina C, Ida Barr, creator of the BBC’s Like An Angel Passing Through My Room, a piece documenting his ABBA obsession featuring an exclusive interview with Frida), for a unique opportunity to remake ABBA’s historic Eurovision Song Contest win on the very spot it happened, 40 years to the day.
In this party performance lecture celebrating ABBA and their momentous triumph, you’ll discover more about the history of the group and their cultural significance, experience their finest moments on film, and witness some extraordinary cover versions of the songs that didn’t scoop the coveted prize that year.
Wearing Napoleon’s get-up and channelling his inner Katie Boyle, Christopher will welcome special guests, and he needs your help reliving the moment pop music changed forever. Oh, and make sure you dress like it’s 1974.

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