

Noviembre verá dos nuevos singles de Agnetha extraídos de "A", diferente según donde vivas. El 18-N "I SHOULD HAVE FOLLOWED YOU HOME" ("Debería haberte seguido a casa"), dueto con Gary Barlow, en todo el mundo excepto el Reino Unido, Alemania y Austria. Y el 25-N, "THE ONE WHO LOVES YOU NOW" ("La que te ama ahora") se lanzará en el Reino Unido, ya fue el primer single en Alemania. No entendemos esta política de lanzamientos... ¿Así se consiguen hits? 
Ilustramos con una versión sinfónica de la canción por la Royal Stockholm Philarmonic Orchestra dirigida por Peter Nordahl.

November will see two new singles by Agnetha taken from "A", different depending where you live in. On November 18th "I SHOULD HAVE FOLLOWED YOU HOME", duet with Gary Barlow, will be released around the world, except in the UK, Germany and Austria. On November 25th, "THE ONE WHO LOVES YOU NOW" will be released in the UK, it was already the first single in Germany. We on't understand this releasing policy... Can they make hits this way?
To illustrate a symphonic version of the song by the Royal Stockholm Philarmonic Orchestra conducted by Peter Nordahl.

Video "I SHOULD HAVE FOLLOWED YOU HOME", Royal Stockholm Philarmonic Orchestra:

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