

Jörgen Elofsson, el último productor de Agnetha, concedió una entrevista al programa de Lotta Brome de la radio sueca y habló sobre ella, incluímos aquí la traducción al inglés de la parte en que lo hace.

Jörgen Elofsson, Agnetha's latest producer, has given an interview on Lotta Brome's programme on Swedish radio and talked about her, we're including here the translation to English of the part where he does.

Lotta: One artist that you chose (to work with) was Agnetha Fältskog.

Jörgen: Yes, I did.

L: She had been silent for a long time, especially when it came to recording newly written songs. How did you come up with the idea for that album?

J: It wasn't just I, it was also my fantastic colleague Peter Nordahl. We had recorded an album with Björn Skifs earlier. I thought it was fun to go back in time and work with voices I listened to when I was younger and which had influenced me. And then we felt that Agnetha was our dream to record a new album with. But we also felt that how is this going to happen. But we got in touch with her and she wasn't impossible.

L: How did the image you had of Agnetha compare with the way she actually is?

J: Well, there are different perceptions. There is a media perception and a myth perception about people like her. And I thought that actually those were incorrect. She is incredibly nice and down to earth and easy to get along with. It wasn't at all the image that media has portrayed or what I had expected.

L: But you must have been aware of that there would be an interest in the album around the world?

J: Yes, absolutely, that's what we wanted. We knew that it had to be good. It feels like we did a good job.

L: I actually contacted Agnetha before this interview and she asked me to read the following about you. Agnetha Fältskog describes Jörgen Elofsson in her own words:

"An energetic music person who has mastered the entire registry, full of ideas, texts, new songs and solutions! In the middle of a conversation, he can pick up the guitar and then there's a new song! He's also working with music when he sleeps! I with my sometimes bad confidence was given new strength. He knew and heard that the voice was there and encouraged myself to the max - a very exciting person to work with! We worked hard for a while but it was worth it! "

J: So great to hear that.

L: You seem moved by it.

J: Yes, of course.

L: Yes, those are some very nice words.
L: Janet Leon is singing in the background on this album. She sang the demos, right?

J: Yes. I have worked with her, I think she's fantastic, good voice and a wonderful person. I brought her in to record the demos and it was a lot of fun because Agnetha really loved her voice.

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