

En la entrada anterior os presentábamos la nueva película de Richard Curtis y el tema central de la banda sonora "HOW LONG WILL I LOVE YOU?" ("¿Cuánto tiempo te querré?") en la voz de Ellie Goulding. Pues bien, la versión original es del grupo irlandés The Waterboys, y aquí presentamos estas dos versiones y una tercera por el noruego Askil Holm  y la letra en inglés.

In the previous post we presented Richard Curtis' new film and the main theme from the original soundtrack "HOW LONG WILL I LOVE YOU?" in the voice of Ellie Goulding. Actually, the original version is by the Irish band The Waterboys, so here we show you today both versions plus a third by Norwegian Askil Holm and the lyrics.

Audio "HOW LONG WILL I LOVE YOU?", Ellie Goulding:

Audio "HOW LONG WILL I LOVE YOU?", The Waterboys:

Audio "HOW LONG WILL I LOVE YOU?", Askil Holm:

Video "HOW LONG WILL I LOVE YOU?", Askil Holm live:

Letra / lyrics:
How long will I love you 
As long as there are stars above you 
And longer if I can 

How long will I need you 
As long as the seasons need to 
Follow their plan 

How long will I be with you 
AS long as the sea is bound to 
Wash upon the sand 

How long will I want you 
As long as you want me to 
And longer by far 

How long will I hold you 
As long as your father told you 
As long as you are 

How long will I give to you 
As long as I live through you 
However long you say 

How long will I love you 
As long as stars are above you 
And longer if I may

1 comentario:

  1. Of course, Waterboys' original version, this is the best one. Natural, clear and and emotive but kind of festive (like love is). The others sound like sadness and loss, not the same feeling as the lyrics talk about. I don't like the groove from Ellie's version, lyrics are not sung but most 'spoken with tone' (than's sad!). And Askil seems to be one step away from sobbing.
    That's my opinion. Thanks for the info!.
