
ORGULLO / Pride [+ Revolverheld & Steve Grand]

En el día en que Madrid celebrará su disfile del Orgullo Gay, traemos dos videos de temática similar. "UNZERTRENNLICH" ("Inseparable") de los alemanes Revolverheld y "ALL-AMERICAN BOY" ("Cualquier chico americano") de Steve Grand. Feliz día del arco iris.

On the day when Madrid will hold the Gay PrideParade, we're bringing two videos with similar topics. "UNZERTRENNLICH" ("Inseperable") by German band Revolverheld and "ALL-AMERICAN BOY" by Steve Grand. Happy rainbow day.

Video "UNZERTRENNLICH", Revolverheld:

Video "ALL-AMERICAN BOY", Steve Grand:

Enlace/Link: Steve Grand info

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