

Como anunciábamos en la entrada previa, Björn estuvo hoy en el programa matinal de la BBC para hablar de su participación en Eurovisión 2013, Abba The Museum,  y los miembros de Abba. Aquí tenemos el video. 
En las últimas horas se ha desatado una polémica por el comentario de Björn sobre el atentado del maratón de Bostón por parte de cierta prensa amarilla británica. Lo cierto es que viendo el video, se ve claramente que Björn no estaba bromeando, porque el mismo califica el hecho de terrible. Posteriormente esta tarde, Björn ha hecho publico un comunicado, por medio de la página de Facebook de Abba The Museum, que incluímos más abajo en inglés.
Actualizamos con una entrevista de Björn en la TV rusa.

As we announced on the previous post, Björn was today on the BBC morning programme fo talk about their appearance at Eurovision 2013,  Abba The Museum and the Abba members. Here's the video.
More recently, there has been great controversy about Björn comments on the Boston's marathon bomb attack by certain tabloids. The truth is that watching the video, you can clearly see that Björn wasn't joking, because he, himself, describes the action as terrible. Later this afternoon, Björn has made public, via Abba The Museum Facebook page, a statement which we include below.
Updating  with another Björn interview on Russian TV.

"This morning on BBC Breakfast I let my tongue slip with terrible result. After a split second I understood that what I had said could be interpreted as a joke about the horrendous catastrophe that happened in the US today. I feel very, very bad about it, I am truly sorry and I hope that everybody understands that it was an unbelievably stupid slip of the tongue. As everyone else I feel sorrow about what’s happened and deep compassion with the victims of this atrocity."

Video Björn @ BBC TV (16/4/2013):

Video Björn @ Russian TV rusa (19/4/2013):

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