

Hoy os ofrecemos unas versiones de "DANCING QUEEN". Una de los propios Abba, una versión con una diferente introducción y final y más estrofas reordenadas de forma diferente al éxito que conocemos todos. Pero además, incluímos versiones de Kylie Minogue, U2 con Benny y Björn en vivo en Estocolmo y la de los Sunday Drivers.

Today we're offering you the cover versions of "DANCING QUEEN" One of them by Abba themselves, a cover with a different intro and ending and the verses reorganized in a different way from the hit we all know. But apart from this, we're including covers by Kylie Minogue, U2 with Benny & Björn live at Stockholm and by the Sunday Drivers.

Video "DANCING QUEEN", Abba (original version):

 Video "DANCING QUEEN", Kylie Minogue (live):

 Video "DANCING QUEEN", U2+Benny & Björn) (live):

 Video "DANCING QUEEN", The Sunday Drivers:

Audio "DANCING QUEEN", Sixpence Non The Richer:

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