

 Benny ha hecho estas declaraciones hoy al periódico sueco Expressen, que Abba no estarán en el Festival de Eurovisión que se celebrará en Malmö (Suecia) el año que viene. Incluímos sus declaraciones en inglés.

Benny has declared this today to Swedish newspaper Expressen, that Abba won't be at the Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö (Sweden) next year. We enclose his words.

"You can stop hoping – Abba will not be in the Eurovision Song Contest in Malmo", Benny Andersson closes all doors to a reunion.
- "It’s not on the map", he says.
Ahead of the Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö next year, there are thoughts on having the previous Swedish winners attend and a desire above all is a reunion of Abba.
When news of Agnetha recording new material came recently. it ignited many hopes of a reunion.
Even an ABBA museum will open in Stockholm has got fans  hoping. Hopes that now seem completely shattered by Benny Andersson.
- "It is incredibly far away with a reunion. It has never been so far away. Light years", he says.
But there are many who hope that you will show up in the Eurovision?
- "Why do they want it?  Eurovision is in Sweden? We’ve had it twice in all cases since 1974, and we have not been there and we wont be there again", he says, laughing.
However, he reveals that he has been listening to Agnetha’s new material – and he pays tribute to his former band colleague.
- "It’s great that she does. I have listened to some. It sounds incredibly modern and good".

2 comentarios:

  1. Quien podía esperar que se unieran?.Llevan años diciendo que no lo van ha hacer, así que me sorprende que alguno pensara que se podían volver a reunir.
    Sería un bombazo y un éxito rotundo seguro, una lástima.

    1. Es el rumor recurrente. Unirse para cantar lo dudo muchísimo... pero ya se han juntado para algún estreno... y eso quizás...
