

Presuntos Implicados siguen colgando videos de sus nuevos temas, hoy ha sido "TÚ", la versión de "SHE" que cantara primero Charles Aznavour y luego versionara Elvis Costelo para la película "Notting Hill". La compartimos.

Presuntos Implicados continue loading videos of their new songs, today it's "TÚ", the cover version of "SHE", which had been first sung by Charles Aznavour and later covered by Elvis Costelo for the film "Notting Hill". We're sharing it.

Video "TÚ", Presuntos Implicados:

Video "SHE", Charles Aznavour:
Audio "SHE", Elvis Costelo from "Notting Hill":
Video "Notting Hill:

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