

Neon Trees es una banda de rock alternativo norteamericana procedente de Provo, Utah. La banda tuvo una audiencia nacional a finales del 2008 cuando actuaron de teloneros en la fechas de la gira norteamericana del grupo The Killers. Poco después, firmaron un contrato con Mercury Records y editaron su primer álbum, "HABITS" ("Hábitos") en 2010. Su primer single "ANIMAL" alcanzó el nº13 en el Billboard Hot 100 y nº1 en la lista de rock alternativo.
La formación inicial la formaban los vecinos Tyler Glen (voz y teclados) y Chris Allen (guitarra), la banda se formó en Provo, añadiendo a Branden Campbell (bajo, voz) y Elaine Bradley (batería, percusión, voz).

Neon Trees is an American alternative rock band from Provo, Utah. The band received nationwide exposure in late 2008 when they opened several North American tour dates for the rock band The Killers. Not long after, the band was signed by Mercury Records and released their first full length album, "HABITS", in 2010. Their first single "ANIMAL" has climbed to #13 on the Billboard Hot 100 and #1 on the Alternative Rock Chart.
Formed initially by neighbors Tyler Glenn (vocals, keyboards) and Chris Allen (guitar), the band made its first home in Provo, eventually adding Branden Campbell (bass guitar, vocals) and Elaine Bradley (drums, percussion, vocals) to the lineup.

Video "ANIMAL", The Neon Trees:

Video The Neon Trees:

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