

En los tiempos que corren extraer cuatro singles de un álbum es un milagro. Eso era algo típico en los 70 y 80, cuando los álbumes tenían una larga vida. El 9 de enero pasado os comentábamos lo que sería el cuarto single extraído del álbum de debut de Hurts "SUNDAY" ("Domingo"), y hoy os estrenamos el video que han hecho para promocionarlo. Que os guste...

In this time, to take four singles out from one album is a miracle. That was something typical in the 70s and 80s, when albums had a long life. On January 9th, we commented on what would be Hurts' fourth single taken from their debut album "SUNDAY", and today we premiere the video they've done to promote it. Hope you like it..

Video "SUNDAY", Hurts

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