
¿LA ANTIGUA CABAÑA DE ABBA, LUGAR DE INTERÉS TURÍSTICO? / Abba's old cottage, a tourist attraction?

Ya informábamos del tema en una entrada del 21 de noviembre pasado, y ahora, según informa icethesite.com, por informaciones de una publicación sueca (NVP Nacka Värmdö Posten), la antigua cabaña donde Benny y Björn componían los éxitos de Abba puede llegar a ser lugar de visita turística si se logra un acuerdo entre los nuevos dueños y el ayuntamiento de la localidad. Incluimos traducción al inglés de la información aparecida.

We already reported about this on a post of 21st November, but now, according to icethesite.com based on reports from a Swedish local newspaper (NVP Nacka Värmdö Posten), the old cottage where Benny & Björn composed Abba's hits can become a tourist attraction if the new owners and the local municipality arrive to an agreement. We include the information published translated into English.

Värmdöstuga kan bli ABBA-museum
Björn Ulvaeus and his wife Lena have offered the municipality of Värmdö their famous writers cottage on Viggsö. The municipality is positive to the plans.
“This is a place with a lot of history that could be quite good to secure for the general public. It could possibly be turned into a mini ABBA-museum”, said the head of the culture department Lena Gullmert.
In December the municipality was contacted by the well-known real estate broker Christer Magnusson, who had earlier sold the two Ulvaeus family properties on Viggsö.
“No cottage is a world famous as this one, so I highlighted this specifically in our ad”, said Christer Magnusson.
A significant number of ABBA’s hits were created in this very cottage.
The offer came as a very welcome surprise for Värmdö. The municipality recently announced plans that to strengthen its brand and to position itself better as a tourist destination.
We have confirmed to the family that we are positive and that it would be great if all would indeed work out. In the ideal scenario we could turn the writers hut into an attraction with a mini-exposition of objects from the ABBA era, says newly appointed mayor Stellan Folkesson.
Just before Christmas a meeting was held between the mayor, the culture department head and the Ulvaeus family. Initially the idea was that the municipality would get the opportunity to open the writers cabin to the general public. But after discussions the agreement was made to leave that decision to the new owners of the property.
Johan Bengtsson, buyer of the Ulvaeus family property on Viggsö is unaware of the details of the discussions.
“We think it’s important and have set as a goal that the cottage shall be protected. We have engaged in a discussion with the municipality if and if so, how it can be made available for showings to the public or can be used in another way. It has to happen though in a way that is satisfactory for all parties”, he says.
“It is a memorable place, which in my opinion is getting more and more interesting as time goes by”, says Stellan Folkesson.
Real estate broker Christer Magnusson hopes that the plans for a mini-museum on Viggsö will become reality: “If done properly, this can be really, really good”, he says.
Björn Ulvaeus has declined to comment on the project.


2 comentarios:

  1. El tirón de ABBA, que no acaba nunca, es suficiente para que sea una idea rentable. Seguro que sí

  2. Sí, ya veo a los tour-operadores montando el pack turístico de visita la Suecia de Abba con paradas en Estocolmo (estancia de varios días para recorrer todos los lugares), Marstrand, Viggsö...
