
ROXETTE 2011: GIRA MUNDIAL Y NUEVO ÁLBUM / World tour & new album

Según informa The Daily Roxette, después de un puñado de conciertos este verano pasado, Roxette anuncian una gira mundial en serio para el 2011. La gira arrancará en Kazán, Rusia en marzo y visitará los cinco continentes a lo largo de todo el año. Su última gira fue una europea en 2001 y su última mundial fue en 1994-95 con su LP "CRASH! BOOM! BANG!". Además habrá nuevo álbum de Roxette en el primer cuarto del 2011. Incluimos declaraciones de Per y Marie en inglés.
According to The Daily Roxette, after a hand full of concerts performed this summer, Roxette announce a full fledged world tour for 2011. The tour will kick off in Kazan, Russia in March and will cover the five continents throughout the year. Her latest tour was European in 2001 and their last world tour was in 1994-95 with their album "CRASH! BOOM! BANG!". Besides there will be a brand new Roxette album in the first quarter of 2011. We include Per and Marie's comments about it.
PER: "If you'd asked me a couple of years ago, if there would ever be a new Roxette tour, i would have very quickly said "No!". Knowing what Marie had to go in recovering from her severe illness, this is not only unbelievable, it seems almost magical to me. It will be wonderful to meet our audience on Planet Earth again".
MARIE: "I've been longing and hoping for this since 2002. It makes me incredibly happy to know we're going to meet our fans all over the world again."

2 comentarios:

  1. Por fin! Ya era hora! Se hacían de rogar, eh?

  2. La verdad es que después de lo que ha pasado Marie es un milagro!
