
HELEN SJÖHOLM, "EUFORIA": VERSIONANDO A BILLY JOEL EN SUECO / Swedish cover versions of Billy Joel's songs [Actualizado/Updated]

Lo nuevo de Helen Sjöholm es "EUFORIA: HELEN SJÖHOLM SJUNGER BILLY JOEL" ("Euforia: Helen Sjöholm canta Billy Joel") e incluimos comunicado de prensa de Universal Music en inglés y video de la grabación. Se edita hoy 17 de noviembre en Suecia.

Helen Shöholm's new material is "EUFORIA: HELEN SJÖHOLM SJUNGER BILLY JOEL" ("Euphoria: Helen Sjöholm sings Billy Joel") and we include Universal Music press release and video from recordings. It's released today November 17th in Sweden.

Press release from Universal Music:
Helen Sjöholm, who released her latest studio album, 2002 "Visor" (Ballads), is just about to complete her new album "Euforia - Helen Sjöholm sjunger Billy Joel". It contains selected parts of Billy Joel's tunes, in Swedish, sung by Helen Sjöholm."She's Always a Woman" is a song you remember and never get tired of. When Helen came across it again, thinking about a new album, she listened her way through Billy Joel's song catalog and found here one golden nugget after another. As well known as unknown.Thomas Andersson Wij, one of Helen's favorite song lyricists, made the Swedish interpretations.In the spring of 2010 the work with the album began with Helen's creative core team consisting of Martin Östergren, Jojje Wadenius and producer Gunnar Nordén.The recordings took place largely in the legendary Atlantis Studio in Stockholm, with the aforementioned Martin, Jojje and Gunnar, and musicians André Ferrari, Fredrik Jonsson, Magnus Lindgren.In the string arrangements 15 musicians from the Stockholm Session Strings conducted by Martin Östergren of Cosmos Studios are playing.Helen Sjöholm: "Have for a long time been looking for songs for a new album. When I had the opportunity to make Billy Joel in Swedish in collaboration with Tomas Andersson Wij, it felt like hitting a jackpot! Also to be be working with Martin and Jojje again, this time with Andre, Fredrik, Magnus and Gunner. Like a dream! "

Lista de canciones/Tracklist:
01-Euforia (Verano / Summer, Highland Falls)
02-Ärlighet (Honestidad / Honesty)
03-Låt Det Va (No me preguntes por qué / Don't Ask Me Why)
04-Flodens Botten (Río de sueños / River Of Dreams)
05-Barpianisten (El hombre del piano / Piano Man)
06-Varje Sår Söker Ett Sår (Y así va / And So It Goes)
07-Kvinnan För Dig (Siempre es una mujer / She's Always A Woman)
08-New York (Estado de ánimo neoyorkino / New York State Of Mind)
09-Ljudet Av Ett Regn (La lluvia que cae / Falling Of The Rain)
10-Leila (Todo por Leyna / All For Leyna)
11-Sångerna (Nana, adiós mi ángel / Lullabye, Goodnight My Angel)
Audio fragmentos de temas/excerpts of songs:
Video grabando/recording:

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