
HELEN SJÖHOLM: TENDRÁ NUEVO DISCO PROPIO EN NOVIEMBRE / Will have her own new solo album in November

La verdad es que otoño 2010 viene cargado de novedades musicales. La sueca Helen Sjöholm (que ha acompañado a Benny y Björn en varios de sus proyectos), acaba de firmar también por Universal Music y ya está grabando lo que será su nuevo disco en solitario previsto para noviembre y que acompañará con una gira por Suecia en invierno. Os incluimos lo que han dicho de ella en Universal Music (en inglés).
The truth is that this autumn 2010 is coming full of new releases. Swedish-singer Helen Sjöholm (who has accompanied Benny & Björn in several of their projects), has just signed up for Universal Music and is already recording what will be her new solo-album due for November and which will come together with a tour round Sweden during the winter. We include what Universal Music have said about her.
From Universal Music:
We are very proud and pleased to present Helen Sjöholm as a new artist on the company. "The opportunity to work with Helen has long been a dream for us at Universal Music. Very few has, as she, the ability to catch and hold the attention of the listeners. We believe in and feel with what she sings. And then of course, she has a voice that is not of this world. The early tunes, we have heard from the studio sounds fabulous good," said Peter Hart, Universal Music.

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