
FINALMENTE SÍ HUBO MÚSICA DE BENNY EN LA BODA REAL SUECA AYER / Finally there was music from Benny at the Swedish Royal Wedding yesterday

Finalmente sí hubo música de Benny en la Boda Real sueca ayer en Estocolmo. La nueva canción coral "VILAR GLADI I DING FRAMN" ("Descansando felizmente en tus brazos") con música compuesta por Benny y la letra de la poetisa Kristina Lugn que fue encargado especialmente para la boda por la Corte Real Sueca, y que se va a editar como single. También sonó "Duvemåla håge" durante los festejos.

Finally there was some of Benny's music at the Swedish Royal Wedding yesterday in Stockholm. The new choral song "VILAR GLAD I DIN FRAMN" ("Resting blissfully in your arms") features music by Benny, with lyrics by poet Kristina Lugn and was commissioned especially for the wedding by the Swedish Royal Court, and will be released as a single. "Duvemåla håge" was also performed during the festivities.

Video canción de Benny en ceremonia nupcial Princesa Victoria
Video of Benny's song at Princess Victoria's wedding ceremony:

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