
REM'S "EVERYBODY HURTS": Single a beneficio de Haiti / Haiti charity single

Audio "EVERYBODY HURTS" single por/for Haiti.

La catastrofe de Haiti está haciendo que los artistas se vuelquen para recaudar fondos de ayuda. George Clooney organizó un telemaratón, se regraba "WE ARE THE WORLD", y otros artistas (entre los que están Leona Lewis, Mariah Carey, Rod Stewart, Mika, Michael Bublé, James Blunt, Bon Jovi, Kyle Minogue, Robbie Williams...) se han reunido para versionar el "EVERYBODY HURTS" ("Todo el mundo hiere"), clásico de REM que ya escuchamos en varias versiones (buscad en etiqueta versiones). Incluimos el audio con fotos de los que cantan.

Haiti's earthquake catastrophe is making artists get together to raise money for aid. George Clooney organized a telethon, "WE ARE THE WORLD" has been rerecorded, and other artists (among them Leona Lewis, Mariah Carey, Rod Stewart, Mika, Michael Bublé, James Blunt, Bon Jovi, Kyle Minogue, Robbie Williams...) have come together to cover REM's classic "EVERYBODY HURTS", which we've already heard before in several versions (look for versiones tag). We enclose the audio with photos of the singers.

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