
APARECE OTRO FAMOSO FAN DE ABBA / Another celebrity Abba fan appears

Brian Eno

Brian Eno, quien ha sido un miembro de Roxy Music, inventor del "ambient", musa de Bowie, el cerebro de Talking Heads y el quinto miembro de U2, concedió ayer una entrevista para el preiódico inglés The Guardian, en el que, entre otras cosas, se descubrió como otro famoso fan de Abba. Incluimos extracto de su respuesta sobre Abba en inglés.
Brian Eno gave yesterday an interview to British newspaper The Guardian, where he uncovers himself as another celebrity Abba fan. We include the extract from the interview where he speaks about Abba.

BRIAN ENO: He's been a Roxy original, the inventor of 'ambient', Bowie's muse, the brain in Talking Heads and U2's 'fifth man'.
"In the 70s, no one would admit that they liked Abba. Now it's fine. It's so kitsch. Kitsch is an excuse to defend the fact that they feel a common emotion. If it is kitsch. you put a sort of frame around something – to suggest you are being ironic. Actually, you aren't. You are really enjoying it. I like Abba. I did then and I didn't admit it. The snobbery of the time wouldn't allow it. I did admit it when I heard 'Fernando'; I could not bear to keep the secret to myself anymore and also because I think there is a difference between Swedish sentimentality and LA sentimentality because the Swedish are so restrained emotionally. When they get sentimental it's rather sweet and charming. What we really got me with "Fernando" was what the lower singer was doing, I don't know her name. I spent months trying to learn that. It's so obscure what she's doing and very hard to sing. And then from being a sceptic I went over the top in the other direction. I really fell for them."

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