
[Gold] ENYA, DISCOGRAFÍA / Discography

"The very best of Enya" (2009)
"...and winter came" (2008)
"Amarantine" (2005)
"A day without rain" (2000)
"The Memory of Trees" (1995)
"The Celts" (1992)
"Shepherd Moons" (1991)
"Watermark" (1988)

Hoy se edita "THE VERY BEST OF ENYA" y por eso dedicamos este "Gold" a la intérprete irlandesa. Incluimos las portadas de sus siete álbumes oficiales y alguno de sus mejores videos.
Today "THE VERY BEST OF ENYA" is released and so we dedicate this "Gold" to the Irish artist. We include the sleeve of her seven official albums and some pf her best videos.

Video "ORINOCO FLOW" ("El Orinoco fluye"):

Video "CARIBBEAN BLUE" ("Azul Caribe"):

Video "ONLY TIME" ("Sólo el tiempo"):

Video "TRAINS & WINTER RAINS" ("Trenes y lluvias invernales"):

Video "ONLY IF2 ("Sólo si"):

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