
MÁS SOBRE EL CONCIERTO TRIBUTO A ABBA / More on Abba's Tribute Concert

Benny & band

Benny & Kylie

Beth Nielsen Chapman "Slipping through my fingers" & Fernando"

Chaka Khan "The winner takes it all"

Mart Pellow (WetWetWet) "One night in Bangkok"

Nerina Pallot "The name of the game" & "SOS" (en lugar de/instead of Sharleen Spiteri)

Lulu "Gimme! Gimme" Gimme!"
Más fotos y enlaces a críticas y blogs del concierto.More photos & links to reviews & blogs of the concert.
Critica/Review: http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/music/gig-23417103-details/Thank+You+For+The+Music%3A+A+Celebration+Of+The+Music+Of+Abba/gigReview.do?reviewId=23743629
Blog de Chris Evans' blog: http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/chrisevans/2009/09/thank_you_for_the_music_blog_p_1.shtml
Galería de fotos/Photo gallery: http://gallery.me.com/aldridgeuk#100285

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