

Amaia Montero
Su 1er disco en solitario/Her 1st solo-album
LOVG pasó por Vigo por primera vez sin Amaia, con éxito. Amaia ya pasó por Coruña sola. Es complicado empezar una carrera en solitario tras haber cantado en un grupo, pero ella lo ha conseguido y con éxito. Cuando salió su disco en solitario, estábamos de parón y no informamos sobre ello, por éso hoy queremos dedicarle nuestra candidatura.
LOVG passed through Vigo for the first time without Amaia, successfully. Amaia has already passed by Coruña alone. It's complicated to start off a solo career after having sung in a group, but she has achieved it successfully, too. When her solo-album was released, we were on stand by and we didn't report about it, that's why today we want to present her as a candidate.
Enlaces a/Links to:
Video "QUIERO SER" ("I want to be"):
Video "4''":
Video "TE VOY A DECIR UNA COSA" ("I'm going to tell you something"):

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