
JAMES BLUNT GRABA SU SEGUNDO DISCO / James Blunt recording his second album

James Blunt
Se confirma que Blunt está en proceso de grabación de lo que será su segundo disco tras el gran éxito de su disco de debut "Back to Bedlam", del que vendió 11 millones de copias. Ya ha grabado las voces e instrumentaciones, faltan sólo las mezclas del disco que se publicará a finales de año. Según Blunt, el disco sonará más duro y afilado.
Blunt confirms that he's in the process of recording what will be his second album after the great success of his first record "Back to Bedlam", which sold 11 million copies. He's already recorded voices and instruments, and only the mixtures need to be completed of the record which will be published at the end of this year. According to Blunt, the record will sound harder and sharper.

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