TEXAS 2020: GIRA ESPAÑOLA / Spanish tour
Texas han anunciado fechas en España para 2020 en la gira del 30º aniversario de su álbum debut "SOUTHSIDE", que interpretarán al completo e incluirán sus otros grandes éxitos. Barcelona, Madrid, Burgos y Bilbao a finales de noviembre y diciembre 2020. También prometen un nuevo disco para el próximo año...
Texas have announced dates in Spain in 2020 in their 30th anniversary of "SOUTHSIDE" tour. They'll be playing the whole tracklist of this album completely and they'll include their other greatest hits. barcelona, Madrid, Burgos & Bilbao at the end of November & December 2020. They've also promised a new album for next year...
Estreno del nuevo single de Ana Torroja "YA ME CANSÉ DE MENTIR".
Premiere of Ana Torroja's new single "YA ME CANSÉ DE MENTIR".
Video "YA ME CANSÉ DE MENTIR", Ana Torroja:
Seguimos recordándola, empezamos a echarla de menos... por eso aquí va más Marie: un concierto, una actuación de gala y varias entrevistas... una semana después.
We keep on remembering her, we begin to miss her... that's why here's more Marie: a concert, a royal performance and several interviews... a week after.
Roxette concert @ South Africa:
Video Marie Fredriksson @ Princess Madaleine of Sweden's wedding:
Video interviews with Marie Fredriksson:
BJÖRN @ ENTREVISTA ALEMANA SOBRE LAS NUEVAS CANCIONES / German interview about the new songs
Das Erste / BRISANT ha publicado una entrevista con Björn donde habló sobre distintos temas: el libro "Alternative Fakta" y las nuevas canciones y los Abbatars.
Abba querían haber presentado las nuevas canciones a finales de 2018. Pero nada salió de eso y se pospuso. Pero ahora hay noticias: "Será el año que viene", ha dicho Björn y añadió "Una canción es como una balada. Sobre nosotros. Se llamará "I STILL HAVE FAITH IN YOU". La otra se llama "DON'T SHUT ME DOWN". Frida canta una sola y Agnetha la otra. Pero no quiero revelar que canta cual. Estoy muy orgulloso de ambas canciones. Una es una canción pop de los setenta. La otra es un tanto atemporal".
Sobre los Abbatars: Las dos canciones serán las primeras de Abba desde 1982!. Se cantan de verdad. los artistas en el escenarop son images digitales de un ordenador, llamados avatares, "Creíamos que todo sería mucho más rápido," dijo Björn. "Pero ha habido dificultades técnicas en producir nuestros yos digitales".
Das Erste | BRISANT published an interview with Bjorn, where he talked about different themes. The book "Alternative Fakta", and the new songs and Abbatars...
Abba wanted to present new songs at the end of 2018. Nothing came of it, the appointment was postponed. But now there is news: "It will be time next year," said Björn and added "One song is a kind of ballad. It is about ourselves. It will be called 'I Still Have Faith in You'. The other song is called 'Don't Shut Me Down. Frida will sing one solo, Agnetha the other. But I don't want to reveal who sings what. I am very proud of both songs. One is like a pop song from the seventies. The other is somehow timeless".
About abbatars: The two songs will be the first ABBA songs since 1982! The singing is real. The artists come on to the stage as digital images, so-called avatars, from the computer. "We thought it would be much faster," said Bjorn. "But there were technical difficulties in producing our digital selves."
Una noticia triste que no nos gusta tener que dar. Ha muerto Marie Fredriksson a los 61 años. La voz femenina y compositora del dúo Roxette muere tras haber combatido un cáncer diagnosticado en 2002 y haber regresado a los escenarios en 2011 con Roxette de los que se retiró finalmente en 2016. Este verano publicó su biografía. DEP. Tu voz y canciones estarán con nosotros por siempre.
Sad news that we don't like to give. Marie Fredriksson has died at the age of 61. The female voice and composer of the Roxette duo has died after having fought a cancer diagnosed in 2002 and having come back to the stages in 2011 from which she eventually retired in 2016. This summer she published her biography. RIP. Her voice and songs will be with us forever.
- La historia de Marie & Roxette (jenesaispop)
Video "TRO", Marie Fredriksson:
Video Marie's last concert @ Cape Town, South Africa (8/2/2016):
Video "WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD!" Frida &Marie Fredriksson:
Video "ALLA MINA BASTA AR", Frida & Marie Fredriksson:
- La historia de Marie & Roxette (jenesaispop)
Video "TRO", Marie Fredriksson:
Video Marie's last concert @ Cape Town, South Africa (8/2/2016):
Video "WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD!" Frida &Marie Fredriksson:
Video "ALLA MINA BASTA AR", Frida & Marie Fredriksson:
Marie Fredriksson of Roxette has died
It is with great sadness we have to announce that Marie Fredriksson of Roxette has passed away in the morning of December 9, following a 17-year long battle with cancer.
Marie was born on the 30th of May 1958 in the south of Sweden, starting her musical career in nearby Halmstad where she became friends with future Roxette companion Per Gessle. Following a successful solo debut in 1984, Marie Fredriksson became one of Sweden’s most loved and successful artists. In 1986 she teamed up with Per in Roxette with the ambition to reach outside Sweden, and together they started a historical journey that in the coming years would make them one of the biggest pop acts in the world.
The debut single ”Neverending Love” followed by the album ”Pearls of Passion” in 1986 made them stars in Sweden, but international recognition would have to wait until the single ”The Look” from Roxette’s second album ”Look Sharp!” in the spring of 1989 opened the doors to a massive international breakthrough. It was their first No 1 single on Billboard’s Hot 100 chart and would be followed by ”Listen To Your Heart”, ”It Must Have Been Love” and ”Joyride”, as well as numerous worldwide radio staples like ”Dressed For Success”, ”How Do You Do!”, ”Sleeping In My Car”, ”Dangerous”, “Fading Like A Flower” and many more.
The massive success with sales of more than 80 million records paved the way for several worldwide tours, cementing Marie Fredriksson’s reputation as a sensational live performer. She owned the stage, commanded the band and had the audience in the palm of her hand. As great as she was in the studio, the stage was her natural habitat. This unique artistry and energy helped to create a lasting bond between her and millions of passionate fans around the globe.
In 2002, Marie was diagnosed with a severe brain tumor, receiving an aggressive treatment that took its toll but ultimately was successful. Thanks to her extremely strong fighting spirit, Marie by 2009 was able to start a gradual return to the world’s stages. The unlikely second coming of Roxette resulted in several new albums, and tours that again put the duo in front of screaming, smiling and crying crowds all over the world. During the comeback years Marie was an amazing trooper, overcoming the many rigors of touring in order to meet her fans on stage again and again. But by 2016, the show was finally over when Marie´s doctors advised her to stop touring and focus on her health.
Marie leaves us a grand musical legacy. Her amazing voice – both strong and sensitive – and her magical live performances will be remembered by all of us who was lucky enough to witness them. But we also remember a wonderful person with a huge appetite for life, and woman with a very big heart who cared for everybody she met.
Per Gessle comments:
“Time goes by so quickly. It’s not that long ago we spent days and nights in my tiny apartment in Halmstad, listening to music we loved, sharing impossible dreams. And what a dream we eventually got to share!
Thank you, Marie, thanks for everything. You were an outstanding musician, a master of the voice, an amazing performer. Thanks for painting my black and white songs in the most beautiful colours. You were the most wonderful friend for over 40 years. I’m proud, honoured and happy to have been able to share so much of your time, talent, warmth, generosity and sense of humour. All my love goes out to you and your family. Things will never be the same.
Marie Fredriksson’s husband Mikael Bolyos and her two children Josefin and Oscar kindly ask for respect in their grief.
The funeral will take place in silence with only Marie’s closest family present.
Stockholm, December 2019.